If you have difficulty accessing content, have difficulty viewing a file on the website, or notice any accessibility problems, please contact Kimberly was very professional yet friendly, approachable, and personable. I would highly recommend her, she works hard for you whether you are buying a 50,000 dollar trailer or half million dollar mansion. The knowledge that she had of Crossville became especially important to me during the buying process. And more importantly makes herself available. 4/19/2018 - reneekunarSold a home in 2018 in FL 32113. She has helped our family with 2 home purchases. I have never worked with anyone so committed to getting positive results with such expertise and percision. 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Kimberly Smith with Weichert Realtors handled our transaction with such grace, sensitivity, and professionalism. My expertise of the local market will give you the best possible experience from start to finish. 8 Myths About Renting You Should Stop Believing Immediately, 6 Ways Home Buyers Mess Up Getting A Mortgage, 6 Reasons You Should Never Buy Or Sell A Home Without An Agent, Difference Between Agent, Broker & Realtor, Real Estate Agents Reveal the Toughest Home Buyers They've Ever Met. When it came to closing Davids knowledge of the process was fantastic. (t.length&&(t+=" "),t+="["+e.propertyAddress.address.fullStreetAddress+", "+e.propertyAddress.address.cityStateZip+" ]"):e.image? 2/22/2017 - zuser20161020205929659Bought and sold a Townhouse home in 2012 in Duvall, WA. 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Your time is valuable. Active listings data currently unavailable. Licensed since 1990. Kim Smith. The trademarks MLS, Multiple Listing Service and the associated logos are owned by CREA and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA. When the business is done, I want to call you family. (t.instagram=!0,t.name="Instagram",t.color={text:"#c93a9b",background:"#c9399b",rgb:"201,57,155",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #7D3CAF 0%, #B33393 100%)"},t.icon={color:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-grey-70px-2x.png")}):3===e? Zillow (Canada), Inc. holds real estate brokerage licenses in multiple provinces. 442-H New York Standard Operating Procedures New York Fair Housing NoticeTREC: Information about brokerage services, Consumer protection noticeCalifornia DRE #1522444Contact Zillow, Inc. I'll find you homes within your price range, help you find buyers, assist you with paperwork, and more. I take great pride in providing excellent service and we will create a strategy that works for you. (this.rightoffold(e,t,r,n)||this.leftofbegin(e,t,r,n)||this.belowthefold(e,t,r,n)||this.abovethetop(e,t,r,n))},findEdges:function(e){var t;if(e&&e.length){var r=e.offset();r&&(t={top:r.top,left:r.left,bottom:r.top+e.height(),right:r.left+e.width()})}return t}},a.string={reverse:function(e){for(var t=e.length-1,r="";t>=0;r+=e[t--]);return r},getPrice:function(e){return e||0===e? Chip Smith. My affinity for this area flows into my enjoyment and interest in the real estate market. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please let us know. She goes out of her way to go above and beyond what most would do to make it happen. Kim was very helpful. Her expertise and keen negotiating skills enabled me to find the right house, in the right neighborhood and at the right price. I have had the pleasure of living in the Ocala area for the majority of my life. Kimber Smith worked as a Sales Associate in both residential and commercial real estate since 1988. The trademarks MLS, Multiple Listing Service and the associated logos are owned by CREA and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA. Extensive knowledge on process and resources, provided good and honest advices. Kimberly Smith hasn't provided a bio yet. Please try again. 5/21/2020 - darlenestephens955Showed home in 2020 in TN 38555. (.+)?$/i))){var o,i,s,l=(null===(o=window)||void 0===o?void 0:null===(i=o.location)||void 0===i?void 0:null===(s=i.pathname.match(/([\w\d-]{5,})\/(website)/i))||void 0===s?void 0:s[0])||"";return l? Contact details. 4/24/2019 - cn_lemonsBought and sold a home in 2018 in WA 98370. Throughout the entire process she was professional, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. {protocol:r[1]||location.protocol,host:r[2]||location.host,hostname:r[3]||location.hostname,port:r[4]||location.port,pathname:r[5],search:r[6],hash:r[7]}:null},isiOS:function(){return/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)&&!window.MSStream},isAndroid:function(){return/android/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)},isChromeiOS:function(){return/CriOS/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)},isWebView:function(){return/wv/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)},isHSPuppeteer:function(){return/HSPuppeteer/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)}},a.path={getImageUrl:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";return t.imageRootPath+e},getJSUrl:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";return t.jsRootPath+e},getHandlebarUrl:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";return t.handlebarRootPath+e},getAgentWebsitePreviewUrl:function(){var e,t,r=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"",n=["homesnap.com","citysnap.com","citysnapdev.com"],a=(null===(e=window)||void 0===e?void 0:null===(t=e.location)||void 0===t?void 0:t.origin)||"";if(n.some(function(e){return a.indexOf(e)>-1})&&(null===r||void 0===r||!r.match(/([\w\d-]{5,})\/(website)\/? Kim went above and beyond to help us find our home. From beginning to end her knowledge, caring and follow through made me extremely glad that she is my broker. Kim Smith Follow me on: REALTOR Designations: CLHMS - Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist Areas Served: Northeast, GA - Blueridge, GA - Atlanta Metro Lifestyles Served: Mountain Living, Lake Living, Fairway Living, Residential Living, Barn & Land Living Cell: 678-677-3505 EMAIL ME Copyright 2023 Pearson Smith Realty. We have the professionals you need. She has good knowledge in regards to Marion County, FL- so feel free to hire Kimberly Vollmer Smith for all of your real estate needs. We hire motivated agents with the goal of inspiring them through our exciting, innovative, and high-energy culture. Need an agent who knows how to effectively market your home so it sells? "Last 14 Days":i>=14&&i<30? Areas Served Austin Contact details (512) 576-7341 Office JBGoodwin REALTORS website JBGoodwin REALTORS, Northwest Austin 3933 Steck Avenue, Austin,. She is extremely professional and caring. NAR to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and any assistive technology you use. "Bed":"Beds"}:null},getBaths:function(e,t){var r;return e&&(r={raw:{full:e,half:t||0},string:e.toString(),label:"Baths"},t&&t>0&&(r.string+=1==t? My excellent communication skills mean you will be connected every step of the way to make sure you know your options and what happens next in your transaction. Skip to content. I was referred to Kim Smith of Venture Real Estate Services by a friend. 2 Service areas (0) Professional Information Broker address: Fontana Realty 915 SE 17th Street Ocala, FL 34471 Cell phone: He received his broker's license in 1992 and became a Sales Manager with the company the same year. Kim is kind and dedicated to helping you sell your home and buy a home. My name is Kimberly Smith and I have been active in Real Estate since 2003 when I partnered with an award winning, start-up company in the Seattle area. Kim is amazing. "Last 90 Days":i>=90&&i<365? I would recommend Shaun to anyone looking to buy a property in the Northern Virginia area. (n.conversationLong=e[o.getDay()]+" "+n.formattedTime,n.conversationShort=e[o.getDay()],n):(n.conversationLong=n.monthDayYear+" "+n.formattedTime,n.conversationShort=n.monthDayYear,n)}return null},getSummary:function(e){var t="";return e.text&&(t=e.text),e.propertyAddress? Kimberly Smith can help you estimate the value of your home and get an accurate estimate commonly used in the real estate market, known as a Comparative Market Analysis or "CMA". She has always enjoyed working in real estate and works. Kim took a lot of the stress out of the home buying process. Kim researched several houses that were for sale and we set up a time to look at them. I took a career hiatus to raise my two children that are now in school full-time, allowing me to refocus . His attention to detail made it possible for us to find our dream home and navigate a multi-bid situation. Realtor Specialties Buyer's agent Listing agent Relocation Hi! She had genuine care for her client (myself). Trying to do it all on your own can be burdensome. Buying OR Selling can be overwhelming at times and Im here to help make the decision process easy for you and ensure that everything goes smoothly and stress free. 1 talking about this. Brokerage. Any situation can be handled in a top notch fashion with Kimberly and the depth of the team that backs her. Kim Buchan Toll Brothers Real Estate, Inc Weichert, Realtors-Pillar NW. This map can show the most recent 100 listings and 100 sales. 2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{},i="string"==typeof e? Please switch to a supported browser or download one of our Mobile Apps. Download VCF Contact Card. She really listened to what our needs and wants were. Find real estate agent & Realtor Kimberley Smith in LAKELAND, FL on realtor.com, your source for top rated real estate professionals. Delia was great to work with! Kimberly Smith-Moore Senior Director of Homeownership Programs Real Estate Broker Professional Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States 1K followers 500+ connections Join to connect Minnesota. She is truly a class act. Zillow Group is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Pearson Smith Realty has since grown from 17 agents working out of our CEO's basement, to nearly 1,000 agents servicing the DMV and WV markets. It was quite a journey, but he was there all the way! She was very kind and honest in her work. REALTOR, Managing Broker, Long Beach Office. My name is Kimberly Smith and I have been active in Real Estate since 2003 when I partnered with an award winning, start-up company in the Seattle area. We had a real partner in our home buying and selling experience with Scott. He received his brokers license in 1992 and became a Sales Manager with the company the same year. Smith has served on many local and state real estate association committees, and has held numerous offices including . Smith has served on many local and state real estate association committees, and has held numerous offices including President of the Williamsburg Area Association of REALTORS (WAAR), and President of the Williamsburg Multiple Listing Service (WMLS).He won WAARs REALTOR Rookie of the Year award in 1989, REALTOR of the Year Award in 1994, the Code of Ethics Award in 2003, and the WAAR Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009. ".5":".5+"),1!=e||t&&0!=t||(r.label="Bath")),r},getSqFt:function(e){return e? SAMSON PROPERTIES website. I was raised in Ilwaco, WA where I went to school and grew up around generations of family that I have been fortunate to surround myself with. Trying to do it all on your own can be burdensome. I recently retired and moved to Tennessee with the intentions of buying a new home. 4/6/2014 - Diana JohnsonBought a Single Family home in 2014 in Duvall, WA. 1/16/2020 - EricPerez59Sold a Mobile / Manufactured home in 2020 in Ocala, FL. Kimberly is excellent in her own right and what makes her the absolute best is the team that works with her. Career Break. In an ever-changing market, I know that it is imperative that both buyers and sellers are consistently provided the most up-to-date information necessary to make the most accurate of decisions. We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation requests. {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString()}:null},getLotSize:function(e){return e? 43777 Central Station Drive, Suite 390 We had an amazing experience with Dustin. Kimberly Smith website. She makes her clients best interest a top priority. 1/18/2022 - user0676481Bought a Single Family home in 2022 in Crossville, TN. 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Kimberly always responded to my calls and texts promptly. She is positive, upbeat and quite knowledgeable. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. You have questions and I have answers. She went above and beyond for our family and situation. We can assure you that she will not disappoint. Empowering anyone who desires to create generational wealth through buying, selling, or investing. He is very accommodating, flexible, and knowledgeable. Contact Me That's why take the time upfront to understand your unique wants, needs and dislikes to ensure the rest of our time together is productive as possible. Always prompt and professional with vast knowledge regarding the transaction process and how to negotiate. (360) 783-2500. $689,000 414 Hargrove Lane Decatur, GA 30030 $465,000 945 Ashbury Heights Court Decatur, GA 30030 $369,000 293 Ormond Street SE Atlanta, GA 30315 $1,525 2312 Pryor Rd Sw . Sold my house in 2 days. {raw:t,string:"#"+t}:null,city:r,state:n,zip:a,cityState:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":""),cityStateZip:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":"")+(a||"")}},getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit:function(e,t){return t&&t.toString().length>0?e.split(" #")[0]:e},getBeds:function(e){return e?{raw:e,string:e.toString(),label:1==e? Nicole respects each transaction as unique and follows through on all the specific details of each transaction. She explained that she was born and raised in Crossville. Make it easy on yourself by putting your home in the hands of a seasoned professional. Kimberly Smith Realtor | Ocala FL "$".concat(a.string.getShortNumber(e)):"$".concat((e/1e6).toString(),"M")}}),o=[],i=0;i<=1e4;i+=100)o.push(i);o.push(1e8);var s=o.map(function(e){return{value:e,label:"$".concat(a.string.getShortNumber(e))}}),l={sale:{min:n.slice(0,-1),max:n.slice(1)},rent:{min:s.slice(0,-1),max:s.slice(1)}};return l.sale.max[l.sale.max.length-1]={label:"$5M+",value:1e8},l.rent.max[l.rent.max.length-1].label="$10K+",l},getYearBuiltOptions:function(){for(var e=new Date,t=e.getFullYear(),r=[];t>=2014;)r.push(t),t-=1;r=r.concat([2010,2005,2e3,1990,1980,1970,1960,1950,1925,1900]);var n=r.map(function(e){return{value:e,label:e}}),a={min:_toConsumableArray(n).reverse(),max:n};return a.max.unshift({label:"Any",value:3e3}),a.min.unshift({label:"Any",value:0}),a}},a.savedSearches={getSavedSearchUrl:function(e){var t=e.sd.getUrl(),r="",n="";if(e.boundaryEntity){switch(e.boundaryEntity.type_){case"HSAreaItem":n="/p_21,".concat(e.boundaryEntity.areaID);break;case"HSSchool":n="/p_26,".concat(e.boundaryEntity.id);break;case"HSStreetArea":n="/p_51,".concat(e.boundaryEntity.id)}r=e.boundaryEntity.url}var a="";if(e.bounds&&e.bounds.center){var o=e.bounds.center();a="/c_".concat(o.lat.toString(),",").concat(o.lng.toString())}var i="/b_".concat(e.bounds.north,",").concat(e.bounds.east,"-").concat(e.bounds.south,",").concat(e.bounds.west),s="";e.encodedPolygons&&void 0!==e.encodedPolygons&&(s="/cp_".concat(encodeURIComponent(e.encodedPolygons)));var l="";if(e.commuteTimePlaces){l="";for(var u=0;u0?t.push(n.minimum.toString()+"+ Beds"):n.maximum===n.minimum?t.push(n.minimum.toString()+" Beds"):n.minimum>0&&n.maximum<100&&t.push(n.minimum.toString()+"-"+n.maximum.toString()+" Beds");var a=r.filters&&r.filters.baths?r.filters.baths:{};0===a.minimum&&1===a.maximum?t.push("0-1 Baths"):1===a.minimum&&2===a.maximum?t.push("1-2 Baths"):2===a.minimum&&3===a.maximum?t.push("2-3 Baths"):3===a.minimum&&4===a.maximum?t.push("3-4 Baths"):4===a.minimum&&5===a.maximum?t.push("4-5 Baths"):5===a.minimum&&50===a.maximum?t.push("5+ Baths"):0===a.minimum&&0===a.maximum?t.push("0 Baths"):50===a.maximum&&a.minimum>0?t.push(a.minimum.toString()+"+ Baths"):void 0!==a.minimum&&a.maximum===a.minimum?t.push(a.minimum.toString()+" Baths"):a.minimum>0&&a.maximum<50&&t.push(a.minimum.toString()+"-"+a.maximum.toString()+" Baths");var o=r.filters&&r.filters.price?r.filters.price:{};if(o.minimum&&o.minimum.raw>0&&o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push(o.minimum.short+" - "+o.maximum.short):o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push("0&&t.push(">"+o.minimum.short),r&&r.filters&&r.filters.date)switch(r.filters.date){case 1:t.push("Today");break;case 2:t.push("Over 1 Week");break;case 3:t.push("Over 1 Month");break;case 4:t.push("Over 3 Months");break;case 5:t.push("Over 6 Months");break;case 6:t.push("Over a Year");break;case 7:t.push("Past Week");break;case 8:t.push("Past Month");break;case 9:t.push("Past 3 Months");break;case 10:t.push("Past 6 Months");break;case 11:t.push("Past Year");break;case 12:t.push("Tomorrow");break;case 13:t.push("This Week");break;case 14:t.push("Saturday");break;case 15:t.push("Sunday");break;case 16:t.push("This Weekend");break;case 17:t.push("This Week");break;case 18:t.push("Next Weekend")}return t=t.join(", "),e&&e.boundaryEntity? 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Since 1988 process she was born and raised in Crossville helped our family 2.
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