The actual test is only 50 questions. Store and mix herbicides around abandoned wells. Preventive and suppressive pest control goals are rarely combined. Which statement is true about inducing vomiting for a victim of oral pesticide exposure? B. La Adenda de Oregon y el Manual Bsico de Certificacin Nacional de Aplicadores de Pesticidas son materiales de estudio necesarios para prepararse para el Examen de Leyes y Seguridad. M.A. B. Visit for the most up-to-date information. For public operators, commercial applicators, and commercial operators working in weed management. What are two types of penalties FIFRA allows for applicators who violate the law? D. Systemic pesticides are not absorbed by treated plants or animals. D. Apply a first-aid ointment to the affected area. D. Explaining to the customer factors that have contributed ot the pest problem. 0000112108 00000 n
All courses are approved by the Oregon Department of Agriculture Pesticides Program. D. Physical/ environmental modification. Review these questions in addition to the General Standards Exam study guide. A. B. Each has a maturity of 5 years, a par value of $1,000\$ 1,000$1,000, and a yield to maturity of 12%12 \%12%. A. The route of entry statement on a label "Extremely hazardous by skin contact - rapidly absorbed through the skin" would most likely appear with which signal word? Citizen's Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2005 Guides and Manuals for Pesticide Applicator Training, January 1979-August 1985 Charles N. Bebee 1986 Op onderwerp zijn de . valid for up to five (5) years, the process to obtain the actual license that shows that. What are the three way a pesticide degrades? Is the applicator wearing all of the personal protective equipment (PPE) required by the label? B. One of the processes for this operation is a coating (solvent spreading) operation, where chemicals are coated onto paper stock. DANGER the process of demonstrating a person knows how to handle and apply pesticides in a safe and responsible manner. You first discover that all materials and conversion prices have been stable for the last six months. Study Material (Required for English Laws and Safety Exam): Note: separate study materials are currently used for the English and Spanish exams. FV>2 u/_$\BCv< 5]s.,4&yUx~xw-bEDCHGKwFGEGME{EEKX,YFZ ={$vrK D. CAUTION. Study Material:ODA isadopting a new study manual and exam Nov. 1,2022. You have calibrated your equipment to spray 50 gallons per acre. Which conditions contribute to most spray drift? Which practice would help prevent groundwater or surface water contamination? Este manual cubre las leyes, reglamentos, y recursos especficos de Oregon. They must be registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. what requirements are needed for a commercial pesticide applicator ? 0000005044 00000 n
A. e. lead arsenate, Herbicides and insecticides are both pesticides (T/F). . Why are plant growth regulators used in right of ways? The active ingredients and the inert ingredients must be listed by chemical name. Which federal agency sets the food tolerances for pesticides? x]]#G|'B|:K5 v5O+v w_}wY7lSTEmn7exG&s{y>}oM^kLEw`o[xq{|}xU|j-8$i/V;wz7;cU0G3uUlS`j{}ubbfxzbb1O}#n4EH3fVf UV'0)v+;yJ o`*7M[}qVfuJ0l
BmuQhZMus-*>fIjlLr^\_qtY{;>$)/Ik#N"] &F!,+s)*:[my!uhxt7]*>v?NN*A\Q$+`}3wpymF. 26. Tom Ridley invested $10,000 in a certificate of deposit. However, you have discovered three possible problems from some of the operating personnel whose quotes follow: Operator 1: Ive been keeping an eye on my operating room instruments. Research Contribution 15), Oregon Administrative Rules - Chapter 603 Division 57, Best Pollution Prevention Practices for Abrasive Blast Media Waste from Shipyard Repair Activities, National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual, Ornamental and turf herbicide exam outline, Turfgrass Weed Photo Gallery with common and scientific names, Ornamental and turf insecticide/fungicide exam outline, Regulatory Weed (Public Pesticide Applicators only), Right-of-way Vegetation Management Oregon Edition (EM 8863), Noxious Weed Policy and Classification System, Limitations on Pesticide Products Containing Aminocyclopyrachlor, Rights-of-Way Vegetation Management Oregon Edition (EM 8863), Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Oregon Schools Manual, Adenda de Oregon (por el momento, solo disponible en ingls), Pacific Northwest Weed ManagementHandbook online, Pacific Northwest Plant Disease ManagementHandbook online, Pacific Northwest Insect ManagementHandbook online, Oregon Administrative Rules-Chapter 340 Division 109, la capacitacin aprobada por la Agencia de Proteccin Ambiental, Esquema del examen de aplicador privado espaol, Adenda de Oregon (por el momento, solo disponible en ingls), Public Pesticide Applicator (displayed with Commercial Pesticide Applicator). USDA. Chronic: low dose over long periods of time, T or F? Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. 0000001136 00000 n
The maximum amount of pesticides residue that may legally remain on or in a commodity at the time of harvest or slaughter. (nervous system), insecticides that stay active for a long time. B. One or more external forces are exerted on each object enclosed in a dashed box. A. D. 5 pounds, Restricted-use pesticide (RUP vs. general-use C. Spill cleanup kit and emergency PPE. The manual includes Washington Laws and Safety and Turf and Ornamental Weed control. What agency and what act have direct regulatory roles in the application of a herbicide on forestlands in Oregon? They posses pesticidal activity. factors that affect pesticide movement from soil to groundwater. Which statement is true about potential problems from pesticide fires? C. Store glass or pressurized containers in sunlight. This category exam covers the use of pesticides to treat wood products (i.e., lumber, poles, ties, etc.) Always wash equipment in the same locations unless you use a containment pad or tray. D. Very few herbicides can cause phytotoxic injury. If the label states head protection must be worn or if you have been exposed to pesticides from above, EPA federally, and each State can make laws more strict. Call Us 800-727-7104 Monday-Friday 8am-8pm EST CE Requirements: Apprentice valid for up to five (5) years Pesticide LICENSING the process to obtain the actual license that shows that a person has met certification requirements to make specific pesticide applications under that license. Does the supervisor need to be onesite when an apprentice applies? Which is not a concern handling a emulsifiable concentrate pesticide: EPA and WSDA are the only federal and state agencies that regulate pesticides (T/F). 6 ounces of Agriculture (ODA) works with industries and applicators in a shared commitment to protect human health and the environment while ensuring access to pesticides for food production, structure protection, and more. - Soil-applied herbicide (affect only roots and shoots), - Soil-applied herbicide (affect only roots and shoots) M, - Soil-applied herbicide (affects only roots and shoots), - Contact herbicide (kills only the part of the plant that makes contact), David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Charles Welsh, Cynthia Prentice-Craver, David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, Complete the following statements for the complex ion $\left[\mathrm{Co}(e n)_2\left(\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\right) \mathrm{CN}\right]^{2+}$ :\ Introduction to Insect & Disease Management (EM 051), How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides (PNW 591), Pest Management Principles for the Pesticide Applicator - Agricultural-Animal 1b, Truman's Scientific Guide to Pest Management Operations, Structural and Turf Demossing Study Manual (EM 1962), Truman's Scientific Guide to Pest Control Operations, Turf and Ornamental Weed Management Principles (EM035), Turfgrass Pests (weed identification section only, cross reference weeds with exam outline) - currently out of print, Introduction to Insect and Disease Management Principles (EM 051), XID Services Weed ID CD (Cross reference with weeds found in the exam outline). 1.1.7 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1.1.8 Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) 1.2.0 Oregon State Laws 1.2.1 Functions of the Oregon Department of Agriculture. The statement "Do not breathe vapors or spray mist" is an example of: Which is true about statements of practical treatment? - criminal penalties when the law is violated knowingly. What should you do with clothing made of cotton or polyester that has been heavily contaminated with pesticides labeled with the signal word DANGER-POISON, DANGER, OR WARNING? The Pesticide control act was first applied in 1970, before significant revisions in 1972 that expanded the EPAs present authority to oversee the sales and Rights must be relatively easy to understand. Modifying the environment to enhance natural enemies is a recommended practice in biological control, Biological control involves the importation of exotic pests to control natural enemies, If pesticides are part of a biological control program to control an exotic pest, it is better to apply them at the strongest label rate and to choose the more toxic pesticides, Trapping is an important cultural control practice, Sanitation is not considered a cultural practice, Cultural practices alter the environment, the condition of the host, or the behavior of the pest to prevent or suppress an infestation. We Are Open & Here To Help! D. If PPE is starting to thin out, it can be reused as long as there are no holes. Sin embargo, aquellos que deseen aplicar fumigantes de suelo primero deben completar la capacitacin aprobada por la Agencia de Proteccin Ambiental (EPA por sus siglas en ingls). A key to minimizing the hazard of pesticide use to the applicator is to avoid exposure (T/F), The use of temperature or humidity manipulation is a ________ control method for insects, d. placing a boom as close to the target as possible. WSDA will collect a $25.00 testing session fee in addition to the license application fee(s) at all testing sessions. Pests that pose a serious health threat are rarely regulated by federal and state agencies. B. describes the products physicals appearance, how product behaves under certain conditions. A. Consider an engine cover that is made of a stainless steel plate with a thickness of 1 cm and a thermal conductivity of $14 W/m \cdot K.$ The inner surface of the engine cover is exposed to hot air with a convection heat transfer coefficient of $7 W/m^2 \cdot K$ at a temperature of $333^\circ C.$ The engine outer surface is cooled by air blowing in parallel over the 2-m-long surface at 7.1 m/s, in an environment where the ambient air is at $60^\circ C.$ To prevent fire hazard in the event of oil leak on the engine cover, a layer of thermal barrier coating (TBC) with a thermal conductivity of $1.1 W/m \cdot K$ is applied on the engine cover outer surface. D. Runoff from a pesticide fire site may contain highly toxic chemicals. Blue Mountain Occupational Safety & Health Conference. B. Which is true about REIs (restricted-entry intervals)? Fill oregon pesticide laws and safety practice test: Try Risk Free Comments and Help with pesticide laws and safety practice test Preview of sample oregon pesticide practice test omplete the oregon pesticide laws and for free Get started! FIFRA - The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Upcoming Conferences. If a pesticide is spilled on the skin or clothing, the first reaction should be to ____. Agriculture farming ranching quiz questions and answers. D. Pest threshold. audio not yet available for this language, {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"Oregon Laws and Safety Pesticide Test","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/oregon-laws-and-safety-pesticide-test-5070042","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v12.0","language":"en_US"}}. Which statement is true about factors affecting spray drift? The most common way for pesticides to enter your body is through _____. Pesticides include any material that is applied to plants and the soil but not to water or harvested crops. Using pesticides from the same class of chemicals. B. Administer artificial respiration. What type of PPE should you wear during an application if large amounts of a pesticide could be deposited on your clothing over an extended period of time? $11.50. Which agency enforces these tolerances? .HLNq
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The Pesticide label is a legal document under both federal and state laws. hTk0W{(~P In Oregon to become a pest control applicator you must first pass a certification exam with a score of 70% or greater that proves you know how to handle and apply pesticides in a safe and responsible manner. Each product must be registered every year. e. Why are the two values calculated in part d different? Run off - depends on slope and soil What are the 2 most common routes of exposure for pesticide handlers? Thus, I feel as though our yields must be dropping., Operator 3: My sense is that our coating costs are going up. 640 mg/kg Employer must keep records when workers have serious accidents that cause them to become injured or sick or die. for Each Pesticide Exam Laws and Safety exam Stand-alone test for the Pesticide Apprentice license and is required for most Public and Commercial Pesticide licenses. C. 2 pounds C. Crack and crevice application. Wear gloves outsie of your sleeves and war your pant legs inside your boots. Increasing label dosages. However, those wishing to apply soil fumigants must first complete the EPA-approved training. most common routes of pesticide exposure? soil organic carbon-water partitioning coefficient. C. Allowing the turf to grow to a height of 4 inches before cold weather. Program Directives. Upon successful completion, certification for the Pesticide Consultant License is granted. What does the term "chlorpyrifos" represent? FDA enforces pesticide tolerances. The yields of nuclear fission bomb weapons are measured in terms of the equivalent amount of energy produced by 1 kiloton of TNT (1 kiloton $\mathrm{TNT}=4.2 \left.\times 10^{12} \mathrm{J}\right)$. dis adv,- bees can mistake them for pollen bringing them back to the hive killing the colony. Name 3 areas of the body surface that absorbs pesticides more quickly. adsorption, runoff, leaching and volatilization. D. 20 pounds. (Does not include Christmas tree plantations, commercial nurseries, sod farms,or forests.). What WA State agency is responsible for respirators? C. Suspension. Some pesticides do not contain the same ingredients or amounts of concentratins that are listed on the container. by kellylmoe, It must have specifically defined geographic boundaries. A. Be the first to review this product Authors: Black, Carol , Foss, Carrie R. , Maguire, Rebecca L. SKU: EM012 Which statement is true about chemical control as a pest management method? It is available in English and Spanish. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Pesticides. D. Hazard=exposure x risk. D. Sloppy cleanup practices are one of the main causes of equipment failure or malfunction. This website,, will go offline soon. C. Most livestock poisoning by pesticides occurs when they breathe in vapors from nearby treated fields. Symptoms: A feeling that something is wrong that only the person who is poisoned can notice. Sign: evidence of a poisoning that can be seen by another person This is a general description of EPA's requirements, and should only be used as a guide. June 5 & 6, 2023 Pendleton. sq ft per acre, speed of sprayer, width of spray boom, delivery rate of sprayer, factors that affect delivery rate (output), Emergency exemption. C. It is a good idea to wait until the end of the work week before cleaning up equipment. Additional resources for pesticide applicator math are available from the Purdue Pesticide Program (PDF) and the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship. Call Metro Institute to schedule: 877-533-2900 or visit "HERE" 2. Test Your Knowledge of Some Basic Pesticide Safety Principles. pest numbers reach a level above which there is a risk to that the grower could lose money. What federal agency sets food tolerances for pesticide? b. Mail checks to Metro Institute, 202 East Earll Drive, Ste 180, Phx, AZ 85012 4. Pesticides containing oils or petroleum products are the least flammable. A chemical-resistant suite made of rubber or plastic. for spot treatments and home gardens, dry, ready-to-use, low concentrate mixtures of pesticide. attack a system common to all. D. Adjuvants are either premixed in the pesticide formulation or added to the spray tank mixture. If a nozzle becomes clogged while spraying, _____. - provides penalties for "use inconsistent with the label." Introducing Cram Folders! A. xwTS7" %z ;HQIP&vDF)VdTG"cEb PQDEk 5Yg} PtX4X\XffGD=H.d,P&s"7C$ Private Applicator License Test Prep March 8, 8am-Noon & March 22, 8am-Noon (8 ODA credit hrs) CRN: 64945 Cost: $159. Using barriers to prevent pests from getting into an area is an example of which type of pest management method? There is very little risk of pesticide exposure during equipment cleanup. Exposure: body contact C. Wettable powders (WP) You have created 2 folders. reproductive damage, teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, endocrine disruption, reversible sometimes delayed. (IPM in Schools law, Oregon Revised Statutes 634.700-750). C. Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA). All exams are multiple choice and require a score of 70% or higher to pass. The rules apply to highly toxic, flammable, or explosive substances. La Adenda de Oregon tambin se conoce como La Adenda del Manual Bsico de Oregon. USE largest droplet size that gives best pest control as label allows. A. Air-purifying respirators supply additional oxygen. For which pesticides can 2-PAM be used as an antidote? Your score and the correct answers will be shown at the end of the exam as well as emailed to you. Telling the customer what you are spraying for and also showing him the problem. When the pest reaches the _____, pest management procedures need to be applied to prevent the pest from economically damaging populations. Using a plow to destry weeeds is an example of which type of mechanical control method? energy) This manual is intended to help beginning pest control operators prepare for Washington State pesticide licensing exams. Which federal law governs the establishment of pesticide tolerances for food and feed products? Laws & Safety Test Prep March 4, 8am-Noon & March 11, 8am-Noon (8 ODA credit hrs) CRN: 64943 Cost: $159. To give the user an indication of the relative acute toxicity of the product to humans and animals. high KOC less mobility lower KOC more mobility. A1vjp zN6p\W
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This exam is available in English and Spanish. small liquid/dust droplets or particles are easiest to move away from targeted area. On-site Supervision IS required, available by phone/radio. 0000297409 00000 n
Which type of dry/solid pesticide formulation is always dry and can easily drift to non-target sites? 70 square feet B. General-use and unclassified use. a. relative humidity a) The label is a legal document . 0000081569 00000 n
More conferences . The maximum amount of a pesticide residue that is allowed on food or feed crops. Note: Currently, a Commercial or Public Applicator Certification can be obtained without the Laws and Safety exam. Which of the following is important to consider when purchasing and applying a pesticide? 0000004297 00000 n
A. Microencapsulated. The names "Sevin 5G" on a pesticide label indicates: Which is the pesticide formulation process by which solid particles are dispersed in a liquid? You can ace your test. B. This exam is available in English and Spanish. La Adenda de Oregon y el Manual Bsico de Certificacin Nacional de Aplicadores de Pesticidas son materiales de estudio necesarios para prepararse para el Examen de Leyes y Seguridad. a. drift retardants hPj0}|B 1IB#q!nH|pR H4$2^={!CZenklYyBVto8y=~qD&K1jAq|+!3;b d:T6I4=m^u24C;*ilsA_\. ZXjca8 Y?a %
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From your calibration test, you determine that your backpack sprayer delivers 0.25 gallon of water to cover a 250-square-foot test area. C. Water-soluble packets. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. La capacitacin tiene una validez de 36 meses y a partir de entonces, hay que repetirse. Exams are listed in alphabetical order by license type. Visit site . Round costs to the nearest cent and yield to the nearest whole percent. B. Under Role Private Pesticide Applicator Exam Site Where you want to take the test depending on where you are in the state Exam Requested Private Pesticide Applicator You will then be contacted by LDAF to set a date and time for PPA exam at the location you chose on the form. Ointment to the General Standards exam study guide additional resources for pesticide?... To plants and the soil but not to water or harvested crops $ vrK d. CAUTION very. Demonstrating a person knows how to handle and apply pesticides in a of! 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