The prayer flags signify an affiliation with Tibetan Buddhism, and those who decorate with them presumably embrace the ideals of mindfulness, tolerance, and non-violence. We sell these specially blessed objects through our online store and the revenue helps provide food, health care, shelter, and education for the over 230 nuns who live at the nunnery, as well as to helpsupport around 500 nuns at six other nunneries in India. The key is, as you clearly know, to try to dispose of prayer flags with the greatest respect possible. Does this have any symbolic meaning? Unlike some other religions from the East, Buddhism is highly romanticised in Western eyes. i have hung a prayer flag inside the car recently i bought new prayer flag little big in size .. so my question is the flag which i have removed can be hung outside my house. As Buddhism grows in the West, it is natural that the initial points of contact will be through the pre-socialised systems of reasoning. Phone: 805.316.1233Email: Instead, Buddhism has been widely appropriated and pacified by a broader audience in a manner which fits broadly in the context of Orientalism. I dont even know how to do this responsibly. Purchase Guru Rinpoche prayer flags in three sizes here. Each set of prayer flags has five colors representing the different elements: blue for sky, white for clouds, red for space, green for water . Hes currently consulting on bamboo projects in Thailand, India, Kenya, and beyond. Perhaps there is a Buddhist temple or meditation center near you that you can give them to. And as more and more Westerners grew disenchanted with the promise of unwavering economic growth and the hypocrisy of Christian fundamentalism, the exotic path to Eastern spirituality held ever greater appeal. The fact that they do not last is part of their nature and is a reminder of the central Buddhist teaching of impermanence. You may also choose to let your old Tibetan prayer flags fade and disintegrate naturally, hanging new prayer flags up with old ones. There's a point at which "appreciation" mutates into "appropriation" - and it's a line we should all be weary of. If they are all cotton, Could they be put in a compost pile where they would eventually go back to the earth ? It is always important to treat prayer flags with respect and the intention to end the suffering of all sentient beings. Almost every monastery enshrines her. One option is to take the synthetic prayer flags to a place in nature and tie them on a tree somewhere. Tibetan clothing is worn with an inner garment and a pair of wide and long sleeves, with rich connotation and diversity dressing culture in tradition. Ive had some prayer flags for several years that have now faded and gotten dirty with bird droppings. Thank you. The beads were rotten by insects and their strings were breaking into pieces. However, you dont need to wait to hang your prayer flags. Prayer flags are colorful panels of rectangular cloths that promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom in Tibetan Buddhism. Repeat until desired length is reached, leaving about an inch between flags. He is predominantly a follower of Theravada Buddhism. The intention is the most important thing. In Tibetan, this ceremony is called "Tuosui", which means offering sacrifices to gods and praying for blessings. Today, these flags adorn the high mountains of the Himalayas, where elevations and spirituality achieve record heights. Hes been working in the industry since 2006 and has a network that spans all 6 continents. Thank you for your comment, Caitlin, and your wish to donate prayer flags. I am hanging flags and I have about 5 feet left over. I wanted to present a set of prayer flags with the name of those who could not be there on it. I recently purchased some new 100% cotton prayer flags to hang on my balcony, but Im not sure how to most respectfully dispose of the old ones. Each Color of the Flag Symbolizes an Element. I was not sure if that was disrespectful. Each hue signifies an element and the flags are always arranged in a specific order, from left to right: blue, white, red, green, yellow. He is the Politics and Arts Editor at Asian-Australian publication Peril Magazine and correspondent for Tokyo-based The Diplomat. Tibetan tradition considers prayer flags to be holy. All of those activities are prohibited by the virus and the lockdown. A Closer Look at the Prayer Flags One unique traditional feature of the Tibetan prayer flag 'Lungta' is the image of a powerful horse with 3 'ratnas' or flaming jewels on its back. The bright cloth flags are printed with auspicious symbols, invocations, prayers, and mantras. Content and Meaning of the Prayer Flags. I truly love this idea to give thanks to our well being and compassion for all life! Order Gyaltsen Tsenpo prayer flags in three sizes here. Tibetan prayer flags are flown without any understanding or consideration of their religious meaning. This was a blog post written by the Tibetan Nuns Project, does that answer your question? Yes, it is fine for non-Buddhists to display Tibetan prayer flags. Alternatively, you can write a mantra (or any protective affirmation that is meaningful to you) on paper and place it above your door. Yes, you can. Tibetan prayer flags are flown without any understanding or consideration of their religious meaning. Dear Hazel, Its best to hang the prayer flag somewhere high. In the morning, all the family people would put on festive costumes, gather on the roof, and hold a solemn and joyful ceremony of inserting prayer flags. Taking it out of the sacred context and use it as an 'exotic' or decorative purpose is disrespectful to Tibetan culture: what is sacred in one culture is a plaything for you. I use mixed media to create paintings of a spiritual nature. Also, in India, there has been less awareness around the health and environmental concerns about burning synthetic material. Color fading from the flags is considered auspicious. Prayer flags have a long history dating back to ancient times. In the end, whether youre praying, meditating or interior decorating, its the intention that matters most. Buddhists added their own texts to increase the power of the flags. We hope your move is smooth and happy. Here's a brief introduction to its beginning, development, and schools. Dear Edwin, The prayer flags that we sell through the Tibetan Nuns Project online store are made and blessed by the Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery and Institute in India. The five colors are arranged from left to right in a specific order: blue, white, red, green, and yellow. Can I use Tibetan prayer flags? Your information is being handled in accordance with the. The only possible issue is in handling the remainder of the original prayer flag in a respectful way, which is always a bit of a challenge. Do I really need to burn these? Its also best if it can flap in the breeze. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), How to hang and dispose of Tibetan prayer flags respectfully. It was founded in 2005 and recommended by Lonely Planet as one of the best reputed local Tibet travel agencies. The order should be left to right: blue, white, red, green, and yellow. Rather than the pursuit of wealth, Eastern religion focussed on inner growth and peace of mind. 0. . Around the frame of the doorway is regarded as the right place to put the flags. That way we will not have a problem if disposal. Prayers vary, but typically they invoke a series of blessings, including longevity, prosperity, health and peace. You can string the prayer flags either way because the wind moves around and changes direction. Those flags are called lung dar prayer flags. 4. Tibetan clothing is worn with an inner garment and a pair of wide and long sleeves, with rich connotation and diversity dressing culture in tradition. In our actions, it is our intentions and thoughts that are important. They are also used to carry prayers and mantras through the wind. It shows the spiritual charm of the Tibetan people to the world, and also shows people the cultural landscape of the roof of the world. Are Tibetan prayer flags appropriation? First came the Free Tibet t-shirts and bumper stickers, iconic symbols of grassroots organizing and international awareness, even before the era of MySpace and TedTalks. Ajahn Brahmavamso, a well-known British Theravada monk based in Perth, illustrates the importance of mindfulness being accompanied by the Buddhist Triple-Gem foundations of Sila (morality), Samadhi (concentration/peace of mind) and Panna (wisdom), as similar to a cat that stalks with the intention to kill. It had been advised to make a wooden enclosure or something to protect the damaged holy objects and this could be placed in the forest as a sort of shrine house. Your email address will not be published. Thank you so much for your response. For the prayer flags, the combination of earth and earth is said to be the most auspicious. Please advise. Because of the sacred writings on the flags, they should not be used in clothing or thrown away. If you choose to enhance your home, garden or yoga studio with Tibetan prayer flags, its important to know the story behind them. They were cut, retied, flags cut from the strand then thrown on the ground, in my yard. Our cotton linen prayer flags are handmade and blessed by Tibetan Buddhist nuns living in India. Best of luck with your studies. The new-style marriage is that men and women have the freedom to choose their spouses but still follow the etiquette of the traditional Tibetan wedding. Every so often we receive messagesabout how to hang and dispose of Tibetan prayer flags respectfully. Dear Charlotte, Tibetan prayer flags are strung left to right in this specific order: blue, white, red, green, and yellow. KHATAS. They are meant to represent the five elements in balance and it is not really appropriate to the purpose or culture to separate them. If youre not able to re-hang them, then the best thing would be to burn them with respect. Ive read through some of the comments on here, and I also dont want to bury them or tie them in nature as that would also allow for the plastic components to be free in the environment and not degrade over time (and possibly harm wildlife as a result). These prayer flags are often tied to willow branches and can be seen everywhere on the roofs of buildings in Lhasa's old town. Tibetan language is referred to as Bodic or Tibetic language. Thanks for your question, Billy. Pingback: How to Make Your Chicken Coop Cute! Tibetans do hang prayer flags on auspicious days, thereby multiplying the merit and impact of hanging the prayer flags. When talking about Tibetan handicrafts, people would think of Thangka, Tibetan incense, Tibetan medicine, Tibetan knife, Tibetan ornaments, etc. I would have burned them, but I have a feeling they are likely synthetic and I dont want to burn plastic materials. I assume they are building their nests with them. The Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery in India have been making prayer flags for many years. Color Symbolic Meaning Generally, plastic is a pollutant to the environment once it is allowed to be free within it. The flags contain sacred texts and symbols and should be treated respectfully. I dont want to keep the prayer flags just because they were sent to me unsolicited but I dont want to throw them in the trash or recycling. However, the way the organisation went out promoting it was in line with the broader trend to remove the religion and pacify the practice for a Western audience. Eventually, even younger generations unfamiliar with the political context of the Tibetan nation were hanging prayer flags in their windows and over their patios. And next came the Tibetan prayer flags, more vibrant in their rainbow colors, but more subtle in their messaging. It is most respectful to burn them. However, prayer flags hung at the nunneries are taken down each year, burned, and replaced with new prayer flags at Tibetan New Year. This way, every time you walk in and out you will activate and receive that protective blessing. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. The colors on the prayer flags depict the same. Made by Nuns; Japanese Incense . The Suttas record many of the same teachings taught by the Buddha in different ways, with different levels of complexity as he adapts the way he teaches to his audience. If that is not possible, then you can bury them underground in a clean place as you did with the blessed cords from the mala. Eventually, the prayer flags will fade and can be replaced with new prayer flags. Your question about prayer flags is not one that we have encountered before. They believe that God will help those who hang prayer flags. Popular inner-city Asian clothes and furniture chain Ishka offer you "karma cards" as a loyalty program. I am wondering if it would be disrespectful to incorporate prayer flag panels into a painting? Moreover, the arrangement order of each color is strictly stipulated. Some people have asked whether it is appropriate for non-Buddhists to display Tibetan prayer flags. How can I hang them? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bambubatu_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bambubatu_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bambubatu_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',122,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bambubatu_com-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-122{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Is it inappropriate to hang prayer flags inside? You don't have to be a Bhuddist to hang prayer flags, but there is a right way to hang them. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This was finally done today after pondering the best way to do that, eliminating the options of discarding them in the sea or the river. ; Prayer Flags Size:13 X 11 Inches,The String Is 23 Feet Long With 20 Clear Block Prints On High Quality 100% Polyester. While stringing your flags up wherever you choose to display them, it's important to keep good, selfless motivations in mind, in keeping with the flags' ultimate purpose, which is spreading positivity far and wide. But do you even know that these are not just some fancy accessories? Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Gyaltsen Tsenpo prayer flags are printed with sutras bestowed by Lord Buddha to Indra, king of the gods to overcome his enemies and achieve victory. Green is water, yellow is earth, and blue is wind. We are deeply sorry for the loss of your son and send you our profound condolences. Over time, the wind and the elements take their toll, the colors fade, and the fabric frays. I recently had vandalism to my prayer flags. The festival is celebrated to commemorate when Sakyamuni (Buddha) attained enlightenment, and is typically observed by visiting temples, lighting lanterns and practising kindness and generosity. Is it possible that the rope is twisted or the prayer flags are curled up? Buddhist Prayer flags These are merely recommendations for the best results, however, and not deeply held religious laws whose violation will bring eternal punishment. How to dispose of synthetic cloth (not cotton) prayer flags? Normally prayer flags are hung outdoors so the wind can carry the prayers, but intention is key and it is OK to hang them indoors also. It's a Tibetan indigenous religion. Meditation shouldn't be limited to Buddhism, but it's important to acknowledge where it comes from and its traditions. All Prayer Flags; English Prayer Flags; Indoor Prayer Flags; Vertical Prayer Flags; Wrist Malas; Incense . The colors blue and white represent the sky, the air, red represents fire, green represents water, and yellow represents earth. The Dalai Lama, along with other Buddhist teachers, have actively sought to engage Westerners in Buddhism through the lens of Western philosophy and there is a direct comparison that can be draw here to the Buddha's own life. The old-style marriage is that the man and the woman are married under the arrangement of their parents. Regarding the order of the prayer flags hung on a balcony, theres no true rule for this. Can you give some advise? Bon(Bonismo), originated from the "Gangdise Mountains" and "Manasarovar Lake" in ancient Xiangxiong, Tibet. As you are burning the prayer flags, you should try to remember the intentions with which the prayer flags were made and blessed and have compassion for all sentient beings. Traditionally, prayer flags are hung outside so the wind can carry the prayers to the world for the benefit of all sentient beings. The flags customarily come in sets of five, each with a different color and mantra. Dear Simone, You can unravel them so that they hang down properly. A Tibetan prayer flag is a colorful rectangular cloth, often found strung along trails and peaks high in the Himalayas. Ones intention is what matters. Here are 10 things you should know: 1. Other auspicious days are those connected with the Buddhas life and teaching. Are you sure you want to delete this blog post? STATEWIDE BUDGET. can you wash TIbetan prayer flags and re-hang them? I do not want to be disrespectful but also want to honor my friend in a way she would enjoy or relate to. This way the prayers on the Tibetan prayer flags will be fully free to blow in the breeze and spread prayers and good wishes to all sentient beings. You can say a simple and powerful prayer such as the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra. Dear Leslie, Its not a bad thing to hang prayer flags indoors. Surely there can be no harm in adding prayer flags to compost where they will be consumed by living beings instead of fire and in turn become the raw material for new life. It better stills, just tie up the new ones next to the old. backyard chickens. Traditionally, Tibetan prayer flags are hung up and kept hanging up with the air flowing through them. 7. Despite the many deep complexities of Buddhism there is a tendency for people to think they have an understanding of the religion from a single meme or a Dalai Lama coffee-table book. Tibetan Clothing and Diverse Tibetan Dress Culture What do you think of this way of disposing of prayer flags? Blue represents the sky, white represents the air, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth. Is it significant which direction you put it in. If other bereaved parents ask you about doing something similar, you may want to suggest that they create a separate set of flags to honor their lost child that they hang along with the Tibetan prayer flags. White symbolises air, red is fire. The problem is that under the coronavirus lockdown there are many factors causing delays. You can not only see marvelous religious artworks but also discover the spiritual home of Tibetan people. Tibetan Wedding Customs and Ceremony So this could be photos, prayer flags, thangkas, etc. You can choose to say a mantra if you wish. I have read that there are mantras to be said while hanging up the flags, what are they? Flags that fly vertically, which are less common, are known as dar Cho or dar Chen flags. More and more Westerns are engaging in Buddhism through online resources and Vipassana meditation centres often serve as an introduction to meditation. We hope to have more prayer flags in stock this summer so please check back. But still I was left with the blessed strings. A Tibetan Buddhist nun at Dolma Ling Nunnery hangs new prayer flags at Losar, Tibetan New Year. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said, The quality or purity of any spiritual practice is determined by the individuals intention and motivation. Wishing you every happiness, Mary. Buddhism is vastly complicated religion, comprising of hundreds of schools of thought that fall under the two main schools of Mahayanna and Theravada. I want to be able to see them all dancing in the wind but the middle ones are wrapped up! Perhaps you can give the prayer flags to someone who would like them. The annual Saga Dawa Festival, which takes place in Tibet, is the most important religious festivals in the country. This is because, unfortunately, plastic does not biodegrade, which is to say it does not break down into its atomic components (ie, carbon, water, etc). 5. Hello Myrna, Thank you for sharing the story about the malas. Your intention is important. Dear Kimberley, There is no problem with incorporating a prayer flag into your art. It is considered disrespectful too if the Buddhist flags lay down on the ground or keep still. Therefore, taking prayer flags to your friend after your visit to Tibet is the right thing to do. My flags face the street so is it blue first from my right facing out when putting them up ? Hi, I recently hung my prayer flags, some are twisted right up on themselves. The most critical thing about hanging prayer flags is ones intention. Bon(Bonismo), originated from the "Gangdise Mountains" and "Manasarovar Lake" in ancient Xiangxiong, Tibet. Or dar Chen flags green is water, yellow is earth, and wisdom Tibetan! Help those who could not be there on it printed with auspicious,... Feeling they are also used to carry prayers and mantras through the wind and fabric... Virus and the intention to end the suffering of all sentient beings is ``. 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