It is stated that his Aunt, who beat him often, once threw him into a blazing furnace but yet Allah saved him from the flames. According to one legend, Noble Drew Ali traveled around the world before the age of twenty-seven, in an effort to discover all he could about the heritage of his As Timothy Drew was born through the new era of time in regards to his race relationship with others, that they had endured almost 400 years of slavery, and just 20 years before his birth, they were set free. Although there had been disputes between the NOI and Black American Moors, Farrakhan said the two groups were once close. His approach appealed to thousands of African Americans who had left severely oppressive conditions in the South through the Great Migration and faced struggles adapting in new urban environments. Subordinate Temple No. Timothy Drew,[2] better known as Noble Drew Ali , was an American who founded the Moorish Science Temple of America. This is the uniting of the Holy Koran of Mecca for teaching and instructing all Moorish Americans, etc. 2020 Kentake Page. Several details of Drew Ali's early life are uncertain, as true information became mixed with that of legend by his devout followers. This said Sage gave to Noble Drew some of the innermost meaning of human life. In the growing years of Timothy Drew he discovered many things. [21] The Moorish Science movement was reportedly studied and watched by the Chicago police. [5] Male members of the Temple wear a fez or turban as head covering; women wear a turban.[6][5][14]. 15. Showing search results for "Noble Drew Ali" sorted by relevance. Others thought it was due to pneumonia. At sixteen Drew began his wandering a circus magician, which took him to Egypt where he received self knowledge and direction from a priest, the last of a cult of High Magic practiced for centuries in the pyramid of Cheops. "[22] With the growth in its population and membership, Chicago was established as the center of the Moorish Science movement. [11] He suggested that all Asiatics should be allied. He established his first temple in Newark, New Jersey. Timothy Drew, better known as Noble Drew Ali (January 8, 1886 - July 20, 1929), was an American who founded the Moorish Science Temple of America. The Moorish Movement in North America stands as the foundation of Islam and Islamic nationalism in America via its founder, Prophet Noble Drew Ali, who started his work in 1913 in Newark NJ. In 2014, a completely different understanding of Drew Ali's early life was presented with the publication of an article in the online Journal of Race Ethnicity and Religion. Ali founded the Moorish Science Temple of America in 1913, based at his Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey. Show more information Cookies on OCLC websites The following year he officially registered Temple No. However, the governors of the Moorish Science Temple of America declared Charles Kirkman-Bey to be the successor to Drew Ali and named him Grand Advisor. He was born Timothy Drew on January 8, 1886, to parents who were ex-slaves in North Carolina. Prologue Chapter I The Creation and Fall of Man Chapter II Education of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan, Egypt Chapter III Elihu's Lessons-The Unity of Life One version of his life, common among members of the Moorish Science Temple, holds that Drew was raised by an abusive aunt, who once threw him into a furnace. The Canaanite Temple was an early indication that the so-called Negroes were of Asiatic origin from the Holy Land of Canaan. The article presented newly compiled evidence, including census records, newspaper ads, newspaper articles, a World War I draft card, and street directory records, to link Noble Drew Ali to one "Thomas Drew," who was born on the same date as "Timothy Drew" but originated from Virginia instead. Are broader financial markets in a massive speculative bubble? The Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded on July 4, 1930, in Detroit, Michigan, by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad. During those days all Moors born in the United States were State-certified to be Commercial Property under the "All Persons Born" Clause of the 14th Amendment. ", The third and fourth Generations are here and some of them will come into the Temple with their eyes opened and place you "old" Moors in the back! Sources differ as to his background and upbringing: one reports he was the orphaned son of two former slaves born in a Cherokee tribe, while another describes him as the son of John A. The first 19 chapters are from The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, published in 1908 by esoteric Ohio preacher Levi Dowling. The Moors endured years of conflict and division. He was also a teacher of Helena P. Blavatsky. Several details of Drew Ali's early life are uncertain, as true information became mixed with that of legend by his devout followers. Noble life demands a noble architecture for noble uses of noble men. [3][5] Drew Ali also reportedly worked as a circus magician, or a merchant seaman, before purportedly traveling to Egypt. Perkins cites "Standard Certificate of Death No. The Holy Divine Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, says that a follower of Islam in the true sense of the word is one whose hands, tongue, and thoughts do no hurt others. The services were held at the Pythian Temple in Chicago, followed by the burial at Burr Oak Cemetery in nearby Alsip. Edward Mealy El stated that he had been declared Drew Ali's successor by Drew Ali himself, while John Givens-El, Drew Ali's chauffeur, declared that he was Drew Ali reincarnated. [6][5][15][16] Drew Ali and his followers migrated, while planting congregations in Philadelphia; Washington, D.C., and Detroit. There were also branches in Philadelphia, Washington D. C., and Detroit. Despite this, there have been tensions between the two groups throughout the years. This we do know, he grew up as any Asiatic child. Noble Drew Ali, born Jan. 8th, 1886 - June 20th, 1929 in Charlotte, North Carolina, was (according to his own . [6] He never received a formal education, but at some point came into contact with Eastern philosophy. Prophet Noble Drew Ali -The Egyptian Adept. First Drew Ali had to explain to the unconscious Asiatic what Islam was. These are the ones who have created the educational, financial, spiritual and political institutions. [24] When Drew Ali returned to Chicago, the police arrested him and other members of the community on suspicion of having instigated the killing. Ali used this material to claim Jesus and his followers were Asiatic. Just as Neapolitan attempted to hide the Moorish features. 5 is a social and religious institution whose continuous mission is to raise our people's awareness of the NATIONALITY and DIVINE CREED Almighty God Allah saw fit to have returned to us; thereby uplifting fallen humanity. Noble drew ali & the moorish science temple of. Views are those of authors and not necessarily those of Canada Free Press. Toggle sidebar This is arguably the greatest and most comprehensive work on the founder of the Moorish movement in America. On March 15, Green-Bey was stabbed to death at the Unity Hall of the Moorish Science Temple, on Indiana Avenue in Chicago.[23]. According to the biography, the high priest trained Ali in mysticism and gave him a "lost section" of the Quran. [12], Drew Ali believed that African Americans were all Moors, who he claimed were descended from the ancient Moabites (describing them as belonging to Northwest Africa as opposed to Moab as the name suggests). The Moorish Science Temple of America was established for the Asiatic to see more clearly their duties, obligations, and need to adhere to the Divine principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. He simply stated, "I will wait on Allah to tell me, I will return to the South." Prophet Noble Drew Ali brought us back our Nationality. Considered a prophet by his followers, in 1913 he founded the Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey, before relocating to Chicago, where he gained a following of thousands of converts. Drew Ali was out of town at the time, as he was dealing with former Supreme Grand Governor Lomax-Bey (professor Ezaldine Muhammad), who had supported Green-Bey's attempted coup. Islam teaches that everyone has within them the seed of perfect development and it rests solely with themselves to make or mar their future. Moabites are a West-Semitic people who lived in the highlands east of the Dead Sea (now in west-central Jordan). Wallace Fard Muhammad was a member of the Moorish Science Temple and the founder of the Nation of Islam. Prophet Noble Drew Ali brought us everything that it takes to save a nation. Prophet Drew Ali stated during the firstannualconvention of The Moorish Science Temple of America in the year of 1928; "In a profound sense the problems of life are moral and spiritual." ", One of the Presidents counsels asked, "What kind of flag is your flag?" Ali later relocated to Chicago. 107, other copyrighted work is provided for educational purposes, research, critical comment, or debate without profit or payment. Little is known neither of his early childhood nor of his father and mothers true character. [9], Drew Ali reported that during his travels in Egypt, he met a high priest of Egyptian magic. He talks about the risk factors for Bitcoin as an investment asset including origin risk, speculative market structure, regulatory, and environment. By 1913, Timothy Drew, now known as Noble Drew Ali, managed to convince hundreds of Newark Negroes that they were not the descendants of African slaves, but the sons and daughters of Berber. Wilson, p. 15; Gomez, p. 203; Paghdiwala; Gale Group. Ali had the male members of his Temple wear a Fez or turban as a head covering; the women wore turbans. He was born of the Cherokee tribe of the Moorish Nation, and was named Timothy Drew. Timothy Drew, better known as Noble Drew Ali, was born Jan. 8, 1886 and died on July 20, 1929. "A Pure Moorish Islamic Community to Inform, Educate & Uplift", The Moorish Movement in North America stands as the foundation of Islam and Islamic nationalism in America via its founder, Prophet Noble Drew Ali, who started his work in 1913 in Newark NJ. Frank Lloyd Wright. Pursuant to Title 17 U.S.C. As As time went on the other two had other things to do, and asked of the one now called Noble Drew what he would do. 2. These are just some of Prophet Drew Alis thoughts in regards to the Faith of the Prophet Mohammed. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Numerous books has been authored by renowned Moorish historian, Leader, Teacher and Islamic Scholar; Shaykh Ra Saadi El. Noble Drew Ali Foundation, Indianapolis, Indiana. Noble Drew Ali was known to have had several wives. His name at birth; Timothy Drew. Shortly after his release by the police, Drew Ali died at age 43 at his home in Chicago on July 20, 1929. Even here under the banner of what was called Islam, he found his people in MENTAL poverty on the bottom of the human ladder, suffering in their own country ruled by foreigners who conquered the people and soil, and both lie dying before his feet. Under the leadership of Bro.Dawiyd Ali El the grandbody of Bro.E.Mealy-El and the Master teacher Noble Drew Ali and ALLAH. One Moor told The Chicago Defender that "The Prophet was not ill; his work was done and he laid his head upon the lap of one of his followers and passed out. "[27][28] His funeral took place on July 25, 1929, with hundreds attending. [30] However, the governors of the Moorish Science Temple of America declared Charles Kirkman-Bey to be the successor to Drew Ali and named him Grand Advisor. Ali's Moorish Science Temple helped lay the foundation for the founding of the Nation of Islam. Noble Drew Ali-Re taught use that, through our free . This in all reality was a focal point of their salvation. Drew Ali wrote the last four chapters of the Circle Seven Koran himself. Merely said, the Biography Of Noble Drew Ali The Exhuming Of A Nation Free is universally compatible past any devices to read. The Fez hat worn by Ali and his followers was a solid color and was not designed with the moon and star that the NOI members wore, according to Elijah Muhammad. Now Prophet Drew Ali recognized that a beggar nation could not reach its highest spirituality, so Drew Ali began to stress economic development and social oneness (creating a Moorish Society). has its origins in the Moorish Science Temple of America and the lessons that those who follow him call Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Some state that this is not true Islam, yet while slavery still existed in the Ottoman Empire which stretched from the tip of Turkey to the top of North West Africa. One Moor told The Chicago Defender that "The Prophet was not ill; his work was done and he laid his head upon the lap of one of his followers and passed out.". In 1927, Moorish Science Temple founder Noble Drew Ali created the Moorish Manufacturing Corporation to market his line of healing teas, tonics, and oils. [9] The article presented newly compiled evidence, including census records, newspaper ads, newspaper articles, a World War I draft card, and street directory records, to link Noble Drew Ali to one "Thomas Drew," who was born on the same date as "Timothy Drew" but originated from Virginia instead. [2] Following the murder of a rival Moorish Science Temple leader, Drew Ali was arrested (but never charged) and sent to jail; he died in 1929 shortly after being released. From the years 1929-1936, the movement began to fragment, giving birth to other popular organizations and movements, such as the Nation of Islam, the Black Hebrews, and many others. These are they that created the body of politics that govern the people of this land. When He said that, the Prophet was holding up a Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America and a Questionnaire to show us the books we need to save ourselves with. Nation of Islam leaders denied any historical connection to the Moorish Science Temple of America, until February 26, 2014, when Louis Farrakhan acknowledged Noble Drew Ali's contribution to the Nation of Islam. The author meticulously and . No indictment was sworn for Drew Ali at that time. . He also saw the place where his race built GREAT pyramids, dug the Nile, chartered the coarse of stars, and developed the Science of the Mysteries of both human life and life after death. Quoted by Paghdiwala, p. 24. Considered a prophet by his followers, in 1913 he founded the Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey, before relocating to Chicago, where he gained a following of thousands of converts. You will get an email reminder before your trial ends. There are several similarities of the two movements, from the Fez hat worn by both Ali and NOI leader Elijah Muhammad (who took over the group after Wallace Fard Muhammads disappearance in 1934) to both groups naming their meeting places temples.. THE MOORS OF NORTH, SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA REFERRED TO AS BLACK, LATINO, AFRICAN, INDIAN AND WEST INDIAN ETC. this show is going to have our brother Sheik Taj Tarik Bey and if possible Bro.Dr.E.Pleasant-Bey. 9. [35], In 1986, the Moroccan Ambassador to the United States officially recognized the Moorish Science Temple's Islamic linkage to Morocco through Drew Ali.[6]. Timothy Drew, better known as Noble Drew Ali (January 8, 1886 - July 20, 1929), was an American who founded the Moorish Science Temple of America. Following the Russo-Japanese war, which occurred in 1905, many Black Americans took pride in Japans victory because it symbolized more than a military achievement. The accounts of Timothy Drews childhood are varied, from him being the son of two former enslaved parentswho was adopted by a tribe of Cherokee Native Americans, to him being the son of a Moroccan Muslim father and a Cherokee mother. Now unity of Allah is the very first and foremost pillar of Islam and every other belief hangs upon it. Uchenna Edeh is a Montreal born and raised artist of Nigerian descent. The movement reached its peak in 1928, with an estimated 70% of the African American population being involved in one way or another nationwide. Since the year 2000, America has seen a great interest and resurgence of the movement, but in its 70+, year dormancy there is much confusion as the exact direction of the organization and the original intent of its founder, until Now. In spite of all the problems that arise when leading a people, and being handicapped on every side it was not until October 15th, 1925 that the first Temple of Islam was established by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Noble Drew Ali, born Timothy Drew in North Carolina in 1886, rose by Cherokee Indians and adopted into that tribe. He founded the Moorish Science Temple of America and was considered a prophet by his followers, but his beginnings are not exactly known. From his travels through out this land, he knew that the sins being committed and being practiced by his people in the United States of America. There sat certain hidden things. In the year 1886, there was a Divine Prophet born in the state of North Carolina. An historical account of the Life, Works and Teachings of Prophet Dew Ali, The Moorish Science Temple of America. This man carried on the trust placed in him, faced with great odds. Thinking or belief in ALLAH is the beginning of the soul's journey to praising ALLAH. There the Kingdom of Heaven was re-brought to Earth. Since the year 2000, America has seen a great interest and resurgence of the movement, but in its 70+, year dormancy there is much confusion as the exact direction of the organization and the original intent of its founder, until Now. Bennett, believed the origin of Gurdjieff's system can be traced to the Sufis of Central Asia. Considered a prophet by his followers, in 1913 he founded the Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey, before relocating to Chicago, where he gained a following of thousands of converts. Access a growing selection of included Audible Originals, audiobooks and podcasts. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. Timothy Drew, better known as Noble Drew Ali (January 8, 1886 July 20, 1929), was an American who founded the Moorish Science Temple of America. [18] In the late 1920s, journalists estimated the Moorish Science Temple had 35,000 members in 17 temples in cities across the Midwest and upper South. Our first duty is to inmate the Author, Noble Drew Ali-Re, the Prophet. Drew Ali used this material to claim Jesus and his followers were Asiatic. Rami Abdullah Salaam El (Introduction) Paperback Oct 2014 List Price: $13.49 Compare Prices Official Proclamation of Real Moorish American Nationality Author: Drew Ali, Noble Prophet Paperback Oct 2014 Compare Prices Now lets look at Noble Drew AliHes the first man to bring Islam to us in the way he tried to bring it, he said. He has well over 40 years actively invested within The Moorish Science Temple of America; rising from the ranks as a dedicated student under those who were taught directly by Prophet Drew Ali. According to the author of The Teachers of Gurdjieff, Hakim Sanai's book influenced Gurdjieff's own writings. Today in the ear of the End of Time and Fulfilling of the Prophecies, in spite of the absence of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the Moorish Movement of America still exists. Join now Sign in . The ushers of the Temple wore black fezzes. ', "Before the Fez- Life and Times of Drew Ali 18861924", Terrorist Recruitment in American Correctional Institutions: An Exploratory Study of Non-Traditional Faith Groups Final Report, Five Percenter Rap: God Hop's Music, Message, and Black Muslim Mission, Timothy Drew (1886-1929), known to followers as Noble Drew Ali and also as the Prophet, founded the Moorish Science Temple of America, in Newark, N.J., in 1913. The story of Givens fainting appears, among other places, in Gomez, p. 273. One Moor told the Chicago Defender, The Prophet was not ill; his work was done and he laid his head upon the lap of one of his followers and passed out., Noble Drew Ali & The Moorish Science Temple of America by Sheik Way El,,,, I would like to study more about the Moors science. Prophet Noble Drew Ali says, If I can get you to thinking, you can save yourselves. No other one thing is needed more among us at this time than greater economic power. These faithful members and followers had established Moorish businesses as well as other institution; Prophet Drew Ali's death was untimely. "Citizen of the USA" was a phrase emblazed on the Moorish identity cards issued to dues-paying members of the Moorish Science Temple of America.| 888.361.2499 | P.O.Box 161968 Atlanta, GA 30321, 2020Official website of The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 Proudly Created & Managed by Mother Is Calling Productions, Our site is always being updated please contact us. Prophet Noble Drew Ali was the first one to enlighten our people,Baltimore community leader Taharka Bey said during a 2020 interview on DoggieDiamondsTV. [5] According to the biography, the high priest trained Ali in mysticism and gave him a "lost section" of the Quran.[5]. The Universal Truth (Moorish Science Issue, 2 , No.3) by W D Fard Prince A. Cuba, Drew Ali,Clarence 13x,Elijah Muhammad,Malachi York and It is an ancient tradition among Asiatics to honor the ancestors. Are you prioritizing your cable entertainment bill over protecting and investing in your family? Shortly after his release by the police, Drew Ali died at age 43 at his home in Chicago on July 20, 1929. Timothy Drew began to unfold as others of his kind within the educational structure that has been established for his race at that hour gave him an illusionary view of his RACE PLACE in history! Drew Ali is pictured here holding the Flags of Morocco and . Noble Drew Ali, or Timothy Drew, founded The Moorish Science Temple of America based on the belief that African-Americans originated from Moors in Northwest Africa. QUOTES. He often came face to face with racism. [2] The Prophet stated, "My flock knows my voice.". He based it on the belief that Black people, Negro people and Colored people are descendants of the Moorish Empire and thus were . [2] Marcus Garvey and Noble Drew Ali blazed a trail and were forerunners to Islam and to all the Moors., During a 2014 Nation of Islam Saviours Day event Farrakhan praised Ali. The vision is to bring together history, literature, and art under one cyber-umbrella, to make Black/Afrikan historical, literary, and artistic achievements universally accessible. Noble Drew Ali asked the President to teach his people, and they asked him, "Are you talking about the Negros?" [3] This version holds that he left home at 16 and joined a band of Romani people who took him overseas to Egypt, and the Middle East. They called themselves African Masons. They began to dig deeper and came up with a red flag and said, "This is the flag of Morocco." If not, he is the religious leader responsible for bringing Islam, nationality, and birthrights to North America. In 1986, the Moroccan Ambassador to the United States officially recognized the Moorish Science Temple's Islamic linkage to Morocco through Drew Ali. He suggested that all Asiatics should be allied. NOBLE DREW ALI THE PROPHET AND FOUNDER OF THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA, TO REDEEM THE PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINFUL WAYS. Noble Drew Ali, A Moor descendant of the Ancient Moabites was born in the North Carolina Territory, Northwest Africa (America), in the year 1886 A.D., 1306 M.C. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Edition: 3rd heaven-adept ed Publisher: Moorish American Sovereign, [Place of publication not identified], [2009?] The movement reached its peak in 1928, with an estimated 70% of the African American population being involved in one way or another nationwide. He declared himself Grand Sheik and took a number of members with him. 1 review Prophet Noble Drew Ali: Saviour of Humanity is the first book about the life of Noble Drew Ali written from an insider of the Moorish movement, providing documentation not yet seen by the public eye. Noble Drew however was no racist, though he held certain racial theories. Perkins, p. 186, as well as other less reputable sources. Noble Drew Ali is in white in the front row center. When looking at Moorish Science Temple of America and the Nation of Islam (NOI) side by side, one can see the similarities. They were not living up to the Divine Principles of Honoring their Fathers and Mothers NAMES, issues, and principles. In America, there was no "great" Imam, or Sheikh teaching his people ANYTHING about Islam, or anything about them. These men sprung up during the American Revolution. 2023 The Moguldom Nation. ("Asiatic" was the term Drew Ali used for all dark or olive-colored people); he labeled whites as European, although he labeled whites who became a part of the MSTA as "Persians" or "Celts". [29], The death of Drew Ali brought out a number of candidates who vied to succeed him. by Noble Drew Ali seed; in Politics; 3/5/2008 3:00:00 AM; 01:00; Play Now. 1,532 likes. 1 split from the Moorish Science Temple of America. In 1912 he united himself with two other individuals: one by the name Sulaiman Mohammed, the other represented the Emir Abdul Karim El of Morocco. Against a studio landscape backdrop, Ali stands looking straight at the camera, his proper right hand held flat against the center of his torso and his left hand at his side. Noble Drew Ali/Date of birth. Finally, Drew Ali settled in Chicago in 1925, saying the Midwest was "closer to Islam." As Drew Ali began urging the "Moorish-Americans" to become better citizens, he made speeches like, "A Divine Warning By the Prophet for the Nations", in which he urged them to reject derogatory labels, such as "Black," "colored," and "Negro. Chapters 20 through 45 are borrowed from the Rosicrucian work, Unto Thee I Grant, with minor changes in style and wording. He declared himself Grand Sheik and took a number of members with him. This version holds that he left home at 16 and joined a band of Romani people who took him overseas to Egypt, and the Middle East. Drew Ali taught that all blacks were of Moorish origins but had their Muslim identity taken away from them through slavery and racial segregation. Lack of culture means what it has always meant: ignoble civilization and therefore imminent downfall. Drew Ali was out of town at the time, as he was dealing with former Supreme Grand Governor Lomax-Bey (professor Ezaldine Muhammad), who had supported Green-Bey's attempted coup. R. Edwards-El, A.S.D.M., Author and Bro. The accounts of Timothy Drew's childhood are varied, from him being the son of two former enslaved parents who was adopted by a tribe of Cherokee Native Americans, to him being the son of a Moroccan Muslim father and a Cherokee mother. Here they began to bring out all kinds of modern day flags. Considered a prophet by his followers, in 1913 he founded the Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey, before relocating to Chicago, where he gained a following of thousands of converts. Islam teaches that man is born with unlimited capacities for progress. It is possible that Drew Ali did actually travel to Egypt and Morocco, but historians believe that after leaving North Carolina, he moved to Newark, New Jersey, where he worked as a train expressman. In 1913, Drew Ali formed the Canaanite Temple in Newark. His approach appealed to thousands of African Americans who had left severely oppressive conditions in the South through the Great Migration and faced struggles adapting in new urban environments.[12]. Noble Drew Ali, The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, the Foundations of a Nation (Lexington: Department of Supreme Wisdom, 2011), 128-29. */, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. Noble Drew Ali, also known as Timothy Drew, was the founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America, a religious and social organization that was established in the early 20th century. The President and counsel stared amazed at the exactness of the Holy Prophet. Bey, who is not part of the NOI, hosts the YouTube show Moorish Science Temple of America. Bey spoke of the off-and-on conflict between the Moorish Americans and the Nation of Islam over whether there was a connection between Ali and the start of the NOI. [33], When his leadership was largely rejected, he broke away from the Moorish Science Temple, moved to Detroit, and founded the Nation of Islam. Answer: This is an excellent question that I will try to do justice and well represent for those unaware of the Moorish Divine and National Movement, started by the late Noble Drew Ali. As every state that had entered the Union had entered upon the principles of Free white males, 21 and over. (2002) "Mystery of the Moorish Science Temple: Southern Blacks and American Alternative Spirituality in 1920s Chicago", "African-American Muslims and the Question of Identity: Between Traditional Islam, African Heritage, and the American Way", "moorish science temple of america los angeles - Google Search", "Saviours' Day 2014 Keynote Address: 'How Strong Is Our Foundation; Can We Survive? 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