how to trigger a man's reptilian brainhow to trigger a man's reptilian brain
Copyright terms and licence: Fair Use. I will attempt to describe this without using all the long words that McLean used. Heres an example children living in neglected or abusive environments often exhibit learning disorders. Eat mindlessly. They had to always be on the lookout for threats and react instantly. Your Reptilian Brain (or Lizard Brain) is one of the most important organs in your body.Yet.Most people don't even know of the existence of this vital organ.Let alone the fact that they are aware that .The Reptilian Brain ControlsEvery.Second.Of.Your.Life!It's time.Time for you to become aware. The volume of the brain is about 1150 cubic centimeters. Please log in again. So, as you are a designer, advertiser and/or user experience specialist, the reptilian brain represents your best target; if you want consumers to buy your products, you must grab their attention and make them feel as though they need, rather than want, these items. The reptilian brain is important for our survival. All the regulatory stuff. This part of our mind is already formed 20 million years ago. 95% of your serotonin is produced in the gut. So, if you use examples in your presentation, make sure that these examples are about your audience. The idea of nationalism appeals to the reptilian brains territorial nature. The Sympathetic nervous system/ego controls the reptilian brain and triggers our fight or flight response system. For example, carousels and slideshows are captivating, and have been used to great effect by many of the most frequently visited sites in the world, such as Amazon and eBay. By looking at genes in human and mouse neurons the brain cells that store information and the glia, the cells that support the neurons, the scientists found that reptiles' brain cells weren't actually all that different from our own. They contrast the painful situation of having an unhealthy body with too much fat with the after situation where you will have a healthy and slim body. Consisting of three separate parts of the brain, this theory identifies the R-complex ("R" stands for reptilian) as the part of the brain that is identical in function to the brain of a reptile. But one can think of the first most, the bottom most, the most ancient as being what's often. Copyright 2007-2023 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Therefore, images and motion are essential tools in the designer's kit for tapping into the primal brain. We are hard-wired to seek out mates and ensure the survival of our species. The Reptilian Brain is developmentally the oldest since it is fully functional while we are still in the womb. Which is why we all have the tendency to act stupidly at times. Our brain has gone through millions of years of evolution. 6 Powerful Reptilian Brain hacks to get More Control over your life, 1) Appeal to the pain points of the reptilian brain, 2) Appeal to the self-centered nature of the reptilian brain, 3) Use Contrast to demonstrate importance, 4) Make your value proposition as tangible as possible (aka Show me the money), 5) Focus on the beginning and the end if you want to have an impact, 6) Use Visual metaphors to captivate the reptilian brain of your audience. When you want users or consumers to sit up, listen, and take notice of something, you might need to use threatening signals. MacLean's model suggests the human brain is organized into a hierarchy, which itself is based on an evolutionary view of brain development. Now, heres the problem. According to the famous psychiatrist and neuroscientist, human beings of today have continued to maintain three basic structures: a reptilian brain, a limbic system, and a brain that is new and complex, responsible for higher functions, the neocortex. Therefore, it tends to motivate you to do more of the things which please you and less of the things which give you pain. Remember to apply a critical gaze to trends in the representation of men and women in design and advertising. It is responsible for such things as processing the written language, complex thinking, calculating, and rationalizing your decision. So, if you see a TV ad for an abdominal trainer, then this will trigger your reptile brain. Make stupid purchases. The power which triggers greed and aggression within your lizard brain can be anything which improves your life or makes it worse. Dendrites receive information from other neurons. {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, lizard brain, reptilian brain, reptilian brain hacks, subconscious mind. The reptilian brain only understands visual images while the optic nerve is directly connected to your lizard brain. The Neocortex is the outermost layer of the brain and is linked with high-level cognitive abilities. The limbic brain shapes a lot of our behavior and relationships. The Neurobiological Benefits of Exercise. Which of the 6 Reptilian Brain Hacks do you use and what are your experiences with it? Start with talking about the pain you want to avoid first, to grab the attention of the lizard brain. Say, "You make me so happy," to your man from time to time. It only understands images, and it does not understand language. MacLean called it the Reptilian Brain. Of course, in this report I just described SOME of what is takes to project a sexual state through nonverbal cues. Next time you feel stressed or anxious, observe your breathing. They play on your fears and insecurities to get you to buy their products. For example, a warm, cosy room full of modern furniture tells the users that buying products from the site will help them achieve the same calm, tranquil and happy lifestyle. This mode triggers the adrenal gland, an endocrine gland on the top of your kidneys. This includes the size and shape of the brain, the number of neurons in the brain, and the connections between the neurons. It posits that humans have a primitive portion of the brain, similar to reptiles, that is conditioned to pursue safety and survival. Probably more. The reptilian brain, as proposed by Paul MacLean in the 1960s in The Triune Brain in Evolution, was thought to have been one of the three separate brains us humans . Trauma resets the reptilian brain. Whats the best way to think about the brain? Work can be stressful. Money, power, attractiveness the possibility of gaining or losing any of these things triggers the reptilian brain. It is made up of gray matter. But you can control your reactions. Being physically inactive is abnormal. Pick a sport. If you can take out a few minutes every week, I promise to helpyou develop a strong understanding of how your mind works. The most recent step in the evolution of the brain it's about 150-200.000 years old; . If exercise could be packaged in a pill, it would be the single most beneficial and widely prescribed medicine in the world. It avoids discomfort even if it means a greater reward in the future. And exercise is as important for your mind as it is for your body. This part of your mind also controls your focus. How do you make it visible? And at times, downright like animals. Some decisions are driven by science, and others by sexism or long-held stereotypes. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Surround yourself with the people who bring out the best in you. This is extremely important. Its obsessive. Share Your reptilian brain, explained on Facebook, Share Your reptilian brain, explained on Twitter, Share Your reptilian brain, explained on LinkedIn. The prefrontal cortex, also called the neo-cortex, is the part of the brain that can get the other parts to work together for whatever goal you have. Or when you have suddenly a meeting for which you could not prepare. THE REPTILIAN BRAIN archived 10-19-99 Archive file# r101999b. You're a wildebeest and there are some scary, menacing wildebeest threatening you and that emotional state causes your limbic system to activate the reptilian brain and your heart beats faster. Have you ever bought something on an impulse, and regretted it later? Please leave a comment below by telling us how you are managing your lizard brain. Pheromones are odorless and consciously undetectable natural substances that trigger a deep sexual response in the brain of those who come in contact with them, and that is related to sexual attraction. Check our frequentlyaskedquestions. Learn to recognize relationships that are toxic and cut them off. The training was a one-day training concluded with a final exam for which they had to pass. In that phase, all customer service agents had to be trained. The cave man decides to either fight the lion, run away or do nothing and pretend he is dead! Below is a list of the methods you can use to stimulate the 'reptilian' brain, a concept proposed by neuroscientist Paul MacLean in his 'Triune Brain' model, either to attract users or to improve their experience: Eat, drink, love What motivates us more than food, drink, and love? The lizard brain is another synonym for the reptilian brain. If you want to have more focus in your life, then the reptilian brain is your best friend. As we build up our model of the R complex (the basic, "reptilian brain"), the next structures out from the core are a pair that together are called the "basal ganglia". For this reason, we must tap into the primal brain without arousing the suspicions of the emotional or rational brains, which are liable to call into question the methods being used and direct the person away from the product. Whatever you like and enjoy. Amid all that complexity, functionally, it's very easy to think of the brain as coming in three functional layers. Harry Heijligers has more than 25 years of experience as a Project Manager and more than 17 years of experience as an NLP Trainer. If you have the attention, then you can start talking about the benefits of the solution you are presenting. This is called road rage. Write. You have to link that fantasy to the users reality reality is total, after all. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so another great way to make your value proposition tangible, is to either give a demonstration of your product, or if it is a service, to let the customer try the service out for 30 days with a money back guarantee. Sex is a very powerful trigger, and it will often bypass your critical thinking thereby making you more receptive to persuasion. This emotion-based way of thought isn't often the best way to think about anything, and often leads to gridlock. Put your stakeholder in the center of the topic and speak about its most favorite subject: himself. Sex triggers have the ability to stimulate the following primal emotions in your reptile brain: So, placing a beautiful model next to a car, will automatically make the car more attractive, because it appeals to your reptilian brain. According to psychologist Paul MacLean the Triune Brain theory means that the human brain actually consists of three separate brains. In thatspaceis our power to choose ourresponse. The brain comes in 3 functional layers - the reptilian brain, the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex. The login page will open in a new tab. Fight, flight or freeze. What triggers this is a mix between your two primitive . If you use images, make sure that your audience can relate to them. When youre faced with a saber-tooth tiger, theres no time for thinking. Your body temperature changes, it senses it and causes you to sweat or shiver. Neocortex. The concept behind the 'triune brain' or 'reptilian/lizard brain' was proposed back in the 1960s by neuroscientist Paul Maclean. Its rarely seen in other animals. The reptilian brain dominates their thinking process. Sex sells as all sales people in the world know. These desires are manifested in our behavior, and, if you use the right approach to trigger our primal desires, you can influence consumer choices. If you can harness the power of it, it's the key to a bright future. However, after this first and very strong impulse of the reptilian brain, the triggered behavior may later be down-regulated or amplified by the two other brains you have: the neocortex and the limbic system aka the thinking brain and the emotional brain. This is not done by monotonous continuing your presentation of course. The reptilian brain is based in survival mode which elicits impulsive programmed responses (constant reaction to present triggers). Thank you already in advance for sharing your thoughts and insights! Should you really feel threatened as soon as something unexpected is happening? How Meditation Alters Your Brain. Unlike your logical brain, this brain doesn't have the power to reason and only understands the simple language of pain or pleasure. So, now you know why a PowerPoint slide with only bullet points is destroying the attention of your audience, while a slide with just one picture can captivate the attention of your audience. You must make this distinction as easy and quick as possible for your customers and users. 4. termed the reptilian brain. This means moving away from pain and moving towards pleasure. This might be the most difficult part of the practice. Thats the root cause of anxiety. But the reptilian brain is wired to constantly scan the environment for threats. The reptilian brain is territorial. Marketers and politicians use our reptilian brains to intercept our ability to reason. What type of things can happen in that context which would trigger normally your reptilian brain with a feeling of threat? Thats why it is a good practice when you have strong desire to do something, to postpone your reaction by counting until 10 for example, or even better, by have a nights sleep over it. As the oldest part of our brain it is like a well worn road that develops a deep groove. If you better understand the triggers which your reptilian brain is exposed to, then you will better understand your own behavior. Sex sells. Hero Image: Copyright holder: Alpha on, Copyright Terms and License: CC BY-SA 2.0. The reptilian brain is stupid but very efficient at keeping us alive. Breathing is a reptilian brain function. The models showing all those beautiful clothes, are beautiful themselves thus stipulating the fact that you as a customer look inadequate. Our brain is one of the most complex pieces of sof. Well, I know I have (like a lot! Make a list with all the possible threats. Although it was a false feeling, of course, that is something the reptile brain doesnt know. As soon as you have their attention, present how your value proposition will be alleviating that pain. The real star of the book, however, was a theory of human neural organization that took root some 30 years earlier . And what does that region do? Relevant plug: Why Meditate? In todays digital world most of the things we do every day have become sort of invisible. The old brain - decides (takes input from both and pulls the trigger) Until fairly recently, many fields of study (notably economics) believed that our decisions were largely rational. The big question is then of course, what will you tell in the middle of your presentation? Gray matter is made up of nerve cells and glial cells. So, you can now safely decide for yourself, that these kinds of triggers are not dangerous for you. In general, the brain is shaped like a sphere. You probably already have heard that your brain consists of three totally different parts. Okay, enough nerd talk. The vast population of our planet consisted of reptiles and other animals. With 148,846 graduates, the Interaction Design Foundation is the biggest Instead, our reptile brain drives most of our decisions. Which ones do you think inspire more confidence and are more appealing? It is made up of three different areas. Theres something magical about nature that melts away stress. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://Your%20reptilian%20brain,%20explained, 5 of the most amazing cracked codes in modern history, Mind hack: Revive your focus with this 12-minute exercise. Food is abundant for most of us now, especially if youre reading this. You can combine this with the primal pain avoiding behavior of the reptilian brain. The primal brain is relatively uncultured; it is interested mainly in distinguishing things that are good or personally beneficial from anything else in our environment. Not much. The reptilian brain is the primitive and animalistic part of our brain. It destroys your mental health by causing inflammation in the body and killing the gut microbiome. While most of the more explicit examples may be aimed at men, this is by no means specific to men; women derive pleasure from seeing attractive people, too. Thats why visualization techniques work so well because this is the best way to influence your reptilian brain. Spend more time in nature. The lizard brain evolved to serve your genes by driving fundamental needs such as feeding, survival, mating, and self-maintenance. The 6 triggers are: self-centered, contrast, tangible input, the beginning and . Again, this is why visualization techniques work so well because they help you channel your mental energy and attention towards your goals. The brain's shape varies among individuals. The reptilian brain is the part of your brain that deals with essential bodily functions. So, if you want to activate the lizard brain, appealing to pain is more effective than appealing to pleasure. Rather than something emotional, here's a threatening beast right in front of you. For example, if you have an e-commerce site, when users have left things in their basket for a period of time, you could send them an email alert telling them that there are only X number of these still available. So, your lizard brain is triggered as soon as you feel threatened. Anything that threatens your (or your familys) safety triggers your reptilian brain. If you can present your value proposal as a way to alleviate the pain and contrast this with other solutions, where the pain remains or increases, then you will immediately grab the attention of the lizard brain of your audience. The medial cortex is the part of the brain that controls our emotions. When reptiles evolved some hundreds of millions of years ago into higher life forms the reptilian brain was not discarded. There are a set of strong triggers that can activate your reptilian brain directly, and when this happens, your neocortex or thinking brain will be bypassed resulting in irrational behavior. Bad Design vs. Good Design: 5 Examples We can Learn From. The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive The Limbic Brain The limbic brain emerged in the first mammals. Just as readily though, one talks to two talks to three. Robert M. Sapolsky holds degrees from Harvard and Rockefeller Universities and is currently a Professor of Biology and Neurology at Stanford University and a Research Associate with the Institute of[]. Or are there hundreds of logical explanations why another driver is taking a certain maneuver while none of them has something to do with a threat towards you? The best way to get the attention of your audience is to answer the Whats in it for me question as quickly as possible, because that will satisfy their reptilian brain. Since the first trade occurred in the history of man, sellers have used food, drink, and loveor, perhaps more likely, sexto attract consumers. But dont build your life around these things. Knowing that the three species' brain cells were molecularly similar, with the same broad . Our bodies have evolved to require the stresses inherent in physical activity to grow and function properly. Self-Actualization: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Putting Some Emotion into Your Design Plutchiks Wheel of Emotions, How to Prevent Negative Emotions in the User Experience of Your Product, The things we use and consume may satisfy the first four levels of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but they will n, Neuroscience has offered many important insights into both the structure and function of the human brain. Relevant Plug: Why Exercise? Learn a new skill or language. Or have you said something to somebody which you regretted, already a minute later? If you will start to recognize the triggers which trigger your reptilian brain, then you will also be more in control of what you will do with these triggers. Youll notice that you are taking quick shallow breaths. Coca-Cola previously ran a series of adverts where a man, usually in his thirties, is involved in some practical activity, such as mowing a lawn. Websites use images to grab the attention of users immediately and convey messages implicitly. It is made up by two parts: the parietal lobe and occipital lobes. So, if you want to appeal to the lizard brain, use a black and white type of messages. He has a Dutch blog about NLP here: We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The power of food, drink, and love are often harnessed in unison. Our primal instincts heavily influence our behavior. Now, evaluate with your logical thinking, if each of these threats are in fact a real danger for you. The result of this, is most of the time, that you will think that it is wise not to buy the crap you first thought was fantastic. It cannot think logically. Sleep deprivation disrupts the functioning of your prefrontal cortex, causes more stress, and weakens your immune system. But in some cases, you are not able to use visuals. The second brain region, is the limbic brain. Relevant Plug: Stress The Usual Suspect. Forget the benefits for a second. All milestones were invisible, besides some new computer screens. ), Stress triggers a combination of reactions in our bodies. Shit happens. That's because it determines what you will focus on in the first place. Dominant, Assertive & Strategic. Like the Bohr model was useful for understanding the structure of atom. If it thinks something is not worth focusing on, it is neglected. It could be someone invading your personal space. Products targeted at older age groups tend to exercise more constraint where sex in advertising is concerned. However, neuromarketing as a field has suggested that the old brain, the old primitive "fight or flight" part, makes most of our decisions. And activates the bodys fight-or-flight response. Other primal emotions of the reptilian brain, are self-maintenance, dominance, obsession, and compulsion. online design school globally. The anterior cingulate gyrus, the amygdala, and the orbitofrontal cortex. We are fighting millions of years of evolution. Corporations and politicians take advantage of these same primal instincts to manipulate you. If the amygdala senses danger, it makes a split-second decision to initiate the fight-or-flight response before the neocortex has time to overrule it. We need to completely let go of the thinking and judging mind. Feroman considerably increases its production by 269%, to achieve, in a few minutes, an increase in natural pheromones. Hope these ideas push you ever so slightly towards a meaningful and happy life. Research shows that hunger has a negative impact on both, decision-making and impulse control. Key lesson: The more senses you trigger and associate with your products/services, the more you will appeal to your customers' emotions and influence their buying behavior. Reptilian brain trigger: threat to safety, Reptilian brain trigger: Money, Power, and Social Status. The "Reptilian Brain" and Profits: 7 Critical Insights You Must Know About How and Why Your Customer Buys. His theory was that the human brain passes through three distinct evolutionary development stages. The reptilian brain enables survival but curtails the functioning of the neocortex. Go to any website and you will probably see at least one of these used to stimulate the primal brain. For example, when you think of your favorite memory or something that makes you happy, your reptilian brain will quickly cool down your body and even lower your blood pressure. The Triune Brain. "The secret of wisdom, power, and knowledge is humility." -Ernest Hemingway. For thousands of years, high status ensured access to resources and reproductive success. Take a deep breath is not just a cliche. But we can learn to rise above our primal urges. Thats why it is wise to create a pattern interrupt for yourself upfront. Relationships can be difficult. Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. When is that? He has a Dutch blog about NLP here: This stimulates the lizard brain, of course, to want to be attractive, resulting in an obsessive buying behavior. Thats your reptilian brain preparing you to get ready to fight or run. We all regardless of how good we think we are underestimate the effect of arousal on our behavior. If you want to motivate yourself, or others, or you want to sell your ideas and convince others to take actionyou will need to know how you trigger a man's reptilian brain.Well, here are 6 specific ways to accomplish just that: Knowing how the reptilian brain operates, gives you the insight to become better in managing your reptile brain. The big question is of course: Is this feeling corresponding to a real threat or not? After all, we are visible creatures and seeing is believing. The second system -- the Paleomammalian Brain -- is what has been. There are not only differences between men and women in this respect; differences exist between cultures and age groups, too. Reptile theory was first articulated by David Ball and Don C. Keenan in Reptile: The 2009 Manual of the Plaintiff's Revolution. The surface area of the brain is about 1.8 square meters. After that, you can think in advance about future situations where you will be influenced by the sex trigger and then weapon yourself against it. Sitting on top of that is the limbic system, the emotional part of the brain. It kind of connects parts of the brain that deal with high and low functions. Then it will start to pay attention again. Every Sunday, I send out an email dissecting some aspect of the human mind. Evidence for this reptilian DNA in us comes from the fact that in the early stages, developing embryos look a lot like reptiles and could be classified as such. And this feeling of threat is what immediately activates their lizard brain. They're off there in the grasslands butting heads with somebody else with antlers and it's your limbic system that's heavily involved in having to do with fear, arousal, anxiety, sexual longings, all those sorts of things. There are several steps one can take to counter the easily triggered reptilian brain. Breathing at different rates or paying careful attention to the breaths has been shown to engage different parts of the brain. Start with 2 minutes if you have to. People always want to know Whats in it for me?, so make it a habit to make that very clear from the start of your conversation or presentation. This applies when you want to trigger your reptilian brain or the reptilian brain of your stakeholders. Negative affect can be used to arouse users fight-or-flight response. 2. The reptilian brain craves comfort, stability, and familiarity. Each brain represents a separate evolutionary step in man's development. Ancient, ancient wiring at the base of the brain. Most people don't even know of the existence of this vital organ. This means that it will always be very alert to changes to evaluate danger. The fight-or-flight response to project a sexual state through nonverbal cues to arouse users fight-or-flight.. 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