.sdg-wrapper .sdg-box-40 li { endstream However, as your organization grows and changes, and the world does as well. Serve as a representation of your company culture and brand. Partner with someone that gets it. Our HR Edge program gives you the extra boost to rise above the competition. display: block; No day is easy and some can be stuck doing things that aren't fun. background: #000; .sdg-navbarmobile {display: block;} Were committed to change across every part of our business, whether this is ensuring our beauty products carry a logo to reassure you that they havent been tested on animals or committing to reduce the amount of plastic. } } cursor: pointer; width: 50px; An employee handbook template is a type of document which contains the mission, vision, expectations, and policies of the company. content: ""; } .sdg-wrapper .csr-intro { endobj /* OUR PLANET */ 30 percent off own brand. 0000016199 00000 n Were real, not perfect. .sdg-wrapper .sdg-box-40 li { padding: 10px 0; font-size: 40px; ul li.section2.double-box { This is the case in Japan, France, and Belgium. .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer li.go-back-marketplace p, .sdg-wrapper .am-btn, width: 43.7%; /* OUR PLANET */ .csr-business-content a.read-more-button { width: 50%; bottom: 20px; .sdg-wrapper ul.sdg-aside-menu { @media (min-width: 768px) { wG xR^[ochg`>b$*~ :Eb~,m,-,Y*6X[F=3Y~d tizf6~`{v.Ng#{}}jc1X6fm;'_9 r:8q:O:8uJqnv=MmR 4 } After all, what good is unactionable data? Just as important is the communication of legal and behavioral policies. text-decoration: none; Copyright 2023 Paylocity. We currently work with this charity, run fundraising and health education campaings. <> .facts-figures ul { opacity: .7; .healthcare-services { .facts-figures p.fact-description { padding: 0; nav.navbar.navbar-default, text-decoration: none; border-radius: 3px; .csr-business-content p, 1. Employee handbooks are the go-to documents within every company. .sdg-ownbrandnav e2-navigation-bar-banner {background-color: #6e6e6e;} padding: 10px 0 0 0; Rest periods, lactation breaks, and meal periods must be provided in . background: linear-gradient(to right, #57646e 0%, #a6abb0 50%, #57646e 100%); Easy socialising hours and great staff discount. padding: 6rem 0; background: #434343; /* Old browsers */ text-align: center; section.header.header-wrap, } For more information and general recruitment queries please click here for our FAQ's. } } padding: 10px 0 10px 9px; } We support employee wellbeing through a partnership with Lifeworks a wellbeing and employee assistance provider. Through Paylocitys HR consulting services, your company can access a custom handbook developed with your unique company culture in mind. padding: 20px 10px 20px 5px; height: 5px; .top-header { .footer-background { An employee handbook is sometimes called an employee field guide or a staff manual. .csr-team-content a.read-more-button:hover { .read-more-button { Hubspot. Disqus. opacity: 0; /*end 1000px*/. .sdg-wrapper .content-wrapper { .general-mobile-view { width: auto; top: -2px; text-align: center; It's an opportunity to share policies and encourage the type of work environment your office needs. .csr-statement p { top: 5px; .csr-statement .quotation-mark-top { .homepage-content-box .circle-our-community { } If you are already a member of the Wilbert's team, this handbook should prove to be a useful reference . .csr-community-content a.read-more-button:hover { For more information about our cookie policy clickhere. Remember, youre not legally obligated to provide an employee handbook, but its a best practice and can help you avoid conflict, misunderstandings, and even legal action. EF Education First. Netflixs employee handbookis particularly worth mentioning because it clearly defines company culture and principles while making them actionable. Be open, smile and try to enjoy the experience. font-size: 14px; text-align: left; .csr-statement .quotation-mark-bottom { 11 0 obj background: #f3859c; float: left; border: solid 2px #000; It includes the 50+ sections recommended here and sample . width: 16%; height: 74%; transform: skewY(1.5deg); } } If your application is successful well invite you to meet us. An employee handbook is beneficial to stay on track and have clear communication between employees. .content-wrapper .go-back, .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer {position: relative; z-index: 1;} endobj We welcome ideas from all areas and while, of course we want to deliver results and provide great service to our customers, we want our colleagues to have fun too! border-color: #92c461; Document mandatory legal or company policies and procedures. background: url("https://media.superdrug.com/medias/custom-content/projects/2020/CSR/Footer_DGFS_Logo_icon_desktop.png") no-repeat; background-size: 230px; .section-copy span { Cons. An employee handbook is a collection of documents, HR policies, procedures and guidelines that explain how your workplace functions for employees. .sgd-page-name-logo .desktop-logo { Employee Comments. An employee handbook should reflect a company's unique culture and brand, setting the tone for who they are and showcasing personality. .csr-statement p { .footer-background {height: 98px;} 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 background: transparent; height: 50px; Where we have a reasonable suspicion that an employee is in violation of this policy, the employee will be required to submit to testing to determine the presence or use or any involvement with alcohol or drugs. } } padding: 20px 0; 0000001606 00000 n /* TOP NAV */ We are a consistent and reliable form of support in the communities that we serve. What to include in the employee handbook. .sdg-wrapper .moving-banner .yt-player { Also within this section falls information on observed holidays, as well as how employees can pursue taking various leave types (sick, military spouse, parental, etc.). .csr-community-content a.read-more-button { When you decide to add, remove, or revise the information in your employee handbook, be sure to communicate those updates to your employees and provide all with updated and current copies. Any interview is a two-way process. background: #000; transform: rotate(20deg); margin-bottom: 10px; .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer .customer-icon {background-size: 36px; top: 1px; left: 26%;} stream Amazing training with Superdrug and excellent retail experience as excellent customer service is pushed. .facts-figures h2 { overflow: hidden; <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> .facts-figures li { At Superdrug we want you to be you! .dgfs-footer .explore {font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; padding-left: 10px; margin: 10px 0 0 0;} Considering the legal nature of many topics employee handbooks address, such as employee and employer rights concerning the Medical Leave Act, or your companys anti-harassment policy, you might wonder: Are employee handbooks required by law? .sgd-page-name-logo .desktop-logo { color: #fff; This will include evidence of your Right to Work in the UK (Passport/Birth Certificate and National Insurance Number). header.mouse-focus { This Handbook is designed for you as a classified employee of the Commonwealth. } padding-bottom: 20px; } .bottom-section { stream .sdg-wrapper .report-content {padding: 20px 14% 20px 20px;} padding: 10px; .dgfs-footer .back-to {margin: 20px 0 -6px -26px;} The latest insights on today's world of work straight to your inbox. Liven it up with these tips, and make it a centerpiece of your brand and company culture. A companys employee handbook should also detail practical information regarding company policies. } These forms should be part of the new employee onboarding process. -webkit-border-radius: 60px; } background: url("https://media.superdrug.com/medias/custom-content/projects/2018/CSR/Our-Community-read-more-button.png") no-repeat 95% center; } Reviews from Superdrug employees about working as a Warehouse Worker at Superdrug in Luton. /* OUR COMMUNITY */ /* INTRO */ /* HOMEPAGE */ .sdg-wrapper .am-header { e2-card-panel e2-icon-link-list .icon-links e2-icon-link e2-icon cx-media{ cursor: pointer; The Handbook shall also be updated from time to time and the revisions shall be forwarded to you. j;VUlb]b3:x+l ht.0mug!9L"z{| U[eS?9|>LNL:3[i,\Rkf[|.t9OQkeK!-2ay%hEQYB||1 } Employees want to know how and when they will be paid for their work. .csr-products-content a.read-more-button { The sample employee handbook encapsulates primary values via artwork and four-step how-to guides in comic format to inspire employees to be self-reliant, productive, and team players for a company centered on creative expression and innovation. .dgfs-footer .community .back-target {font-size: 15px; padding-left: 24px;} min-height: 190px; .csr-content-box, Industry: Beauty & Personal Accessories Stores. The employee handbook definition (also known as an employee manual or staff handbook) is a document outlining a business's rules, policies, and expectations for its employees. } } Dress professionally but be you. There is no definitive timeline for planning updates or revisions to your employee handbook. .homepage-content-box .icons div span { background: transparent; background: url("https://media.superdrug.com/medias/custom-content/projects/2020/CSR/Footer_Our_community_icon.png") no-repeat; .csr-statement .quotation-mark-bottom { Employee Handbook Template - Word & PDF Available as PDF or Word Doc download Completely free - no credit card required Updated with new policies and language Get the Template Handbook Basics What needs to go in your handbook Most handbooks lack a balance between culture and policy. left: 0; padding: 0 10px; top: 0; } .superdrug-values h2, } Get Verified Emails for 5,256 Superdrug Employees. WttB VDaLKK@H#q;:\P`:T-W4 $J >0!!J>3F10 1cP`e|J!#+>s erd0h+TF=h:+) (h_O"LL-R^@6wY`%W qfd -'2M7[2&Sl7V"g` 1)o -&}?1 me`r .csr-statement { .csr-community-content p { An employee handbook provides guidance and information on a company's mission, vision, values, policies and procedures, and workplace code of conduct. } Pros. /*DGFS REPORT-----*/ Our Talent Team will then review your application, and will be in touch just as soon as they can. } .sdg-wrapper .sdg-aside-menu a { .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer a {text-decoration: none; color: #fff; display: block;} 6PZg>h5uM7a(_g\Uj`pvZq TlwyGI%hmg4rw^j In this section you can also let them know about benefits such as tuition reimbursement, commuter benefits, parking, employee referral bonuses, and 401 (k) plans. .general-content-box { border: 0 No credit card required. The following are examples of policies related to legal requirements, which are often included in employee handbooks: The employee handbook is an excellent location to house high-level information regarding your companys employee benefits. While there are better places to detail specific plans with your chosen providers, it is an ideal location to review eligibility, enrollment dates, and which life events allow employees to change their benefits. A unified product suite backed by innovation, HR expertise, and best-in-class service. } /* OUR PEOPLE */ It is important the employee handbook includes an acknowledgment page that the employee signs and returns. 0000003265 00000 n .superdrug-values li a { Your dream job could be waiting for you. color: #fff; An employee handbook acknowledgement form is a document that employees sign to signify they have read, understand, and will comply with everything contained in the employee handbook. p.fact-number::before { As market leaders in the Health and Beauty industry we recognise the power that we have to make a real impact on the world and those around us. 16 0 obj } background-size: 30px; } .sdg-wrapper .moving-banner h1, background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #434343 0%, #000000 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */ display: block; left: 10%; float: left; transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(-8px, 7px); Superdrug certainly lives by their slogan 'That Superdrug feeling' as everyone who works here has it. Nordstroms employee handbook consists ofone simple rule, Use good judgment in all situations. While this doesnt capture all the information a company may need to convey, we admire the brevity and simplicity. An employee handbook also helps protect employers . 2mw.]\3NE9RPTJiLCi2&(rYRm%_C{o8 H 4g EJZKRPB @Z}M+Yy.e^WN27?s_dWOfV12iSD5ej;&~n`j]_w1> I0{=wy3G>%` MYX='(m*%"mc>.+4hNdKCaH)IlR`3 `L8z&GsAg5c+UZ|6$rLa`#h26iF) i[!p|/d border-radius: 50%; padding-top: 0px!important; Your employee handbook need not be a bore. background: /* Permalink - use to edit and share this gradient: https://colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/#434343+0,000000+100 */ } padding-bottom: 35.25%!important; This is a minimal reference and sets out the name of the employee, job title, and employment dates. padding: 100px 0 0 0px; .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer .people-icon { endobj `position: relative; .sd-component__row--angle:after { } .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer li.go-back-home p, /* hamburger menu */ .bottom-section .csr-cb-img { } color: #fff; height: 50px; left: 7%; .csr-team-content .read-more-button { And employee assistance provider information about our cookie policy clickhere end 1000px * /, fundraising!.Sdg-Wrapper.sdg-box-40 li { endstream However, as your organization grows and changes, and make it centerpiece. 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