I know it is hard to navigate this information because there's so much contradictory info about Michoacan. With the Medellin leader gone, Insider noted how the rival Cali cartel took the reins of Colombia's booming cocaine industry. Based in northwest Mexico's Sinaloa state, the Sinaloa Cartel is widely considered to be the most powerful drug trafficking organization in the Western Hemisphere, according to Insight Crime. The groups are between 20 to 100 gunmen. (. #3:45pm they're out there. La Familia Michoacana ou La Familia (en franais la famille du Michoacn) est l'un des sept grands cartels de la drogue mexicain, bas dans l'tat du Michoacn.Il a fait parler de lui en septembre ou octobre 2006, quand des inconnus sont entrs dans un bar pour lancer cinq ttes humaines accompagnes d'un message sur une piste de danse [3] (les dates varient selon les sources [4]). Following the threats and attacks that drug traffickers Cartel of La Familia Michoacana (LFM) performed in the State of Mexico to celebrities and a businessman, a fact that caused the cancellation of the Metepec Fair, now presumably the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), launched a message against those who pose as them.. POSITION: Second in Command Los Viagras - Former, POSITION: Leader - Current (Source, Source), NAME: Rodolfo Sierra Santana[*2](Please see note about photo used at bottom), OTHER ALIASES: La Teresa (Source), El Rodo, El Barbn (Source), PROFILE: El Tronado is one of the Sierra Santana brothers. (Source) La Jornada newspaper reports that El Tronado was injured in the explosion resulting from bomb construction that also killed La Gera China in July 2021. Brazil prohibits experimenting with them (Source, Source, Source). By 2015, Milenio newspaper wrote that an intelligence report from the national security cabinet stated that Los Viagras were currently dedicated to drug trafficking working under or in an alliance with Cartel H3 (there was an iniative where areas in Michoacn were divided between groups called H1, H2, H3). 2023-03-02T01:46:39.892Z, Guy Savoy, considered the best chef in the world, loses a Michelin star There are accusations that the Sierra Santana brothers never stopped being a criminal enterprise, involved in either drug trafficking or extortion, and that they simply took on the ruse of being an autodefensa during this time period. In a video that circulates on social networks, armed men who claim to . As of 2011, La Familia Michoacana still exists, mostly active in Estado de Mexico, despite the killing of its founder and leader Nazario Moreno Gonzlez. The photo of him alive also seems to be taken from the leaked Procuradura General de Justicia del Estado (PJGE) intelligence report published by Contramuroin 2017, which lends the photo further credibility and brings into question the Borderland Beat video identification. Regardless of the cause, Los Viagras and the CJNG have been in a fierce battle ever since. newspaper reports that El Tronado was injured in the explosion resulting from bomb construction that also killed La Gera China in July 2021. 2023-03-02T02:58:41.177Z, Requiring HSBC to spin off Asia is enough to propose AGM resolution Lu Yujian: Dividend returns will increase multiples In 2015, El Negro was arrested alongside Adrian Reyes alias "El Tigre", a leader of Guardia Guerrerense (or Guerreros Unidos?). As such, please take all of the above information with a grain of salt as many of these sources had to be used. Until further evidence emerges, the man seen in the video is being used as Rodolfos image. not sure what this has to do with Sargy. El Boto ended up killing most of the boys he couldn't get out. I think the video was taken down or he took it down. In the truck, the military also found three long weapons, a pistol, and cartridges. In a 2018 article, El Universal described El Harry as a regional operator in Zamora for Los Viagras, adding that he is one of the 12 regional lieutenants of Los Viagras. PROFILE: El Negro is one of the Sierra Santana brothers and a member of Los Viargas. Insight Crime and the BBC reported that these splinter groups are suspected to have abducted 43 Ayotzinapa students, which hit international headlines in 2014. La Familia is a heavily armed cartel that has utilized violence to support its narcotics trafficking business including murders, kidnappings and assaults. The CJNG reportedly came to this alliance with the Sierra Santana brothers through Yordn Oseguera Villa alias El H, who is the son of Nora Elia Villa Patricio and Adrin Mendoza Oseguera. Abuelo Farais and all Carteles Unidos are freaked out they don't want to fight CJNG so they are doing everything in their power to use the government and human shields to prevent them from advancing. body, also, what happened to Comandante Cinco? Victor Alvarez Farfan, a native of Michoacn, Mexico, headed the Portland drug ring blamed for bringing large amounts of meth, heroin and fentanyl across the border beginning in October 2017. Other versions claim Mencho was behind the killing of Carlos Sierra Santana. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. January 14, 2000. Some critical Installation information of NAF Atsugi are the following: Defense Service Network (DSN) Dialing Instructions. In another video they threaten El Zarco and El Mdico, saying they are coming for him and he better not hide from them. Outlets that are willing to do this, such as Noventa Grados, Infobae and Contro Muro have stories that are sometimes based on social media user reports and subsequently, their track record on credibility is not consistent. (Source, Source) He is believed to have been released from prison in April 2020, as part of a federal initiative to reintegrate prisoners back into society which was compounded by concerns over the rapid infection potential in prisons during the COVID19 pandemic. I want to check out what you are saying but I have got to weigh them against Milenio newspaper's intelligence report they say is from the national security cabinet. For Michoacn, La Voz de Michoacn and the local edition of El Sol newspapers are quite credible when it comes to reporting the barebones facts of criminal events however they rarely venture into ascribing cartel affiliations or naming cartel figures. The group led by Pap Pitufo including the Sierra Santana brothers joined the Fuerza Rural. Perhaps the most heinous La Linea crime occurred in Bavispe, where the group attacked a Mormon family inNovember 2019, killing nine people including several children, according to ABC. La Familia Michoacna emerged in the wake of a battle for control of Michoacn between the Gulf organization and a group known as "El Milenio.". Roslaes was one of the founders of one of Mexico's most notorious drug cartels and organized crime syndicates, La Familia Michoacana, which had a reputation of extreme violence against their adversaries. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. (, They reportedly began working under the Knights Templars but later left the organization and joined the autodefensa movement that was largely centered around eliminating the Knights Templars. That injury to his left eye area looks very much like he got hit with something hard, perhaps getting pistol whipped or hit with a rifle buttstock. I know poquito espanol so its hard to keep track. Cuando menos desde 2020, el Ejrcito mexicano sigue de cerca las acciones de la Familia Michoacana, el otrora crtel ms poderoso del estado de Michoacn. (Source, Source, Source) El Chaco was released from prison in April 2020, as part of a federal initiative to reintegrate prisoners back into society which was compounded by concerns over the rapid infection potential in prisons during the COVID19 pandemic. However, now it looks like the LFM has recovered, and has the potential to return to a high level as before, now they control more territory than many other cartels, but apparently internal disputes continue, this time due to the fact that some members of the LFM do not agree with the union of brothers Hurtado with the CJNG, as evidenced by the recent murder of El Zarco. I'm definitely not here tryna convince anyone thats for damn sure. According to Nicolas Sierra Santana, the group name Los Viagras derives from a joke made by one of the brothers about another how his brother Carlos used to comb his hair with spikes facing upwards that he fixed with an excessive amount of gel. As of 2017 (and likely still today), the Sinaloa Cartel is overall the most active drug cartel involved in smuggling illicit drugs into the United States and trafficking them throughout the country. Notable Figures: La Linea Part I: Chihuahua, Notable Figures: Crteles Unidos Part I - Los Viagras and La Nueva Familia Michoacana, The Cartel de Sinaloa Helps A Young Man On His Way Out, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Operation In Tamazula, Durango: Would Be To Capture Aureliano Guzman Loera 'El Guano', Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives. Of the 13 priority, one was Johnny Hurtado, alias El Pez, and another Juan Moreno Salgado, alias Jabn. 2023-03-02T02:40:35.520Z, SpaceX will attempt its second launch of astronauts to the International Space Station after a last-minute launch problem According to plea documents, LFM used a sophisticated network of individuals in Mexico and the United States to distribute the methamphetamine in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and to collect proceeds from the methamphetamine sales. Ahhh 8:43 I did not know you were juggling extra curricular activities, on assignment covering the Tokyo Olympics lol. CJNG, El PRI played a massive part in the whole plan the weapons were provided by CJNG the strategy was provided by El PRI the muscle by EL PRI and CJNG and media did their thing on orders from EL PRI. 2023-03-02T01:46:34.480Z, It was confirmed that the second friendly of the Argentine National Team will be held at the Madre de Ciudades * Mexico was named an Outstanding Academic Title of 2010 by Choice Magazine.Bloodshed connected with Mexican drug cartels, how they emerged, and their impact on the United States is the subject of this frightening book. Other groups such as the LFM group associated with Jos Pineda Gonzlez Don Jos and Medardo Hernndez Vera El Mantecas, as well as the LFM group associated with El Pez appear to be in an alliance with the CU but whether they belong within the CU is unclear. It is expanding into other regions of Mexico and generates revenue from drug trafficking, illicit mining, and extortion. Some states however lack news publications like these. News nsfw. As of 2017 (and likely still today), the Sinaloa Cartel is overall the most active drug cartel involved in smuggling illicit drugs into the United States and trafficking them throughout the country.Battling the Tijuana Cartel. In recent months, the battlefront has moved some 200 kilometers to the south, in the same region of Tierra Caliente, but now in Guerrero. There are accusations that the Sierra Santana brothers never stopped being a criminal enterprise, involved in either drug trafficking or extortion, and that they simply took on the ruse of being an autodefensa during this time period. news On July 13, 2009, a group of 12 Mexican officers were kidnapped, tortured and murdered. Whats the point? It is so confusing! and receive all the key information on current affairs in this country, All news articles on Un informe en poder de EL UNIVERSAL confirma que Eduardo Hernndez Vera, alias "Lalo Mantecas", es el lder criminal de la Regin de Zitcuaro, Michoacn, as. (Source). Theyre just not as big as other cartels because they dont have presence in a lot of states. 8:39 - I've been incredibly busy outside of BB, unfortunately. You have opinions, I know facts. Episode 5: What's it like to be a special agent with HSI? La Familia Michoacana. Looks like killing El Kike and EL Chayo was "The Goal", job #1, and it got done remember the shit rolls down hill, FECAL people had to go when EPN came in. El Ingeniero is one of the Sierra Santana brothers. As is the case with the CJNG, it is difficult to define the radius of action of La Familia Michoacana and the cohesion between the groups that act under its name. (Source) He was reportedly imprisoned in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero in 2015. He was described as the leader of the criminal cell identified as Sangre Nueva Guerrerense by, in 2019. El Negro is described as one of the founding members of Los Viagras. Is there anyway you could give me some sources? still waiting. As of 2011, La Familia Michoacana still exists, despite the killing of its founder and leader Nazario Moreno Gonzlez. Another cartels that form CU are the people from Los Reyes, los blancos de Troya, AND tepeques. @10:40 These "no influence" comments show the ignorance of the foreigner readers, and every capo has many more than 1 son. The Department of Justices Office of International Affairs also assisted in the extraditing the defendant to the United States to face charges. 90 comments. r/NarcoFootage When asked to provide sources about each and every claim, they cannot. I frequent alot of the Michoacan pages and comment on information and situations were currently under, so that in itself is a no-no. what happened to El Negro? Caldern officials reject the idea that taking out a drug capo simply means others will take his place, and they insist the worsening spasms of violence will be short-lived and are proof the government is rattling the cartels. The mystery remains, how azul(father) died? I see the story! He was arrested alongside El Harry in 2018 after they shot at a group of ministerial agents who were participating in investigative tasks in the town of Santa Ana, Buenavista according to the State Attorney Generals Office. Los Zetas is a powerful Mexican drug cartel that has made special use of fear to achieve its business goals. 2023-03-02T02:40:41.064Z, Customs seized more than 700 million sticks of illicit cigarettes last year They now appear to be protected and/or merged with a group led by Germn Ramrez Snchez, alias El Toro. Vote 2 comments Best Add a Comment UnleashedSavage_93 2 min. Colombian National Police/Wikimedia Commons, ShareAlike 4.0 International/BaptisteGrandGrand. 2:18 - Havent watched a single Olympic match this time around. Jalisco New Generation, often referred to as CJNG, is another Mexican cartel that emerged in 2010. However most current reporting alleges Rodolfo El Tronado is the leader of Los Viagras whereas El Gordo takes more of a spokesperson role under him. DESCRIPTION: According to Lantia Intelligence and Mexico Daily News, Los Viagras is a group that is currently believed to be a subgroup or armed wing under La Nueva Familia Michoacana, which is part of the Carteles Unidos (CU) alliance. Like a corporation that assumes too many unfamiliar ventures, La Familia may well have spread itself too thin, leaving itself vulnerable not only to federal cops and soldiers but also to rival groups like the Pacific South cartel, which is moving north into Michoacn. (Source, Source, Source). The LA Times found that from January 1988 to November 1991, drug traffickers killed up to 219 people in this area, disposing of their bodies in rivers. 2023-03-02T03:46:47.495Z, Man arrested after placing explosive device in suitcase at US airport ago They are a bit washed up but in Michoacana the active ones are Los Viagras, Los Correas and Los Unidos, basically against CJNG 1 More posts from r/NarcoFootage 258K subscribers LFM is the one who controls parts of Guerrero, Michoacan, edomex, and Morelos, LNFM is controlled by El Chaparro a close person to El 100 who was ambushed by LFM back in August in Michoacan. People like comandante sargy are always showing prove of the ongoing situations in Michoacan and you people still doubt him? Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. He is believed to have been released from prison in April 2020, as part of a federal initiative to reintegrate prisoners back into society which was compounded by concerns over the rapid infection potential in prisons during the COVID19 pandemic. But not a trace of them. Trying to figure out which CU figure belongs to each group is driving me a little mad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLNcjuggB_Q Here is the video of the Ex Sedena member talking about Carteles Unidos government support. However most current reporting alleges Rodolfo El Tronado is the leader of Los Viagras whereas El Gordo takes more of a spokesperson role under him. Click on the state names in the list below to see which cities and towns have cartel presence. He is said to be an operator within Los Viagras but he tends to keep a low profile. This group notably was said to have issues with Adalberto Fructuoso Comparn Rodrguez alias El Fruto, who frustratingly is described by almost every publication ambiguously as the leader of the Carteles Unidos with no further specificity to group or subgroup. Meanwhile El Universal, La Silla Rota and Noventa Grados will say Don Jos is LFM. 6:01 - Don't shoot me for asking you. The following agencies provided special investigative assistance: U.S. (. On Feb. 25, 2010, the U.S. Department of the Treasury sanctioned Rueda-Medina under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (Kingpin Act) for his involvement in drug trafficking. Based on it, the military installed checkpoints in Amatepec, State of Mexico, somewhat south of Sultepec and Texcaltitln. (Source, Source). Much of the cartel's drugs trade depended on theLazaro Cardenas port, an asset that La Familia killed some 1,500 people to protect. They are known to produce large amounts of methamphetamine in clandestine laboratories in Michoacan. 7/26/2021 7:00AM CST: Revised wording around H3 to be more clear on the intended meaning. The principal mission of OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt, dismantle and prosecute high-level members of drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and money laundering organizations and enterprises. Judge Kinkeade sentenced Rueda-Medina to 520 months in federal prison on the drug conviction and 240 months in federal prison on the money laundering conviction, to run concurrently. Baja California has Zeta Tijuana and Sinaloa has Riodoce, as just some of many more examples. No. Cristopher Rogel Blanquet (Getty Images). The problem, says Astorga, is that "the capture of capos doesn't necessarily mean defeat for the cartels. Take for example the cartel leadership figure Don Jos. @3:42 he takes down the videos to check them for YT "compliance" but yeah that was a Sargent of communications that was a bodyguard of La Sirena. The group was born in Michoacn at the turn of the century, as a response to the violence of Los Zetas, who were beginning to expand their tentacles outside the northeast. (Source) In May 2020, the CJNG executed three cartel members (either LFM or LNFM) and desecrated their bodies on video while threatening El Zarco and El Mdico. Until further evidence emerges, the man seen in the video is being used as Rodolfos image. La Familia Michoacana, (English: The Michoacn Family) La Familia (English: The Family ), or LFM [3] [4] is a Mexican drug cartel and organized crime syndicate based in the Mexican state of Michoacn. This savagery is nothing new. They are known to produce large amounts of methamphetamine in clandestine laboratories in Michoacan. For media inquiries about ICE activities, operations, or policies, contact the ICE Office of Public Affairs at (202) 732-4646. (, He famously gave an interview to the Daily Beast in 2017 where he boasted that he commands about a thousand Viagras foot soldiers and that his men maintain a sophisticated surveillance system that includes monitoring police and military radio frequencies. The La Familia narcomanta is signed by "Seor 100" which may refer to Medardo Hernndez Vera, alias "El Mantecas", "Lalo Mantecas" or "El 100" who leads a La Familia Michoacna group with a presence in border area of Michoacn, San Luis Potos and the State of Mexico. In the same month, heavily armed gunmen fired upon Omar Garcia Harfuch, Mexico City's public security secretary, injuring him and killing two bodyguards and a passerby (via Insight Crime). Los Viagras were first formed in Pinzndaro, Buenavista Tomatln. Last weekend, members of the gang massacred seven residents of a community in Coyuca, 50 kilometers from there. 2023-03-02T03:22:36.187Z, This is the dangerous work of Ukrainian soldiers in the minefields Members of La Familia Michoacana in a screenshot of a video with which they announced their arrival in Milpa Alta, in Mexico City, on December 4. In 2018, analystParker Asmann dubbed the Sinaloa Cartel "Mexico's top crime group," despite El Chapo's arrest, trial and eventual detention in the United States. El Zarco was a Knights Templar member prior to joining LNFM. The cartel claimed to protect the poor and said it. Sources like. For Notable Figures purposes we will expand on Lantias list. A weekly compilation of engaging digital content. Nearby, in Coatepec Harinas, hitmen from the criminal group had assassinated 13 state and ministerial police officers from the State of Mexico months earlier. Then, in December 2015, Insider reported that La Familia founderCarlos Rosales Mendoza was found dead baring torture wounds. described his position as the leader of the group known as La Nueva Familia Michoacana, the criminal arm of Los Viagras in a 2017 article. At the beginning of the month, hitmen had murdered about twenty people in San Miguel Totolapan, now in Guerrero, including the mayor and his father. In 2015, El Negro was arrested alongside Adrian Reyes alias "El Tigre", a leader of Guardia Guerrerense (or Guerreros Unidos?). La Familia became a powerful criminal force in Michoacan. It just means new criminal coalitions, new alignments, and that process can lead to more expansive waves of violence, not less." call themselves La Nueva Familia Michoacana. Hearst is just citing what she was able to find and piece together, don't shoot the messenger.None of this is an absolute statement of fact about the things happening in Michoacan many people here in the comment sections claim to have the "truth" about things but in reality the fact is we just don't know. CJNG have also committed several assassinations, including the June 2020 murder of Jalisco judge Uriel Villegas Ortiz and his wifeVernica, who were shot some 20 times, according to a El Pais report. And then I realized I was starting to feel like this: https://youtu.be/_nTpsv9PNqo?t=19 And realized this level of detail is something that is probably only interesting to me so I should calm down. Mexican investigators last year estimated that La Familia controlled 83 of the state's 113 municipalities as well as almost a third of its formal commerce. Hey guys, sorry for the long sections of writing and that so few cartel figures are profiled this week. The connection between La Familia de Michoacn and that of Guerrero and the State of Mexico is not clear, but large regions of these last two States became a practically impregnable fiefdom for them. Some states however lack news publications like these. * Some states in Mexico have well established news publications that have a record of credibility and a history of reliably covering cartel news. In the searches, the agents were looking for clues that would bring them closer to the Hurtado brothers, targets of the Executive for a decade. [38] Advancement within the organization depends as much on regular attendance at prayer meetings as on target practice. This sentence was announced by U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox of the Northern District of Texas. The Times wrote how Escobar had always dreamed of being the President of Colombia, and this ambition showed in his twisted flair for governance. But Michoacn, the group's home base, is also Caldern's home state, and it's where he started his crusade against Mexico's proliferating drug cartels in 2006 shortly after La Familia had announced itself by rolling the severed heads of five rivals onto the dance floor of a crowded Michoacn disco. Some say natural causes? Without finding signs of criminal activity, we let her continue on her path, says the document. You have Sargy-zombies, and you also have people who blindly follow CU propaganda. Ciudad de Mxico, 28 feb (EFE).- La Secretara de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) reconoci que fue "un estruendo", lo que ocasion que miembros del ejrcito mexicano dispararan en contra de una. Overshadowed by the criminal activity and the media skills of the Jalisco Nueva Generacin Cartel (CJNG) and its satellite groups, La Familia Michoacana returns these days to the front pages due to the aggressiveness they have shown in their recent attacks. The week before Dr.Sol was on fire, churning article after article coming from Mexico, then it was MX, he seem to Mellow down. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. El gigio is a top lieutenant for MZ in la nogalera, he pushed into magdalena to take over el cazador territory(chapitos faction). Violence committed by the Juarez cartel is rife, especially from its La Linea faction, which has fighting the Sinaloa in Chihuahua City, contributing many deaths to the city's high 2020 murder rate (via FOX59). And there's no end in sight. Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of our United States law enforcement team and the critical assistance and sacrifice of our Mexican counterparts, a notorious drug cartel leader is where he should be behind bars, said U.S. Attorney Nealy Cox. But el azulito(son) died of health complications due to covid19,Some corridos tell us the stories(the authorized ones) in "la despedida del azul"- song, they talk about how azulito(son) is now reunited with his father, and how he died.I dont think that information would be put out they're unless it was authorized, being how secretive the Esparagozas are.Heres a verse,"Despus de haber pasadoSu vida peligrandoLo acabara infectadoEl virus tan mentadoBuscaron por el mundoLos mejores aparatosTecnologa de puntaLe instalaron en su cuartoY aun que no escatimaronEn su intento por salvarlo"""Lo llamaba su viejoQu ya lo estaba esperando"""Hoy se despide de sus allegadosQu Aqu los mencionaremosCantando".. The cartel can trace its roots to the 1960s and '70s, when farming families entered the marijuana business. They now appear to be protected and/or merged with a group led by Germn Ramrez Snchez, alias El Toro. What is the application of a cascade control system? Get information about how to check in with your local ICE Office here. The CJNG reportedly came to this alliance with the Sierra Santana brothers through Yordn Oseguera Villa alias El H, who is the son of Nora Elia Villa Patricio and Adrin Mendoza Oseguera. Just like they're doing now, were they call viagras/c.u - autodefensas? In 2018, described him as the top leader of the criminal group known as Los Viagras. 2023-03-02T03:10:52.364Z, The Two SessionsMeet with Zheng Yanxiong of the Hong Kong People's Congress and the Political Consultative Conference: Standing on the overall situation and political perspective to grasp Hong Kong's responsibility Meanwhile, NAME: Salvador Navarro Pealoza and / or Luis Navarro Pealoza, He is described in multiple publications as the leader of LNFM. Valorxmichoacan was what some of these propaganda pages are today.Do your own research its out there.https://www.vice.com/en/article/gynw8x/mexico-s-self-defense-militias-follow-cartels-into-deadly-internal-conflict. Credibility and a history of reliably covering cartel news policies, contact the Office! Showing prove of the above information with a group of 12 Mexican officers were,! Founder and leader Nazario Moreno Gonzlez not hide from them the CJNG have been a... A video that circulates on social networks, armed men who claim to as Los Viagras learn. Despite the killing of its founder and leader Nazario Moreno Gonzlez that in itself is a criminal... Shoot me for asking you above information with a group led by Pap Pitufo including the Sierra Santana that killed. The intended meaning know you were juggling extra curricular activities, on assignment covering the Tokyo Olympics lol the! California has Zeta Tijuana and Sinaloa has Riodoce, as just some these... 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