Jim Resets the Trollhunters Timeline To Save Toby While the day and the world is saved, this final victory comes at the cost of Toby's life. 47. But he did it for the good of the world- the good of everyone. Ahem, well, I know you cant hear me right now, but- but I just dont know, okay? Slowly but surely, Jim made his way towards the staff. What happened after?, Well after school I biked down the canals as you suggested and I found this huge pile of rubble and this! Toby proclaimed, pulling out the amulet of Daylight. What was even crazier is that it called my name! Because who knew that Trolls and magic could exist? Whats going on here? Of course, that wasnt anything new to Jim, he had made Toby the Trollhunter, but he pretended that he didnt believe Toby. Work Search: Becoming: Part Two Toby placed the stone in the slot, and the gyre took off, moving at a rapid pace. 50. Does she Feel the same way ? Gunmar casually sidestepped Vexs attack, and kicked him in the back. - yes this is my very creative take on what happens after Toby picks up the amulet, I think its a pretty good story so far! Despite intending to keep out of Troll matters, your father, the Lord of the Mountain, seems to want to push you to help this new trollhunter, even if he is a human. The weathers a weird thing, and it all seems to match up with a cold, inviting frost sweeping through the town. I need you to get better. Eli is having a meltdown and Steve helps him ride it out. When Seor Uhl came into the room, he brought two other students with him. Afte After the war, Jim and Claire are traveling to a New Jersey to find a new heart stone. 56. Jim gasped. Jim chuckled nervously. Within seconds his player was destroyed, along with all the progress he'd made for the speedrun. 17. But the second voice spoke English. Y/N L/N gets a magic neck (Y/n) Kubritz is different from most sixteen year olds. Even if they didn't realize it, both of t Y/n is like a little sister to Jim. Angor Babysitting I am so blessed to have people like you in our lives. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Pushing it out of his mind, Jim racked his brains, trying to figure out how exactly he had gotten into Merlins tomb last time. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Just wasnt so satisfied with the ending of TrollHunters. Its like when you used the Kairosect, except theres no time limit to my power, even though it is pitiful compared to the others.. He gave one last leap, trying to grab the staff. Varvatos will flay you and drink your blood from a cup made of your intestines! He shouted, and charged at Gunmar. Arcadia had been overrun with strange spectral creatures who flew around. Nothing is wrong. Claire was in the museum, trying to stave off a few trolls with a spear. Please consider turning it on! This fic takes place after the Rise of The Titans movie end. 60. He levelled his sword, and blue magical lines extended from it, moving towards Varvatos face. I will take care of the royals.. But Gunmar noticed this, and immediately blocked his way. They think Im controlling the staff, and making all this happen. Jim, you have to believe me! (Y/n is an adult, just works Krel x Reader I hope you enjoy reading it! Shadowmagic and Spying "Jim!". Varvatos bowed, and Jim looked on with horror. Morgan-16 years old-oldest- male Jim is now tasked to save his friends and family from the evils the lurk in the shadow y/n as the sibling of Jim lake and daughter of Barbara lake. Shes in the ICU. If you are to come with us I best know your name, Blinky grumbled. The Staff, once again acting on its own accord, shot a beam of green energy at Aaarrrgghh, throwing him backwards. 25. Jim rounded on Merlin, So I need to just stop caring about everyone Ive ever loved, my friends, my family? Merlin continued, To unleash the true power of Excalibur, one must sever all ties with anything or anyone on Earth. The following story takes place after Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, and contains spoilers for the same, so do not read if you haven't watched Rise of the Titans, and you don't want spoilers. 11. Jim could see the staff in front of him, but he could also feel the Gumm-gumms getting closer to him. (Toby dies, Belroc lights the world aflame, and for the first time in his life, Jim chooses to be selfish), Durant ma premire anne de secondaire, je confondais toujours les noms de Link et de Jim car ils se ressemblaient tellement, alors javais commenc cette ballade, que jai finis seulement aujourdhui, les montrant sous leurs pires anglescomme une conversation. There is no time to explain all of that. Soon, everything will start going out of balance. 37. Thank you so much for your help with gas and Walmart gift cards. Evelyn is the T-Rex trainer at Jurassic world. Im pretty sure its an amulet, Jim noted. Here We Go. Arcadia Home Sweet Home He could hear his classmates giggling softly around him as he got up to open the window. Jim looked up, startled, and scanned the writing on the board. Krel's Troubling Query Oh no, Jim thought, Last time this happened, it didnt go very well. There was Gunmar, Decimaar blade in hand, standing next to Blinkys lifeless, stone body. If you or a family you know needs assistance, apply today. We have to go guys, Gunmar might already be here. Jim said, getting on to the gyre. Jim and Marinette are half siblings, and are seemingly normal teenagers. This is a fanfic about what would happened after troll hunters ended.. He said the Amulet would come to me- and it did. Yes, a wizard, they exist. But he was never a good liar. Neither do I, if I am being completely honest., I dont expect you to get it, The first voice said, Just know that if Jim is allowed to continue, it would spell the destruction of the world as you know it. She placed the tome in her lap and traced the symbol on the cover with her index finger. Jim brushed dust off his clothes and got up. This is Book 2 of Douxie x reader, read book 1 first than book 2 :). Its just you and me, Gunmar. Looking around his tomb, it was empty, this was not how things should go. Once I find Merlin, it will all come together. Unfortunately, he cant cook, but he does know someone who can. The trollhunter's destiny is one of great importance. He charged into the Gumm-gumm hordes coming out of the portal, destroying them one by one. The Arianna meets a set if twins names A Jim Lake's sister, Y/n Lake, is the family fighter and protector. We will identify your interests, skills and schedules to find the best way you can get involved. You never expected to parent three children who become the Trollhunters, and you have to stop everyone from dying. Jim was just crossing the bridge over the canal, when a figure in a black cloak stepped out in front of Jim. And look where that got me., Save your breath. Toby spat at Jims feet, Nothing you say will change my mind.. Theres always a catch. He knew he could probably take the Gumm-gumm if he wanted to, but he decided the Staff of Avalon was more important. Watching Their Show/Reveal Fanfic. Chapter 1: Toby and the Trolls Jim sat on the rock in his backyard, watching as the blue sky turned an orange-pink. Toby's injuries are too severe for either magic or alien technology to heal, and with a tearful Jim by his side, Toby dies. I- I came here to say goodbye., I will do- Ill do the right thing. Farwell to Sleep Strickler let out a sigh, and said with an amused smile, That is correct, Young Atlas, but all I asked you to do was open the window. Yeahhh, I dont know if you noticed, Jimbo, Toby said, But this gyre has no controls., I know, you have to break your Amulet to power the gyre., The strange boy speaks the truth. Blinky said, To find Merlins tomb, the Amulet must be destroyed.. Uhh, Jimbo? You are My Sunshine is a Trollhunters fanfic by rockymountainvixen. What would've happened if Strickler, the child of Morgana, was chosen to be Merlin's champion instead of the young Atlas? I just thought it would sound cool., A well wisher. The figure answered, And I would recommend you stop doing what you are doing., Dont play innocent with me boy. 42. Jim stood up to come face to face with Blinky. Look Jimbo, I dont know how you knew about trolls and everything, but I trust you, okay? And last of all, a giant shadow looming over them all, the dragon, Charlemagne the Devourer, who had apparently lived up to his name. Ever since the final climactic battle between humanity and the Arcane Order, Arcadia Oaks has been restored to the peaceful, sleepy town it once was; well, as sleepy as one can get with trolls, aliens and wizards living in it. So who does he call? Stupid mouth. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Doctors orders.. Nimue found it, and repaired it, but she never possessed the power to create it.. 31. The figure looked off into the distance wistfully. Jim felt a pang when he saw Claire on life support. Just- stay away from the museum tonight, okay? Toby said, his voice resigned. While he was putting stuff in his locker, during break, Jim saw Claire approaching him. I know, I have a plan. No, the Blades Elemental were created a long time ago, and are powerful weapons indeed. Aaarrrgghh, throw it! Blinky shouted, throwing the sack towards the bushes. I couldnt think of a better way to break it.. She was hiding under a table with a very large tablecloth. The next class Jim had was Spanish, taught by Seor Uhl. Jim somehow managed to get through school. He heard Toby yell something, but couldnt catch exactly what it was. But she called in sick the day Jim found the amulet, and has been kept from the truth ever since. She looked confused. Ignoring that nagging feeling at the back of his mind, Jim decided to just forget about it. Something was wrong. Mr Lake, are you hearing me? A voice cut off Jims wandering thoughts. The Battle of A Thousand Changelings Who are you, boy, and where is my Trollhunter? Merlin interrupted Jim. 13. Oh For the Love of Merlin He heard Blinky cry out from behind him, Aha! Hes not strange, hes my friend! Toby said. Varvatos must help the Toby-pie! He and Raelynn have been chosen as this other world's protectors. Of course, Blinky told me you arent the real Jim. He continued, But I still trusted you. In Memory of Angor Y/n is like a little sister to Jim. When Barbara went to check on her son that night, she found a couple of goblins switching out her son. Jaune Arc has seen many strange things, he lives with Nora after all, but when he and Zwei fall into other universes has to take the cake for being the strangest thing on his list! He would arise when the next Trollhunter, Jim Lake Jr needed him. This is bad, A voice said, He cannot be allowed to keep doing what he is currently doing., I will get through to him. Said the other voice, I will bring him here to listen. When a young girl is given a second chance in a new yet familiar world, an ancient magic thought long gone awakens. They started slamming their spears on the ground. Jim learns to cope with his new instincts, and Claire begins to learn magic with M On the journey to New Jersey, Claire gets tired. Jim inwardly chuckled at his friend babbling. I- Jim started to explain, but Toby cut him off. I- I do know what it is. Jim said, touched by what Toby had said about trusting him, Its bad.. I saw Wizards on Netflix and thought that Douxie was cute and yeah What did you do? Jim asked, Are you trying to intimidate me?, Oh no, I wouldnt dream of doing that, The figure said, This is merely for convenience. Jim relished in the quiet breeze, the birds chirped, and he could hear his mom and Strickler laughing about who knows what inside. Jim felt the familiar armour materialize around his body. I didnt see her there, if I had, I could have saved her. He gave his mother a pleading look, Whats wrong with her?, Barbara sighed, Shes in a coma and on life support., Theres no point, she wont give any response. It was Merlin, but with eyes that glowed bloodred, a sunken figure, and a reddish glow spreading from his body. Jim hit the brakes, the tires of his cycle squealing. I failed this town, its people- my friends, Blinky, and everyone else when I was fooled by this imposter. So this is going to " ." He waved his hand in front of Tobys face but there was no reaction. Whats up, Tobes?For a moment, it feels like theres an iron grip around his throat.Or maybe a stone one.Did I tell you about how one of those trolls totally had like six eyes?Jim smiles at him.You did. He slides the casserole into the oven, and then leans his hip against the counter, something unreadable in his eyes. 12. But here you are. Spring-Fling: Part One Jim would be the moral support this time around. Not that they would remember. Youll never guess what I found at the canals! Toby said, pulling his backpack in front of him and opening up. Barbara Lake came into the room and rested her hand on Jims shoulder. During the rest of his school day, Jim couldnt help but feel something was off. We dont know if she will recover, but we are hoping for the best. She said. Arianna Nuez is a very shy and lonely girl, and she can defend herself when she needs to. Douxie had al -DouxieXOC It is Jim's job to protect troll and mankind from the GummGumms. Jim hadnt understood what that first voice was saying, something about Turkaz Kolits? Work Search: 53. Hes my friend. Toby had argued, He wouldnt betray me.. Italics in the story is used for thoughts, and emphasis, it should be obvious when I use it for what purpose. Jim got out from behind the statue, but he already knew he was too late. The Gumm-gumms swarmed towards the door, and started crashing into it, trying to break it down. Yes, yes, you will be very surprised indeed, at what you will be seeing today. He said. It had a past of a future. Gumm-gumms attacked him from all sides, but Jim managed to avoid them. Jims face set into one of determination. -Hisirdoux Casperan and Nirvana Ambrosius get stuck in the past with Steve, Claire and Jim. Then he got out of bed to make breakfast. You are a goddess who has lived for a long, long time, but you intend for a calm life, even if you chose to still protect Arcadia, just like your friend, Kanjigar. It was for the greater good, to save his friends and to save Toby. Ill explain why later, but now, we have a wizard to find. Jim told Toby. This is after season 3 but they found another heart stone in Arcadia in the forest. 24. 1041 guests But things change once Y/n meets Blinky on his day out. She opened up the tome and quickly learned within the first few pages that what she had in her hands was a spell book. Jim couldnt agree more, but he decided to not open his mouth, he was already feeling nauseous, and he didnt trust his stomach to comply with his wishes. Im Jim Lake Jr, Jim said, holding his hand out, Blinky tilted his head and grabbed and shook the boys hand. I failed a person like this once, and I do not intend to do so again. The figure stood up. Over history, it has become legendary as the sword of King Arthur of Camelot. Well, they were until Merlin showed up and started lecturing him on messing with time when he was trying to talk to Claire who was clueless about trolls or anything else.Jim really didn't want Toby or anyone to find out about the future, it wouldn't happen so they don't need to carry that burden besides him. It has numerous other names: Caliburnus, Caledfwlch, Caleswol, and others. After a while, Varavtos face went blank. This wont hold for long, Toby yelled, Blinky, are you done yet?. Who knows, he could also be in league with the gumm-gumms. They might "Destiny is a gift. Excalibur appeared in his hand, and as he felt the familiar weight in his hand once more, Jim felt like himself again. The figure came out of the shadows near the entrance to the ICU. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Toby Domzalski & Jim Lake Jr. & Claire Nuez, Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Jim Lake Jr. & Walter Strickler | Stricklander. Yeah, so momwe made it to New Jersey, and were all safebut the Heartstone isnt reallyimpressive. Though it wouldn't be Arcadia if things were easy, Jim can't think his way out alone. And for that, you shall pay. He growled. When Jim's older sister, Monica Lake, comes back from college, she is surprised to hear from her mo Just a collection of one-shots from one of the best DreamWorks animation series out there! SPOILERS for those who haven't seen it yet! Things seem to explode out of proportion when he brings a strange amulet to the Arcadia Oaks Museum from his latest work site. They said that I was meant to be the next Trollfighter or something I wasnt really listening to what they were saying because I passed out.. For a few blissful moments there was silence. Don't think James Lake Jr, Become. I- will take your word for it. The other voice said. Last time Blinky wasnt so suspicious of these murals. Jim hid behind a dustbin in an alley beside the museum. Okay, now place the blue stone in that slot over there. Jim directed, pointing at a slot in the gyre. The Investigation by Mary and Darci As she continued leafing through the pages, she started to find notes written in the margins. He whispered the incantation, and then breathed deeply. Needs a Hug (Tales of Arcadia), Minor Barbara Lake/Walter Strickland | Stricklander, Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen, Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander - Character, What I mean by that is it started on Wattpad and now I brought it here, Rise of The Titans was garbage so I did a thing and wrote fanfiction, These are extreme for the first few chapters but I just want y'all to be prepared, Only two chapters in and it's getting crazy, I know it says "Alpha" in one sentence but I swear this isn't A/B/O, Arcadia is somewhere it snows for the plot, Ill tag more as I go along because they are spoilers, Not Canon Compliant - Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, Aaarrrgghh is Spelled Arrrgh (Tales of Arcadia), Gunmar and Reader kinda go through a divorce, Gunmar especially as he's strangely over affectionate and needy, Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans Spoilers (Tales of Arcadia), Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Merlin (Tales of Arcadia), Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Barbara Lake, Douxie and Jim are actually brothers here. 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