Qualitative case studies. The course positions learners to select qualitative or quantitative designs for their dissertation studies. Admission Requirements: Applicants to the online DHA must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.4 or higher in a master's or doctoral degree. Consideration is given to the recognition of data saturation and the management of data. The research conducted at Penn State University in Although not a clinically based course, the course does address the psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic strategies used to assist individuals with managing personal and inter-personal issues leading to improved mental health. Quantitative research typically answers closed-ended questions, and is typically documented using objective language. Through a continual dialogue regarding research and ethics guidelines, we serve the advancement of Grand Canyon University's (GCU) doctoral programs and other academic communities. They actively seek input from other scholars while continuing to design and/or conduct independent research under the guidance of the dissertation committee. Per Hawaii requirements: It is hereby stated that students residing in the State of Hawaii will be charged Hawaii General Excise Tax on all transactions. In the areas where I find myself struggling, I will look to the social side of https://lc.gcumedia.com/res850/gcu-doctoral-research-foundations-and-theories/v1.1/#/chapter/2 Finding Seminal or Landmark Studies The best way to recognize a study is to look at the bibliography of several articles on the same subject. Students living in the District of Oahu will be charged 4.712 percent. Introduction to Advanced Graduate Studies and Scholarhsip. Our site uses cookies to personalize content, to provide social media features/ads and to analyze site traffic. Foundations of Research Design 1 - *2019-20 tuition rates for all courses begin June 1, 2019. In the areas where I find myself struggling, I will look to the social side of, the doctoral process to help guide me in the right direction to continue to be successful i, Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Give Me Liberty! program, but I believe that my undergraduate program truly set me up for success in my current The immigrant paradox in children and adolescents : is becoming American a developmental risk? In this course, learners apply the skills of the practitioner-scholar. An example of a seminal researcher is Edward Deci. Deadline February 20th, 2023! Below are a few ways to find the elements of your topic. What is qualitative versus quantitative research? Psychomotor Performance - 2012 on Navigating the Doctoral Experience suggested the following recommendations for Consider your writing experience and skill development prior to beginning Contact your hosting provider letting them know your web server is not completing requests. Quantitative research, on the other hand, seeks to confirm a hypothesis and often uses numbers and statistical results. It is important to note that seminal or landmark studies have been published many years ago and if you are limiting your search bydate you may miss the original study in your results. This course examines the historical and theoretical background of the behavioristic movement and its major works. The IRB provides timely and efficient processing, review, monitoring, tracking and reporting of all research protocols and IRB activities, and requires that all research conducted by researchers within the GCU community meets the following requirements: All researchers within the GCU community who aspire to conduct research at GCU must submit their request to the IRB using the appropriate form. : an American History (Eric Foner), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. "Quantitative Core Designs: Sampling and Evaluation of Quantitative Research,"Doctoral Research: Foundations and Theories,Grand Canyon University. Behaviorism - ensure - eric. Canyon Journal for Undergraduate Research (CJUR). Dissertation I - 3. In Grand Canyon University (Ed. This course also examines the different approaches to studying HTE as it relates to human motivation, needs, will, love, and existence in a contemporary world. GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY is a doctoral/professional university (Carnegie Classification) that supports and promotes a wide array of student and faculty research. myrec.gcu.edu. A faculty-driven initiative, CIRT crosses teaching disciplines to foster an integrated community of educators. The template for developing a research prospectus, is also introduced, with emphasis on identifying a, researchable topic related to the learners degree, GCU Doctoral Research: Foundations and Theories, Grand Canyon University. Through interaction, Academic engagement through active participation in instructional activities related to the course objectives is paramount to your success in this course and future courses. and thus expected all of his students to attempt to achieve Ivy League research standards. RSD-883 - After, viewing this presentation, communicate to, your dissertation Chair the name and contact, Use this tool to assist with identifying empirical. Doctor of Philosophy in General Psychology: Performance Psychology (Qualitative Research). This course is an introduction to the nature, origins, and history of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Canyon University (Ed. Prerequisite: RES-873. Ask your professor. In Grand Canyon University (Ed. Do you think a mixed-methods approach can help with something like this? Explore. Zion, Bryce, and Escalante. Foundations for Research Details This course provides a broad overview of foundational elements for conducting independent, original research. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Sep 11, 2016 - GCU Doctoral Research: Foundations and Theories. They actively seek input from other scholars while continuing to design independent research under the guidance of the dissertation committee. Learners continue to work with their respective dissertation chairs to prepare a written statement of data collection, and management activities. JIR helps scholars enhance their understanding and the application of best practices in college teaching. Learning to rest (Sabbath) formation community. Most Seminal Studies were originally published some time ago but will be continually mentioned in the works cited or reference pages. for the rigor of my prior degrees. Findthe simple web pages, articles, etc. In this course, learners explore the basic components of GCU qualitative core research designs including descriptive, case study, and phenomenology. Earn your degree with convenience and flexibility with online courses that let you study anytime, anywhere. Seminal Studies or Seminal Research is defined by its influential nature on a topic. Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Theory - To begin this, class, review the course objectives for each Topic, and then answer the, following questions as this will help guide your instructor for course, Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what. I have my under, (psychology & kinesiology), but my psychology program was the one I am most thankful for, The department chair for my psychology program completed his education at Harvard Unive. During undergraduate, my professors held such high standards for their program as well as the Vol. The science of Probability occupies at present a somewhat anomalous position. As I continue to progress through my first doctoral course, I am becoming increasingly thankful Based on your initial readings in Chapter 1 of the course textbook, Your boss was happy with your data collection plan to identify contributions of employees and offer them equitable rewards for their contributions to the success of the company. Graduates may find work in fields such as: Online courses for this program are generally Deci was one of the first and most influential researchers to experimentally explore the construct of intrinsic motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2000). As, ou still have the supervisor job (and your doctoral degree, of course). A book is likely to provide basic history for the field and topic, identify key researchers (the people who have written landmark studies), and define concepts and theories. Learners begin the process of identifying a researchable dissertation topic and are acquainted with appropriate scholarly resources that support the development of the dissertation. For more information on CIRT, visit cirt.gcu.edu, The Canyon Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies is an annual online publication coordinated by CIRT that highlights exemplary student and faculty research completed at GCU. Pinning this post will make it stay at the top of its channel and widgets. academic use of research articles in my undergraduate writings. One Foundation at GCU. Retrieved from - prospectus/v1.1/ Therefore, to be effective with alignment, it's important to make sure that the main elements are logically consistent, and fits with the problem, purpose, and other aspects of the study (Goes & Simon, 2014). Doctoral writing by nature is the defense of ideas supported by reasoned academic "Developing the 10 Strategic Points and Prospectus,"Doctoral Research: Foundations and Theories,Grand Canyon University., Notable research in your field: Reflective practice, Notable employment in your field: Principal, Director of Teaching and Learning, consultant, What are you most passionate about in your field? McClendon, C., and Jacobs, J. Contact your hosting provider letting them know your web server is not completing requests. Those between 3.0 and less than 3.4 GPA scores will be accepted with specifications. General Information: https://researchgcu.igloodigitalworkplace.ca/integrity, CITI Training: https://researchgcu.igloodigitalworkplace.ca/integrity/citi, Site Authorization: https://researchgcu.igloodigitalworkplace.ca/integrity/site, Institutional Review Board (IRB): https://researchgcu.igloodigitalworkplace.ca/irb, IACUC: https://sponsored.gcu.edu/home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/the_institutional_animal_care_and_use_committee, Center for Innovation in Research on Teaching: //cirt.gcu.edu, Institute for Reflective Practice: https://research.gcu.edu/irp, Library Services: https://library.gcu.edu/, Grants and Contracts: https://sponsored.gcu.edu/, Research Training: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/develop/research_ready, Canyon Journal of Undergraduate Research: //research.gcu.edu/cjur, Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies: https://jbtsonline.org/, Journal of Educators Online: https://www.thejeo.com/, Journal of Instructional Research: https://cirt.gcu.edu/jir, Journal of Scholarly Engagement: https://scholarlyengagement.com, Contact Information: //research.gcu.edu/contact, obj.hasPermission(enums.PermissionVerb.Edit): False, numOfValidGroupedLinks -> numOfLinksToDisplay: 16, groupedLinksList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Igloo.Old.App.Velocity.ViewModels.LinkViewModel], groupedLinksList.rankOrder: $groupedLinksList.rankOrder, idx: Igloo.Old.App.Velocity.ViewModels.LinkViewModel, Overview of SoTL: https://research.gcu.edu/teach, Research Ready: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/develop/research_ready, SoTL Consultations: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/support/consultation, Research Tutorials: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/develop/tutorials, Documenting Scholarship of Teaching: /teach/document, Teach Guide: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/reflective_practice_guidelines_32pdf, Overview of Integrate: https://research.gcu.edu/integrate, Documenting Scholarship of Integration: /integrate/document, Integrate Guide: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/grip_version_3_jsepdf, Overview of Apply: https://research.gcu.edu/apply, Documenting Scholarship of Application: /apply/document, Apply Guide: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/collaborative_community_engagement_guidelines_411pdf, Overview of Discover: https://research.gcu.edu/discover, CSET R&D Program: https://researchgcu.igloodigitalworkplace.ca/home/research__design_program, Documenting Scholarship of Discovery: /discover/document, numOfValidGroupedLinks -> numOfLinksToDisplay: 15. GCU doctoral research: Foundations and theories. This course introduces motor learning and control principles, constructs, laws, and theories, and their application to individual skill learning. program. Yoga, play with my two new grandbabies. "Use of Reflective Practice in Teaching Two Online Doctoral Research Courses,"Journal of Scholarly Engagement. Teaching to make a difference in the lives of learners, What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable? RES-831 - Both practices intend to improve employee performance. Speak with your university counselor to learn more about your opportunities for scholarships off tuition through GCU's educational alliances or to find out about options for continuing education for teachers. Academic books on your topic are usually more comprehensive than an article and often, like textbooks, includean overview of your topic. In this course, learners differentiate the epistemological foundations and explore the data trustworthiness, research ethics, and potential for bias in descriptive, case study, and phenomenology research designs. Consideration is given to the broader social, and cultural components that contribute to the, refinement of existing knowledge and the creation. View Resource GCU Doctoral Research: The Literature Landscape Review the material in this text in preparation for the in-class assessment. 1(1). This residency allows learners to continue developing their skills as academic researchers. Residency: The Qualitative Dissertation - CIRT facilitates excellence in scholarship and instruction at GCU. The Office of Research and Grants focuses on the development and management of research initiatives and grants, which entails providing a range of research resources to foster stakeholder scholarly engagement, supporting the university's broader research training and development, and promoting grant tracking and compliance monitoring. Humanistic, Transpersonal and Existential Psychology - PSY-833 - experience to lean on. Not only, to quote a common but often delusive assurance, will 'no knowledge of mathematics beyond the simple rules of Arithmetic' be required to understand these pages, but it is not intended that any such knowledge should be acquired by the process of reading them. Begin your research in an appropriate database (if you are unsure where to start ask a librarian what database would best suit your topic)with some of the key terms you learned in the background research. The Literature Landscape: Psychology - RES-843 - You still want to impress your manager, who has now asked for ideas to reward employees who contribute more to the company. Are you as prepared to develop a written defense of ideas through logical academic This integrated approach reflects our commitment to both student learning and our growing scholarly community. WAC Championships. • Connect to the scholarly, CIRT (Center for Innovation in Research and, Peruse this resource, particularly the Research, tab, for resources to use in the development of, As a doctoral learner, you must identify a, content expert to serve on your dissertation, committee. successful-dissertation/v3/#/home, Holmes, B. D., Robinson, L., & Seay, A. D. (2010, July). 8 weeks. in educational administration, B.S. Application of performance psychology principles to applied settings is also addressed. Connect the current research topast research. What prior knowledge (if any) do you have of this course topic? Research is a cornerstone of the College of Doctoral Studies, empowering learners to collaborate and advance within all fields. According to the findings of the same study, doctoral counselors should be aware What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor, and classmates? (2017). Performance & security by Cloudflare. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from By continuing to navigate this site you are consenting to the collection of information via our use of cookies. The College of Doctoral Studies designed this performance psychology graduate degree program around the following aspects of the field: Theoretical foundations of emotion, cognition and behavior in performance settings Constructs and theories of psychomotor skill and motor control to improve learning and performance Cultural components that contribute to the, refinement of existing knowledge and the creation research under the of... 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