I am glad you enjoy the videos. It is not exactly what I would like to see happen but I get it fully. A lot of people also got great joy from the cruising videos and joked the channel should be renamed to Not Cruising the Cut. The simplicity in the way theyre edited and narrated. click here for my Frequently Asked Questions page! Dont be afraid of covering the same ground time and time again. We have loved following you since we made something of a random discovery on the telly a few months back. Thanks Daz. Hi. walker county inmates mugshots; current white nba players; imagery in act 2, scene 1 of julius caesar; tammany trace subdivision covington la; nombres que combinen con alan; exemple d'analyse d'un article scientifique ppt; catherine sarrazin mother; ex council playground equipment . Please stay healthy, and I look forward to your reemergence whenever and in whatever form best suits you. I grew up on a lake in Iowa and miss the water here in California. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I (David Johns) quit my job in 2015, sold my house and went to live on a narrowboat. Ah, thank you! His YouTube channels include:Cruising The Cut (narrowboats): www.youtube.com/CruisingTheCutUKVandemonium (campervans): www.youtube.com/VandemoniumTubeshooter (camcorder / gear reviews) www.youtube.com/tubeshootermagUKAirscape (informal camcorder tests): www.youtube.com/UKAirscapeDavid Reads Stories (exactly as the name suggests): www.youtube.com/DavidReadsStoriesDavidExpert (gadget reviews): www.youtube.com/DavidExpertTV, Powered by - Designed with theHueman theme. If the boat ever goes up for sale, it will be through a broker and yes, I would announce it on the channel. Firstly, producing Travels By Narrowboat 'is' my job. Thiswebsite has ads on it from Google; that also earns a few pounds each month, literally just enough to pay for the website hosting! How do canal boats and Narrowboaters get mail? I have enjoyed listening to David Johns as he experienced his travels of the a English canals and becoming adept maneuvering his narrow boat. I recall how unpleasant it was when I got divorced so you have my sympathies. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","ae08fd0ebc537953908e189669cabfe3");document.getElementById("ab9e42216e").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your background in Broadcasting Im sure, has much to do with just how successful these videos have been, and I look forward to viewing what you choose to produce in the future. Sorry to see you go but you have to do what you have to do. Consider two, 57-foot-long boats coming from opposite directions. Jill, Thank you Jill, much appreciated! I dont know of any narrowboats that steer from the front though there are some old, shorter, ones that had a wheelhouse slightly back from the middle. We have a sailboat on the Chesapeake Bay, in Maryland and plan to be narrowest tourists someday soon. Can you drive a narrowboat in the dark?Technically you can but I dont. Cheers. Im glad he experienced life on the canal, but understand his desired to be on dry land. There are not that many truly sunny days here and no matter what solar proponents say, if its cloudy and overcast, the resulting power is much less than optimal. Davids background in TV and Radio is probably what brings his YouTube channel such a unique feel. Where does the grey water from the sink and shower go?Unlike your sewage, which has to be storedin one form or another until you get to an emptying point, grey water goes straight back into the canal. just aisles with food on shelves. Very peaceful and pleasant. . Even aground, however, the local resources and people help out at distance. Should this cruising season open up for us, it would be great to see you on the canal again. Solar would make little difference even a 1kW 1.5kW array (which would take up valuable roof space that you often need to walk on and store stuff on) would only give decent output in summer and still then not much in terms of engine powering for a typical 10kW motor even if it uses less than full power for actually moving along. One a month would work I think, you have quality so do not worry about quantity. All the navigations on the canal, even the tight corners can be easily turned by using the tiller, as can most maneouvres such as mooring. I recently discovered you on Amazon Prime over Christmas and your series has been a great help to me. A change is in the wind then.. To be honest, I cant fault you and it DOES make perfect sense. See production, box office & company info. How do you deal with all the mosquitoes on the canals?There really arent that many. Haha, I can imagine your wifes relief too. Very funny. In all honesty, pretty as the canals may be, for me it will always be the human interest and your personal touch that attract me to your channels. And I can honestly say, my wife is very pleased with my decision as she was always worried when I was on the road. I will be back later in the year, all being well. I have wathced some other videos but they are not as good as yours. Best wishes for the coming year. I just watched season 3 today. Usually though it may not look like it! Do you pay council tax?Boats on official residential moorings pay council tax as they are classed as residences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6_nZYR2nK4&list=PLa9px3O5n5hADgtrnNwa5jTzO7uaWC8-e. Have fun & take us with you. Alongside this David announced that there would be no more cruising videos (as he will no longer be on a boat) and he would focus more on the documentary style videos such as the very successful Coal Finger video above, essentially reporting on stories he sees along the canals. I look forward to your long format in depth videos. I tell you the things about boat life that others are too nice to talk about" She is a very candid lady, and she LOVED Sea Glass We are in the sad situation of having our own boat, which we normally spent 6 months a year on, but are no longer able to do so due to the virus. I really enjoyed your travels after my daughters found you and gave me a pointer. Sir, I would simply like to thank you for your series, Cruising the Cut, Seasons 1-4. Follow your heart love, you deserve it. I hope that taking a break can rejuvenate you as well, in these difficult times it is easy to forget to breathe. All of these videos were very well presented and enjoyed by many! Thank you for tuning in and Im so glad they bring back wonderful memories. Take care. That said many boaters disagree entirely with these arguents and do paint the baseplate how often is down to their enthusiasm for the task and / or the depth of their wallet. Jill, Your email address will not be published. Many, possibly most, have multi-fuel stoves which burn coal or wood and they will keep a boat so toasty youll have the windows open in mid-winter! Lorna is not my wife, it was a little joke I made in one of the videos because we see so much of each other, and a lot of people thought I was serious. Absolutely loved your videos on Amazon.wondering if the European canals and rivers is in your future. Narrowboat VS Barge: Whats the Difference? Take care. The argument is partly that most rust occurs at the waterline (true) because thats where you get the highest mix of water and oxygen, and partly that the baseplate is (usually) 10mm thick so it can withstand many, many years before its rusted to a point where youd worry about it. Hi David Just found "cruising The Cut" on Amazon this . Glad you enjoy them! You might have heard some fellow boaters talking about a new Cruising the Cut TV Show and wondered what channel it was on. Loved the Christmas dinner episode. Cheers from the U.S., may all be well with you. August 23, 2022 Travels, Vlog 10. Thanks for tuning in and Im so pleased you enjoy it! Im all up to seeing more documentary type videos. Unfortunately, due to a bit of an issue with Amazon (to do with showing the show in the UK), I am unlikely to compile Season Five but new videos will always appear here on this website and on my YouTube channel. Just for the record, I once tried to find a book shop in Nuneaton (none) it is not only the canal full of crap! Hey guys, welcome back to the channel!I am your host and in this video, I am going to inform you about the YouTube channel Cruising The Cut.You ought to have. May the very best of your past turn out to be the worse of your future. We do get lots of houseflies and occasional wasps etc but theyre just the normal summertime pests. I have never visited your part of the world and had no idea that cruising the canals was taking place. Hello Elizabeth. . If we toast a sandwich in the UK, it is then explicitly referred to as a toasted sandwich or toastie. This has been such a lonely, odd year. Looking forward to seeing the revised format! Thanks John. Watching your interviews and a bit if Vandemonium, Im quite confident in your ability to pivot and find a new wind. Have a look at this video from Slim Potatohead where he experiments with one on his caravan (travel trailer): https://youtu.be/ZvXwqMWbt1c?t=122. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Unlike rivers theres virtually no current in the canals except for whenever a lock is emptied, and with the canals being so shallow and having a lot of trees on the bank, theres an awful lot of silt lying at the bottom. Hence its not generally advised! Man throws up in court as his wife is jailed for biting off part of pub landlady's ear during boozy bar brawl. vorzeitige rckzahlung durch emittenten; stlting train service; auswandern panama immobilien Click here to watch it. David was once a local news reporter for a major TV channel in the UK and did this for over a decade, as well as working on local radio. FRANKFURT REBELS. Took time to develop these resources but find the boating community there outstanding. Mental health is more important to David than pleasing his fans! Im sure I speak for lots of us in that we will miss your happy face and funny escapades. I was lent a narrowboat for a week by two viewers of the channel! Hi David, I shall miss your humour and lovely take on the world of cruising, but, take the time you need to fall back in love with it. David sighted that he had fallen out of love with cruising his narrowboat and was moving onto land to secure a land-based home for his future retirement (or this is the impression I got from watching his announcement anyway!!). Not good to have a boat you totally cant use. Stars David Johns David Johns See production, box office & company info Watch on Prime Video S1-4 included with Prime Add to Watchlist 11 User reviews Congratulations on becoming lead cutter. Why dont you get all-solar narrowboats?It sounds great, for sure. I hope to feel more energised about it all after a couple of months not doing it! Documentary 2019. Since that original video we enjoyed binge watching all your videos (starting with #1) this past year. Much obliged, Tracey, I do appreciate the comment. I say he should do whatever makes him happy and if he wasnt feeling it with living on a narrowboat, then he should make whatever change is needed to help him feel better. Lovely to hear of your three year old enjoying the videos too :-). I really have very few fixed plans such is the joy of the narrowboating life so Ill tell you now: I dont know! We had a very similar experience when, on a sunny day in late March, David Johns came to visit us and record an episode for his canal-based vlog Cruising the Cut. I lived in Rugby the last 15 years while my daughter attended the eponymous school. I believe you truly Shine in your documentary videos, they are of excellent quality, super-interesting, and most informative. Cheers. My father-in-law did that several years in a row and loved it. If it is anything like the YouTube content, I am sure it is as well presented and informative as ever!! No plans for that at present though. My best wishes. DJ. In that case they divide up your monthly fee amongst every creator you watched that month according to how much of each creators videos you watched. If you still refuse then eventually legal proceedings begin with the CRT having the contractual right to remove your boat from the water. In my opinion, this status was well deserved as the channel provided some really top-notch content. Thanks Jim. This is a re-cut and reimagined version of the YouTube format to give it more of a TV feel for the Amazon series. How fast can you go on the canals?Asking how fast is to miss the point of narrowboating. September 12, 2021 at 11:23 am. Welcome to the Airscape, the online home of video producer David Johns.He has over fifteen years experience as a reporter and presenter on radio, television and online, working for ITV and the BBC amongst many others, as well as seven or so years as a full-time YouTube videomaker. Can you fish in the canals and do you eat them?You can fish if you have the appropriate licences local angling groups tend to have the rights to each stretch of canal so talk to them. At the time of writing, it has well over 200,000 subscribers and some of the highest viewed videos among narrowboat vloggers. Lots of Love Tracey. What does it cost to live aboard a canal boat?There are a huge number of variables which mean there is no simple answer to what does it cost? Please make a cup of tea, get comfortable and take a look at my Vlog 66, Vlog 67 and Vlog 68 plus the more recent Vlog 213, all of which go into the costs in excruciating detail. There are more van videos to come! Links from my videos to Amazon with an affiliate code in themmean I get a small commission if someone buys anything (yes, anything, not just the product that was linked to) after going to the site from clicking on my link.I also have a Patreon page for really dedicated viewers yes, there are some! Glad you like the videos. Id love to do some of the French canals though. Why dont you use a cordless drill to operate the paddle gear?For several reasons. Also, I dont like handing out my address for obvious reasons. Initially videos of my travels, I now document . However, like what some other popular Narrowboat Youtubers have done, this isnt a traditional TV show but an Amazon Prime series of videos that you can buy and watch. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. My tank is 62 gallons (282 litres) and I just tend to refill it when I remember, after a few weeks cruising. By the way, there may be a shed load of boat tubers out there, but none of them have the professionalism (and dulcet tone!) Take a bow, but dont fall in! Also, Im out of Kentucky, and was recently out with my wife buying furniture and we met a young saleswoman from the UK. Theyve been a absolute joy to watch. Im pleased to say my parents are recovering well, and your series has really genuinely helped me to find some calm and re-centre. Why are you driving on the right when you drive cars on the left in the UK?Apparently international maritime convention is for driving on the right. Yes, Im hoping Ill feel recharged after a bit. Its got loads of very expert people who chip in but the only thing you have to watch is that sometimes the discussions veer (quickly) wildly off on a tangent, which is unhelpful, or occasionally descend into vitriolic arguments. The videos the last 5 years you can see and hear that in your videos. Thank you David for a glimpse of life on the Narrowboat and cursing the canals. As for doctors, dentists etc, just stay signed up to your usual one and go in to any local surgery on a visiting basis if you need to; they dont need to know youre on a boat. David then decided to sell up his land-based home and a lot of his possessions and live a more nomadic lifestyle cruising the canals of the UK. English. Roughly. Get enough views and this will eventually add up. It dawned on me that if you considered selling or auctioning off your iconic celebrity cannalboat along with an autographed DVD package of her amazing heartfelt journeys. David Johns. There are no speed police or radar traps on the canals however; its more the ire of other boaters that you will incur though Im sure if a CRT officer saw you zooming along theyd note your boat registration number (which is required to be clearly visible) and send you a suitable letter. Cheers. Manage Settings I have to say I loved the Coalfinger vlog and watched it more than once. A narrowboat needs only 1-2kW to move along (once it has begun moving) thus a 20kWh battery pack could sustain 5-10 hours travel (presuming standard lead-acid tech ie 50% drawdown before recharge) and presuming the battery is not used for anything else aboard (though in reality most electric-focused boats use it for domestic purposes as well so the battery and solar system has to support that too)However, solar is not so reliable in the UK. Just say you were visiting and felt ill or needed a checkup or whatever. I started watching the series on amazon and was really interested. Why do you eat so many cheese sandwiches and whats in them?Because I love cheese I use the strongest cheddar I can get (preferably Pilgrims Choice Extra Mature or Cathedral City et al), with some tomato, maybe some cucumber slices and nothing else. Your email address will not be published. Whats yourname and whats your background?Im David Johns. My goodness, what a tonic. The name must be displayed on the side of the boat as well, but its on the licence so as long as youre showing that youre probably OK.The boat name does not have to be unique. Seeing your posts I hope whatever you have a go at you can enjoy it with the same passion. Be well and keep in touch. David, Certainly I can well understand that making videos and doing all that dialogue would not be at all a joy compared with simply turning on ones television set and watching from a reclining easy chair. There is no need to be cold on a narrowboat. So peaceful and David did a great job! How very splendid! from Tony Garden. Cheers. David, Cruising the Cut. Glad the videos help. Unfortunately theres no charging infrastructure on (most of) the canals so yes youd also need a generator of some sort even if thats just the engine standalone diesel gennys are ridiculously expensive and a massive battery bank which is expensive, weighty and requires maintenance. So hybrid solutions are the only reasonable option. I have enjoyed immensely those videos I have seen, but understand your need to recharge. Deborah (who composed the music for the version of Cruising the Cut seen on Amazons Prime Video) is my sister. All fish must be returned to the canal alive except non-native species which must not be returned. But you must be happy in doing them. I hope you know how much appreciated your and your colleagues are and I really do hope you begin to get some relief soon. . Have a good New Year and hope we hear from you when your ready. They have lost their commitment and become the prisoners of their camera, patrons and schedule. 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