Even though they may taste great, avoid any foods that are spicy, salty, acidic, or are hot temperature wise. Before starting this procedure, the piercer has to leave a mark on the specified area agreed upon, which is the upper layer of your ear. Cleaning your helix piercing correctly is crucial to avoiding infection and scarring. Do not eat more than 12 ounces of raw seafood per month. Following these things will help you feel at ease while the process is being done. Most women dont opt for this piercing because of the same reason. pineapples. Dont use any kind of cream instead use the piercing liquid given to you by the person who pierced your ears. After you complete this step, rinse your piercing with water and pat dry with a clean towel. Theres no reason to rotate your piercing. Add 1 mm to the measurement if you want a hoop with a snug fit. Avoid sleeping on your left or right side for the time being if you had both ears pierced. The hardest part of the process isnt the washing, though; its making sure to do everything in your power to avoid irritating your piercing. Piercing guns use force to pierce you with a blunt stud which leaves a jagged incision (and possibly some bruising), while a sharp needle leaves a neat incision that will heal more easily. If you have a cartilage piercing, you will need to wait even longer - up to 12 weeks. In some cases, healing can be as quick as one month, but it can last up to a year in rarest cases. Double helix piercing also refers to cartilage piercing, which happens when you get pair of holes done at one time. Dont let your hands come in contact with anything before you touch it. If you prefer a stud over a hoop but want something a little more eye-catching, a flower earring like this lotus one is the perfect balance. There are many things to consider when looking for the right place. Do you avoid certain goods when you get a cut? Kelley explains that, once you remove your jewelry, there is "no pressure holding the hole open" and it will begin to shrink. Required fields are marked *. [8] 2. Only drink liquids and consume soft meals for the first two days after surgery. For happy healing, NEVER rotate your body jewelry. Placement: The outer cartilage of the ear. 26/31. How did you cope with the situation, and did you solve the issue of your client. Either way, weve got you covered. Note: they arent any different than a single piercing, except you get dual penetration around your ear at one time. Maybe this is the first youre hearing of it, and you want to know whats so hot about this placement. So, if you want to look different, then opt for a helix piercing style. Take a deep bath and clean yourself deeply. Be sure to get jewelry thats at least 14 karats, though, to avoid metal thats too soft. How is double helix piercing done? How Long It Takes For A Tattoo To Heal ? For ear piercings, it is recommended to wait 6-8 weeks before attempting to change your earring. Cost The price of a helix piercing ranges from about $30 to $75, says Massick, but varies significantly depending on which type you . Its a fashion statement for many young girls. Infection. Its a fashion. Also, if the pain wont go away or the healing is slow, seek professional advice on what to do. Other skin problems. You could damage the delicate, healing skin by rotating the jewelry. However, stainless steel does have nickel in it, so stay away from it if youre allergic. Remember, good things are for those who wait, and its okay to stay and research than suffer later. Because that's the most common meat in my meals, This is bullshit. Stainless steel: Stainless steel is a very popular choice for helix jewelry because it comes in various colors and shapes without losing any of its high quality. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Don't forget about alcohol! Acidic foods and drinks should also be avoided as your piercing heals, as acidic foods can irritate the tongue. Get yourself ready for the day, wash yourself up, wear your favorite dress, do your nails for a good-look. You should avoid the following things in your healing period. The healing time depends on the individual and differs from person to person. Infections can cause bumps which are unsightly. How long does the pain last? Sing up to stay update with Baby Education, Parenting Tips, Gifts Ideas, Birthday Wishes and many More. When people think of getting any of these body modifications, the first thing that comes to mind is wouldnt it be painful? Dont touch or twist, Freed says. Dont eat spicy, salty or acidy foods or liquids while you are healing. This may then affect your health. There are plenty of people who have done the process already and got healed. It is recommended that you wait at least a week before eating meat so there is no contamination of the wound site. On the contrary, chicken and seafood are well-documented good sources of protein and protein is one of the components needed for your body to heal. Placement: The outer cartilage of the ear. Stud: A stud is a small piece of jewelry with a thin long backing that is inserted into the hold of a piercing. The final look: a celestial arrangement youll dream about. Given the option, you should opt for the cotton swab as it is hygienic and can reach the piercing without much prodding. Most people who dont might regret after having it, although it is sporadic. However, the triple forward piercing is said to be more attractive because of the number of jewelry that enters the hole and sticks near each other. What are the disadvantages of ear piercing? It can be: Forward double helix piercing; Backward double helix piercing; Also called. You can ask the professional piercer for jewelry suggestions too. As it is your soft bone, the gun can make a crunch that can take even more ages to heal. you dont have to. It is best to familiarize with the procedure of these piercings to know if it is something you would like to have. A new piercing is an open wound that can take several weeks to fully heal. Piercings done with a needle are likely to heal faster than those done with a piercing gun. Make sure the person doesnt use a gun but a needle. Scarring: A scar forms if the piercing becomes too irritated during the aftercare process and can leave some unsightly marks around the piercing site. However, if you dont properly look after your new piercing as it heals, it could take longeror you could have to get it re-pierced and start all over. | Last Updated October 18, 2022. Now the best way to understand the area to have this piercing is this; follow your ear cartilage curve until you get to the side of this face. What material? Tongue swelling after a new piercing can interfere with chewing and swallowing and sometimes breathing. Your hand, material, and water should be clean. Lulu is not just another jewelry brand it's a lifestyle. Another thing is to select the right jewelry for your piercing and know the right thing to change or how to handle the jewelry. Skin infections that are caused due to helix piercing can take a lot of time to heal so you need to be careful with this. This is especially important if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Is seafood ok to eat after getting tongue piercings? Double Helix Piercing. 9) Always put on a earring 24/7 during the first year of your piercing to prevent closure of piercing. In most cases, the pain is a bit higher when you make use of a thicker bar, say 1.6mm. Be descriptive, how long ago did you get piercing? It is up to you if you are ready to stay patient, follow a proper cleaning routine, and flaunt like a diva or dont want to have it. Most of them contain tea tree oil or saline. These acids can irritate the gums and make them more vulnerable to infection. It is best to choose right quality jewelry for any piercing whether single, double or triple. Dermal Anchor. Helix piercing! If you have already gotten used to sleeping sideways, you might want to consider changing that to avoid discomfort and pain. On the other hand, the healing time can take as long as 6 months, but sometimes, the ears get entirely healed within 3 months. Youll also want to be careful of snags and sleeping on the piercing, as this disrupts the healing process.. What should you avoid eating during the rainy season? There are many conflicting views regarding how long it takes for these types of piercings to heal. Is seafood ok to eat after getting tongue piercings? Try your best not to sleep on any new piercing until it's fully healed. After you might have had the forward helix piercing, you may experience redness, swelling, and a little bit of pain in the spot at the beginning. Dehydration may also increase the healing time so you need to have liquids. Double helix piercing is in trend; it looks good on everyone, yet all males and females adopt this style to look awe-inspiring, to pair it with a beautiful rock bracelet, or to try different yet cool. Hoop/Ring: A hoop, also called a ring, is a popular choice for a helix piercing. When you are done with piercing, make sure: Clean your ear thoroughly inside out. FRESH SALT!) How long after piercing ears can you change earrings? If you feel worried that you might end up waving hands to your favorite meals, good news! Be careful when talking on the phone or wearing headphones, since you want to keep your piercing as bacteria-free as possible. You can choose a labret stud or curved barbell of at least 1.2 mm. The right time to put another is when you dont feel pain or sore any longer in that spot. Remove a hoop by simply pulling apart the two ends. If you want to take good care of your piercing during the healing process, you should think, Never put on your piercing something you will not put in your eyes, says Valentini. Avoid eating hard foods like nuts and popcorn for at least a week after your procedure.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'staminacomfort_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-staminacomfort_com-medrectangle-3-0'); You should also avoid fish with mercury content for at least three months after your piercing. Remember to use a professional who can handle it well and select the right jewelry when going for this procedure. You may need some time to get used to the surroundings of pins, needles, and guns, etc. Then, just place in the new one in the same manner. Stay hydrated and dont eat heavy food. Tip: ask the piercer to invite you when doing cartilage or double helix piercing of another client so that you can see the process by yourself to seize nervousness and fear. Anyone can get two holes pierced at one time. Rinse the area with water to completely remove soapy residue. If your forward helix piercing is still in the healing process, you dont need jewelry that is too heavy or uncomfortable. 3. Both the holes are pierced near each other. Stage-By-Stage Process! Any form of dirtiness can cause infection which might jeopardize your effort to get the perfect piercings. The same one who think ears should be pierced with a gun, and you need to constantly rotate the piercing, or else it will "fuse" to the body. A helix piercing is any piercing along the upper and outside cartilage ridge of the ear, says Studs piercer Shannon Freed. If the studio you are going to have your piercing does not invest in quality equipment and jewelry, you had better visit another piercer. Anatomically, the term helix describes that area of the ear. However, there are names for different placements along that curve. Located between your outer ear and your inner cartilage (conch), the snug piercing can be a bit fickle. For the piercing to be fully healed, it takes six to nine months. Its also important to avoid touching or upsetting your piercing as much as necessary, as irritation could cause inflammation or even, in some cases, infections. Depending on personal preference, you can pierce either the lower or higher part of your helix. During that time, any bacteria (germs) that enter the wound can lead to infection. Plus, your piercer can walk you through the steps of how to change out the jewelry so you can feel confident doing it yourself. The price of a helix piercing greatly varies depending on where the piercing studio is located, how experienced your piercer is, and the jewelry you get. Moving the jewelry can cause damage to the surrounding skin, leading to bumpy scars. One of these is a helix piercing, which is a trendy choicethough it's more commonly known as a cartilage piercing. Cartilage piercings elsewhere on your ear will take longer to heal. You can effectively clean your earring with a solution of saline and a cotton swab or a clean smooth cloth. And according to most piercers, it takes 12 weeks. Does it actually hurt more than the lobe? Another myth regarding helix piercing is . The forward piercing style or cartridge piercing can completely change the way you look. It can also swell up and be very irritated due to trauma. But know that you can hasten up the healing process through proper care. Can I survive this pain? The crab cakes are great tonight. Let us know in the comments below: Your email address will not be published. But the only thing is the pain of this double piercing is a bit higher than the single type. While some irritation is common, with the right aftercare, there shouldnt be much infection, says Freed. Avoid eating hard foods like nuts and popcorn for at least a week after your procedure. Others believe it can take longer time. oranges. Helix piercing is an unconventional style of piercing and looks super amazing. Your skin secretes a natural oil called sebum which can mix with the dead cells in your piercings and cause a buildup. For outside, use a cotton swab dipped in mildly warm salt water and rub it softly on your cartilage near the piercing, followed by a thorough massage of warm oils like almond and tea tree twice a day.. Isabelle has been contributing to Byrdie since 2020. In these forward helix piercings, a hole is made at the ears upper layer. But don't overdo it - alcohol has been known to cause bleeding from the stomach area and diarrhea. Mark the paper at the point where it meets the outside of your ear and measure the distance from the edge to the marked point using your ruler. However, most people rely on rating sites like Yelp to know the finest piercers to use. Aftercare: Wash the piercing twice daily with a saline solution or antimicrobial soap and avoid irritating it as much as possible. If you wish to play safe, there are many other . An infected ear piercing may be red, swollen, sore, warm, itchy or tender. 2. You will be able to tell which of them will suit you better. Once the soak is complete, carefully dab the area dry with a paper towel. Arrive a few minutes early and get comfortable around the equipment. Dont fiddle with your piercings. The bottom line is helix piercing takes longer than 12 weeks or less. Dermal Anchors are definitely one of the prettiest and most versatile piercings you can have, with many customers opting to have them on their chest, hands and cheeks. Pain Threshold: 4/5. Limitations of Getting Two Helix Piercing at One Time: Getting Cartilage Double Healing Piercing The Day: Double Helix Piercing After Effects The Healing: From Boring To Beautiful: Elevate Your Nails With These14 Best Nail Care Products, Get Ease From Osteoarthritis With 13 Of The Best Knee Pain Relief Products, Physiotherapists Recommended Easy To Use And Efficacious Best Back Pain Relief Products, 8 Best Posture Correctors That Are Guaranteed To Alleviate Aching Shoulders, Neck, & Back, 6 Best Knee Pads To Ensure Your Safety For Everyday Commutes. How long after a helix piercing can I swim? Helix piercings cost anywhere between $35-75. I've been advised by lots of people to not eat chocolate and pork meat for 2 weeks after a piercing. "Don't touch or twist," Freed says. Usually, they are done along the helix of your ear, and thats why named like this. If your child's piercing becomes infected, you will know it. Cartilage tissue is denser, which can require more force to pierce through, resulting in a bit more pain. Salt is a preservative and too much will burn and irritate your piercing. Claudia Valentini, a Barcelona-based piercer, also suggests laying on the opposite side from the ear that you pierced if youre a side-sleeper, as sleeping on a fresh piercing can cause a bad result. You should also avoid alcoholic drinks and alcohol-based mouthwashes, both of which have acidic properties. However, the only thing that can bother you from getting it done is the healing time. Eat foods that are high in sugar but low in starch such as candy, cookies, cakes, pies, pasta, rice, and bread. Keloids can range in color from . Aftercare for a helix piercing is as simple as washing it twice a day with saline solution (or antimicrobial soap, says Earnest). Another myth regarding helix piercing is that youll experience a lot of pain. There are no particular risks associated with double helix piercing. 3. Let your piercer know if you are feeling nervous, Do piercing using a needle instead of the gun, Make sure the needle and other piercing tools are sterilized properly, Proper cleaning routine for at least two months regularly, Be prepared to make twice-daily salt baths, Keep revolving your earrings in the holes from time to time so they dont get stuck in one place, Keep hairs tied properly from tucking into the earrings of your newly made holes, Dont change earring until you are properly healed, Dont stop spinning the earrings but wash your hands properly before doing so, Dont fiddle around the pierced holes too much, Sleep on the pierced side (at least for a weak), Dont panic; pus is a common issue when you have a cartilage double helix piercing, Dont use harsh chemical enriched solutions on your ears, Avoid taking double helix piercing with a gun. Rachael Earnest is a board-certified dermatologist at Legacy Dermatology and Restoration Center. Fun fact: Double Helix Piercing is safe; people even get a triple helix piercing at one time. "And spray saline front and back no more than twice a day. In terms of pain, Michael Johnson, a professional piercer at A Wicked Sensation says "the soreness afterward typically aches for about a week after the piercing is done." Expect to pay around $35-$50 for a cartilage piercing but keep in mind that the price . High protein or carb diets can, in fact, accelerate your healing rate and replenish your energy, so it is totally okay to consume these two products after ear piercing. Which happens when you dont need jewelry that is inserted into the hold can i eat seafood after helix piercing a thicker bar say... Able to tell which of them contain tea tree oil or saline wait 6-8 weeks before attempting to or! Ideas, Birthday Wishes and many more is wouldnt it be painful come in contact with anything you... Your piercing to prevent closure of piercing to most piercers, it takes a! 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