The problems I read through struck me as sensible and mostly straightforward. Images in the text also do not make a very good use of space. All major topics I would normally include to cover this topic are included (central dogma, codons, I think you need to hire someone to give the text a consistent voice and internal refences. The diagrams of almost every human body system had outlines that suggested long, straight noses,, non-ethnic hair styles, and no disabilities (e.g., someone using a wheelchair). Only issues I've found are in the accuracy of illustrations -- several are mis-labeled. I found that the level of detail is appropriate for a lower level undergraduate biology course. So long as those instructors follow the expectations of the Creative Commons license of the text, their is great potential for this book or instructor-modified versions of it, to remain relevant indefinitely. Thanks for all you have done !! Content seems up to date, relative to the content level. Pinacocytes are epithelial-like cells, form the outermost layer of sponges, and enclose a jelly-like substance called mesohyl. I am writing this review of the genetics unit from Biology 2e (chapters 11-17) in the context of potentially using this book for an introductory level, one semester genetics course for majors. However, to a new learner, redundancy is never a bad thing. The approach of including Hardy Weingberg under population evolution and drift, flow, mutations, and natural selection under population genetics is different from what Ive seen in other books. Chemokines are not discussed. The information in each unit is well organized and follows the levels of biological organization well. glycogen. Text was written clearly and was fairly engaging to read. read more. WebCh. Webquestions biology 2e openstax biology 2e openstax staar biology answer key paper 2022 release texas kcet 2023 questions concepts of biology openstax kvs answer key 2023 released download omr sheet textbook answers gradesaver Aug For example, in Chapter 20, phylogenetic trees are discussed before taxonomy. The text is consistent in terms of terminology, illustrations, and descriptions. I have tried to obtain a paper copy of the textbook, but it is not as easy as calling my publisher for a desk copy. I'ld like to see some deeper discussions into current topics such as CRISPR and other Biotechnology related concepts, although discussions around genomics was sufficient. High quality in every sense, cover to cover. I did not examine the online version in-depth, but I could find no issues with distorted images, pagination nor confusing captions. Broadly speaking, the TOC and units are easy to navigate and the images/videos are placed appropriately. Reviewed by Jennifer Doherty, Senior Lecturer, University of Washington on 8/21/16, This books covers the minimal basics, but not in great detail and isn't comprehensive by any means. I compare the chapter from Biology 2e to both the first edition Openstax Biology and a traditional introductory text from a major publisher. The prose is consistent and accessible to students. The topics are presented in a format that is typical and logical for a large introductory biology text. The option to purchase a bound copy is great for students who choose to do so. The tone of the book seems fairly consistent across chapters. Reading those sections alone would seem to reinforce memorization of the details rather than an understanding of the relevance process. However, it still seems slightly dated even with this consideration. 'L}|Cv~^Uw|azPobk`byO!`*Sw4vn\eSe{#u1LA1t1&l8$)a"=W4j]lk\gx ay)&~g88
a^WuF+W;lQ*aRtuz.'WrNfr65I| The text uses straightforward language, maintaining clarity in this field full of specialized vocabulary. Author (s) OpenStax. I would say that the text gives more details than most introductory biology classes for majors will use. Is able to cover aspects of biology very well. I am signed up for OpenStax. There are many cases in which the authors refer to plants and animals, rather than including all relevant taxa. Section headings and learning objectives are useful in breaking up the material into smaller, more digestible components. Some of these are laced with ads that might indicate endorsement by a school or faculty and could be offensive to a student. I appreciated the occasional career connection boxes. Better than most textbooks which have all the questions at the end of each chapter. One critique is that the learning outcomes at General coverage is good the text covers all of the areas Id expect to see in an introductory biology textbook, including behavior, which I find is sometimes overlooked. This seems like a great book for freshman because often at that stage the students are interested in science but are unsure of what branch of science they want to go into. The factual context of the writing made for very quick reading. However, while more topics are covered in the Biology textbook, the amount of comprehensiveness for each Chapter is only minimally expanded from the Concepts of Biology textbook. I dont see any glaring errors in terms of subjects that are missing from the text. The writing is grammatically correct, but sometimes the sentence structure and phrasing are awkward enough that I feel it would be difficult for students with less-developed reading skills to grasp the key point of a passage. This textbook does a great job at being consistent throughout in terms of style, dialogue, summaries, resources, etc. The text in that section was correct, but an incorrect figure can easily confuse students who are not familiar with the topic. I enjoyed the navigation of the text via the left-hand side contents menu. The text is clear and illustrations are helpful. Ecosystem chapters are weakly connected, and there is not a separate chapter broken out for animal behavior. It also makes it easier for a student to be able to navigate through the text and find a particular idea or piece of information that they may be searching for. The organization of the topics and how each are approached make sense in the scope of the course. This text covers all subject matter used in a one semester introductory biology course. The authors have done a wonderful job incorporating current research in a broad perspective so that it can be updated without major changes to the content. For instance, all of the trees, flowers, insects, and other populations in a forest form the forests community; in Figure 6.3: Both plants and animals use cellular respiration to derive energy from the organic molecules originally produced by plants; and on page 228: Photosynthesis is essential to all life on earth; both plants and animals depend on it. I believe this is where the instructor comes in to highlight other scientists and contributors to the field. This is a very comprehensive textbook that provides an appropriate balance between the different fields of biology. Additional colors in the background and/or headings would help break up the material. One inconsistency of note is the use, or lack of use, of graphical phylogenetic hypotheses. I focused in on Chapter 15: Genes and Proteins. I have not identified any specific errors in the text. The terms warm-blooded and cold-blooded are used throughout the text, e.g., page 749: The mostly cold-blooded dinosaurs ceded their dominance of the landscape to more warm-blooded mammals. These terms are highly inaccurate. For example, in Chapter 7 (Cellular Respiration) the section ATP in Living Systems begins with: A living cell cannot store significant amounts of free energy. Thats a great set-up for a paragraph, with the key concept laid bare in clear language! These highlighted boxes standout for the students as something extra and interesting, and the information is not lost in the main text. This textbook did a great job of presenting seminal, historical research as well as using examples and illustrations from today to explain biological concepts and theories. Just something to think about if you want to use it for seated sections on campus. I did not notice grammatical errors but I was speed-reading. I found no evidence of cultural insensitivity. The text is divisible into many reading sections within each chapter. Overall, the organization is good, probably because it follows longstanding conventions. A typical concern with introductory texts is a lack of coverage in ecological concepts and this text does well in representing all aspects well. On page 808, the text states, We will consider hagfishes and lampreys together as jawless fishes, the agnathans, although emerging classification schemes separate them into chordate jawless fishes (the hagfishes) and vertebrate jawless fishes (the lampreys). This is incorrect and out-of-date. ISBN. Most references to him or her could be made more inclusive via use of the gender-neutral term them. Further, dichotomizing the sex steroids, estrogens and androgens, as female and male, respectively, is unnecessary, misleading, and may make some students feel excluded. Graphics The reviewer has no issues with the grammar used in this textbook. Here are some examples; Im sure there are many more. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Also, some of the links to learning dont work, such as for the second part of glycolysis link. The authors have included features that will be helpful to students such as "Themes and Concepts of Biology", "Career Connections" and "Key Terms". The text is easy to read with consistent flow and rationale. For example, there is one instance in which a figure caption did not match the figure. read more. The adaption section will be added to Biology 2e: Adaptation All living organisms exhibit a fit to their environment. Additionally, the text was quite modular and is broken down well into distinct topics that maintain complexity but are also self contained. On page 30, the text says, Many organisms belonging to the Archaea domain live under extreme conditions and are called extremophiles. This would be fine if the text then went on to explain that we now realize that Archaea are far more widespread than previously thought, but the discussion ends there. Every link that I clicked on was active. It would be nice to have links to the full-sized image. The underlying theme of evolution is throughout the book and unifies the theme. I think students will find it easy and straightforward to read. This textbook was comprehensively organized and populated with topics. Content seemed very up-to-date. While the overall clarity is good, the use of jargon in places could be confusing to students. inhibition by a binding event at a site different from the active site, which induces a conformational change and reduces the enzyme's affinity for its substrate. WebOpenStax Biology 2e Folder | Quizlet 47 sets created by MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter Key Terms from the OpenStax Biology 2e Book OER Book Link: Sort OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 46 Ecosystems 40 terms MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 47 This book does suffer from the expert gap phenomenon. The textbook contains current information and up-dated material. The fact that it is open source textbook, allows it to be readily modified or updated by individual instructors. I honestly do not think that the author has a clear understanding of this important topic. If this statement were true, the energy of ATP could not be used to supply energy to reactions within cells. Alternate ISBN (s) 9781506699851. Creative Commons Attribution License Im sure labeling will get fixed in the next revision that will be available soon. This text is culturally accessible and inclusive. Not sure this is a major hang up, just something I noticed. Vending Services has the widest range of water dispensers that can be used in commercial and residential purposes. This book focuses on proper concepts and details, not extraneous stuff. While I think the traditional text did a better job of framing the big-picture perspective of cellular respiration, the depth offered by Openstax is beyond reproach. Release notes, available to instructors only, indicates all changes and corrections from the most recent release. This modularity breaks complex concepts and topics into smaller, more manageable sub-topics for student learning. There is good use of bolding for emphasizing particular text and themes. There could be more cultural references in the examples of careers sections. It is good to be able to search the documents easily because they are online. The text is written so that updates should be easy to insert into each section. The figures are far less polished than those found in traditional textbooks, reducing clarity somewhat. Its not clear that the author understands it, frankly. Tunicates and vertebrates are sister taxa that diverged more recently. In general, it provides enough current information that it should be easy to build on with specific examples. Reviewed by Christy Fillman, Senior Instructor, CU Boulder on 7/1/19, I am writing this review of the genetics unit from Biology 2e (chapters 11-17) in the context of potentially using this book for an introductory level, one semester genetics course for majors. I would definitely consider adopting this textbook for a non-majors introductory class at the freshman level. The majority of the learning outcomes at the beginning of the chapter are done well and the visual connection and review questions at the end of the chapter assess lower order cognitive skills. Note: I have not yet used this book in a class. Reviewed by Ashley Gramza, Instructor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16, This textbook is extremely comprehensive, almost too comprehensive. A few are poor. The text book used various external resources with both female and male voices. (The text does link out to an online resource which invites students to click through the stages of the Krebs Cycle, however the usefulness of this tool far outweighs the confusion of the older term.). In nearly all cases when the skin of the hands can be seen, the hand shown is a light-skinned hand. There was nothing culturally insensitive that I could find. Some clades were given with their taxonomic rank and others not. Some current topics, such as epigenetics and biotechnology, were covered very well and Having a downloadable online text allows me and others the ability to adjust light intensity and size easily on the monitor. My attempt to use a QR code scanner app of a mobile phone on the PDF of the textbook on a laptop screen didnt work and clicking the URL indicated the link was no longer current. Part of the reduction in length is a loss of supporting images and real world examples, but these can be easily supplied to the class in a powerpoint or out-of-class reading assignment. It is as culturally relevant as would be expected for an introductory biology textbook. Terminology and organization is consistent. For example, figures 7.6-7.8 all label the steps of the reactions taking place, which I found useful. On page 159, crenation does not mean shrinkage but refers to the effect of shrinkage on the cell membrane. A weak spot was that bold-face words were not always defined in the text. Which of the following is not a functional group that can bond with carbon? Cell biology gets more cursory coverage and evolution is surprisingly This particular information is relatively new in the field of biology, though most of the current discoveries lie in the realm of gene function and would be included in an upper level course. As noted above, I like the logic of the subdivisions of each chapter (not too many, not huge blocks of text) and the amount of material on one page is less than I feel most other books offer. I found the book well written and very readable. Biology was very comprehensive in its covering of general biology topics and the "Link to Learning" feature allows the learner to expand the concept. There are no grammatical errors, and the language is not overly complicated in terms of sentence structure and organization. Complete the following page as thoroughly as possible. Chapter 17 appears to be in need of updating. However, I don't think it goes out of its way make science more accessible. Reviewed by Kate Pettem, Instructor, Biology, Camosun College on 10/9/13, The text is well-written and easy to read and understand. Reviewed by Kara Nuss, Instructor, Northeastern Illinois University on 5/5/20, Overall, the coverage of subjects is appropriate for an introductory majors-level textbook that would be used across two (or more) semesters. There are some typos and the answers provided to some questions are incorrect. This might be particularly true in some of the biochemical terms and pathways presented. This reviewer did not notice any jargon being used. The text does not dive into the controversy, merely puts forward the biological information as it should. On page 243, the text states, Every single atom of matter and energy is conserved, recycling over and over infinitely. No, this is not so. Do students have access to answers to these questions and to the others included in some figures? This is well done and contributes to student learning as concepts will build upon one another as higher levels of organization are discussed. This structure is also attractive to instructors as it allows us the freedom to pick and choose textbook content to assign. Reviewed by Robert Sorensen, Professor, Minnesota State University Mankato on 6/10/15, The 8 units this textbook, chemistry through ecology, sufficiently cover the range of topics that would be covered in an Introductory Biology series of courses.The order in which topics are addressed follows the common approach of building from It covered all of the subject areas that my current General Biology textbook covers. It is provides a baseline for the essential content for a Biology course. I felt like there was too much detail on some processes, and too little detail on other topics. The Figures in the textbook are also generally accurate. I was surprised by how easy-to-use and thorough this text was. Often these links provide cutting edge insight into both the research and application to make the Although alternative splicing is mentioned in Chapter 16, it should be described in Section 15.4. In Figure 1.16, just before three domains are introduced, many tax. It may remain as a heuristic that is often mentioned, so perhaps there is still some use in having in a textbook, but its not exactly an up-to-date framework. American Biology Teacher 56:7, 405-407. I would also recommend reminding readers where the answers to the comprehension questions can be found (i.e. It compares well in this regard with widely used textbooks such as Campbell Biology, Biological Science by Freeman et al. This text, while far from being obsolete, probably needs an update as it was finished in 2018. read more. Most of the "skin tones" colorized in these diagrams where light beige to pinkish tan, but it would be easy to resort to a pale olive tone or even a neutral light grey if a darker brown tone would make it difficult to visualize the line drawing of the system portrayed in the image. Due to its ease of use- chapters can be assigned out of order to tailor the individual needs. From Flowering: Circadian rhythm biology, Photoperiod detection, ABC model. read more. There will be some chapters that will need to be updated in a few years. - Many figures appear blurry in the pdf version of the text. Overall, grammar in the text is strong. I only felt that the jargon got to be a little technical in some of the genetics unit, especially within Genes and Proteins and Gene Expression. catalyst in a biochemical reaction that is usually a complex or conjugated protein. There is previous knowledge assumed in several chapters that students would not have if entire units of the textbook were skipped or covered out of order. I thought many images had a random quality. I personally would put mitosis and meiosis and heredity before metabolism but was able to rearrange chapter orders with no difficulties. Whereas those books provide too much information, which can overwhelm, I wonder if this book could be a little too scant, which may make the facts feel irrelevant. The type of logical thinking that uses related observations to arrive at a general conclusion is called ________. Are weakly connected, and descriptions of its way make science more accessible and. Relative to the comprehension questions can be used in this textbook is comprehensive. Some figures and topics into smaller, more digestible components of glycolysis link and understand scope the... 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