I finally was able to keep the water and pills down but my fever only went down to something like 101 if I remember it? And then I might be better about checking in with you and your needs for a while, but then something happens and its back to me. He even broke the kitchen sink to where it only puts out hot water. Stay away from me!" Its me, me and my illness, that dominate our life. At least in my case, I can be loving, civil and kind now but I also am trying NOT to be needy or co-dependant if he stays at his friends house til 1:40 AM like he did last night, or if he just spends the day watching tv or if he throws a tantrum while driving or if he starts incessantly talking about government conspiracies and how money isn't worth anything, etc. We have to deal with the fallout of the consequences, which they don't ever want you to tell them about. My husband never realized what was happening right under his nose. When he's not sleeping, he's making random 'sick' noises like sighing, All you have to do is open your stupid mouth and explain the situation to them. Of course, I got no help from him with ANYTHING for the 6 weeks my foot was in the cast. SO has said they're sorry this happened, and it's probably worse for me - so they know they don't know how I feel. When you are sick you deserve to have someone that does the things that show they care about your health and well being. Because in his mind, I'm supposed to be taking care of him.not the other way around. In the letter I explained that he needed to get help and I was running to save myself. Sometimes, I've wondered if some of this is not only the ADHD, its also, in some, (like my husband) the result of his emotionally cold and distant mother,who had mental issues that kept her from showing love, closeness and tenderness to her children. Anyway. Oops! Sorry you're feeling under the weather, drink plenty of fluids and rest, don't over do it. You definitely need to talk to her about this, probably shouldn't do it while you're feeling ill. Being a victim keeps him justified in his anger at the world, that life didn't treat him fair, and no one gave him what he DESERVED ,because he deserved so much more than he got. But in the end, that doesn't matter either. So it's easier when you can say, "ok 20% sucks if I let it but 80% is fabulous". You are not on bed rest recovering from surgery, you have a common stomach bug. I had a migraine headache and vomiting a few years ago and said I wanted to go to the ER and he said , "If you had a migraine your eyes would be sensitive to light." When my husband found out he was angry and said " I can't justify spending that kind of money. Otherwise I think you need to stop acting like a child when sick. No wonder folks with ADHD have built up some walls. Are you sick often? He lovesfamily when they are joking with him, but not if they need him. 1) Shes never on your side. She came and went multiple times during the morning ignoring that I was still in bed and coughing a lot. You also don't have a role model to teach or even show you HOW to connect. And no, it s not all about the relationship dynamics and avoiding my wrath, etc. I want to say Thank you for sharing your story. You may do better by asking her 'precisely' what you want from her when u are sick/hurt over and above her 'commentary'. And.as I have confirmed my father ( the Narc ) did this as well? After my surgeries, I couldn't do ANYTHING. I never want to add to our already unconventional relationship or be the fault of making it worse so I do what I can. My husband says he wants us to "get back together", and he now wants to be the husband he should be. Melissa, I really appreciate your efforts, but I will say that I tried everything with my now ex-spouse, and nothing worked to rekindle the connection. (and the smell, yuck) Even his clothes smell like old grease. Very very low tolerance since this is completely unforgivable as it should be? And those saying they've stayed for their kids don't bs you don't give a **** about them or you would leave and show them how a normal healthy relationship is. Nothe kids aren't "more important" than her. I brought up water, Gatorade, and saltines, got him anti nausea meds, and told him to call or text if he needed me, but I was taking care of the kids who were puking Also, you aren't following proper stomach bug protocol Google it, first start with ice or very small sips of water. If you do decide children are for you, there are going to be times when you have the barf pooos and you still have to entertain kids, make meals, and continue parenting while I'll. Im worried and curious what to look for. I guess what i m saying is although the strategy may have a great chance of success for some, there isn't any upside in my case. All this crap about his kids "coming first" is just thatcrap. Thank you for reminding me that it's me and my wife with each other now. I, ME, MINE!! Yes, I licked the back of every airplane seat to make sure I picked up some kind of virus! My SO is inconsistently caring and compationate - the overriding theme of when they are not has to do with feeling frustrated and overburdened by yet another thing they have to deal with. Boy did we cry. I felt like I was dying, inside and out. I was a great person, still am as are you. But you dont care. Submitted by dedelight4 on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 11:42, "our friends know the struggles and even when I am not present they can only take him in doses, bless them. Unfortunately, many divorced dads want to be their kids friends and a DisneyDad to them rather than a father. but I am trying to get past the resentment so now it simply feels like a friendship and some days like room mates but my goal is to remain pleasant and loving, as I would treat a friend. My wife was pretty awful about helping me when I was sick for the first 20 years of our relationship and is still not great at it. Second, gently encourage him to connect. It s supposed to make me feel better because it s not just me. How would he manage without me, his Bandaid? Anyway, so many of us deal with this kind of disconnect that seems completely 100% effin impossible for us to understand. You go about your life, your work and leave me to deal with the insurance companies and doctors. Now not now and love. He was of course love bombing me during courtship, I was 17 with daddy abandonment issues so of course I "fell in love" and the week after I saw his temper and lack of attention to my needs. And for this, I am truly, deeply sorry. Guy didnt wish me happy birthday am I wrong to be upset? Submitted by notgonnalosemyself (not verified) on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 10:15, Basic human feelings that have to be forced, coerced or always one-sided is deflating and fatiguing. My husband didn't help me with anything around the house. They ruin too many peoples lives. I think so. Sometimes they have had a crappy childhood - one person mentioned a highly detached mother for her ADHD partner. He broke my scraper trying to scrape my windshield and then the demon came outagain. He got home about 12:30 PM and went to work in his basement/mancave saying "if you need me I am downstairs, but I had already made bfast and lunch for myself and I sat until 7PM alone and made my dinner when he came up and said he lost track of time and asked if I called for him. Need help with your relationship? Of course, he doesn't understand why I can't go run errands with him because it's not a big deal that I've got a slight fever. Nothing. People are either takers or givers. 5 signs of an unsupportive husband during pregnancy. Have enough respect without ego to treat yourself with a non-toxic man or woman. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm feeling better now! Recently I was knocked down by a So, does he want me around because he's afraid he's dying? I still picked up one of the children after school, and stopped off at a second hand shop to purchase crutches for myself - they almost rolled their eyes at that when they got home from work! It was your plan all along to leave me on my own, wasn't it?!". Not showing care or concern for your spouse when they are sick, or injured is NOT an ADHD trait. I have been happily married for 22 yrs. Run!!! You don't want to marry a man with kids, trust me. All this crap about his kids "coming first" is just thatcrap. When you marry, the two Gosh, feel better! I wish you the best. We want to hear your story. I get dizziness, irritability, mood swings, left sided weakness, severe nerve pain, and killer headaches with my autoimmune attacks. Who in their crazy mind would love to feel as the second best on someones life; throwing you with nothing but crumbs, and competing for their attention and love. You cant expect people to stop. Your wife is negative because she doesn't know how to deal with her angry/upset/self-loathing emotions so she projects them onto 'faults' that you have. How can she stop? She needs to learn how to take responsibility for her own negative emotions and process them herself without becoming abusive to another person. I have been enlightened and no longer feel alone. Submitted by sickandtired on Fri, 12/11/2020 - 08:44. His mother died in a plane crash, this would finish him off if I left, etc. Submitted by The Bride (not verified) on Mon, 07/13/2020 - 04:33. Even when it came to the children in those earlier years (aged 8 and under) when they would get the stomach flu, and pails would need emptied, sheets changed, and the long night watch done. But we are talking about a lack of engagement here, right? He used me to "get love for himself", knowinghe wouldn't ever GIVE the same amount back, or even similar. Thanks. There was no safe way to drive the manual transmission with one foot, so I had to use the broken foot on the clutch. Kids pick up on stuff they're not ****ed. That can be very hard to do! Its good to have a healthy balance. Fear,is the one that gets the most use, and what he bases most of his interactions with. Im the sick one, the one who is lucky to stay out of the hospital for more than three months at a time. My SO had an in depth ADHD assessment earlier this year (one we had to pay for out of pocket and it wasn't your run of the mill assessment, it took an entire morning of tests and interviews), and empathy was one of the things they assessed as they considered it part of the disorder. She may be tired of dealing with a sick husband who wont see a doctor on top what she already has to deal with. ).the instant I said I didn't feel wellshe put her hand on my forehead.went..OMGgot a thermometer and took my temperature.as one might think one should do in a situation like that? anytime I am not taking care of all of the chores (he works and comes home and rests-) he is vile. And I have failed you, but in finding your voice you have helped me find mine and now I see. I agree 100%. (I'm not sure if he came over on the Friday night from 9 pm to 8 am.). He was disgusted. Diagnosed with severe and life-changing migraines in 2014, she has since been on a journey of better health and recovery despite the growing and the complex number of medical issues she faces. Im the one who stays home all day while you go to work for 40or more hours a week and then still find the energy to come home and take care of me and the house. He will do things like say "You are not sick!!" The one hoarding in the place you are trying to sell? In all these posts and stories, especially in many of the long term marriages, there seems to be a common theme. (I think men dont care I'm going to be honesy) however when he is sick he expects me to stay in with him all day and if I go out hes constantly asking me to come home and gets angry if I'm out to long (he gets angry if I'm out to long anyway) he is unemployed and has a lot of time on his hands in this circumstance yet when I'm with him I have about 2 percent of his attention and that's just simple responses. Hewas an abusive, narcissistic Asshole. The latter makes you miserable (as you know) and relies upon him to 'think of you' at a time when he's otherwise distractedif that makes sense. Its your life not theres. To be honest, if we were not married, I would not choose him as a close friend because he is judgmental, acts like a victim, is abrasive, discards people, is full of ideas and dreams that go unfulfilled and is very impulsive as well as talks incessantly about topics people can't grasp (i.e quantum mechanics- high IQ, low common sense). Yes, the victim mentality and what you said is so true. To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. All I have to say about that is..THAT..is some Fucked Up Shit.right there!! I am not an illness. You might be thinking, wow, why be with someone like that? The grass wasn't greener on the other side but my grass would probably never be any better so there needed to be changes on my side. Submitted by dedelight4 on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 16:40. Threatening to get seriously ill and find ways to make dad a villainboth deeply traumatizing things to do to your own kids. 2 yrs ago I was in a serious car accident. Someone who at times would look at me and just smile, (as if we shared a special secret), with eyes that showed gentleness, patience and strength, but with a reverent humility. All big red flags. He appears not to care youre pregnant and youre feeling unsupported. I don't think there is a way to forgive things like this. So many of the situations seem so crazily familiar. (Sadly, he was not compliant enough with the whole thing and it didn't work). She doesn't care that I am in pain because she feels my feelings are unfounded. every day it rings at 6pm for dinner) or specific (one hour from now to come back up stairs). So my father comes home after hearing all of this from my mother at each stage of the day..and I'm laying there sicker than a dog after vomiting all day longand he comes to the door way and just looks at meand me at himthinking he was going to say he was sorry for not believing me and making go to swim workout with 104 degree temperature and just stares at me with this blank lookand then turns around and walks away and never mentions it again or ever says one word to me about that day ever? I am at peace now, non-reactive for the most part, I don't care if he doesn't call or text me. Because you are doing it and should own your behavior. And now that I have, I have a new perspective. My husband responded to me that if I went on medical leave I would have to stop seeing my doctor because he wouldn't pay for it anymore. Can totally relate to your post. Even if you have the flu, it's up to your partner how close they want to get to you. Later Ilet him know I am very sick and need some help. Impatient to a fault, hates to wait, hates to wait his turn. It dramatically affected my relationship for the worse. Submitted by tiredmomma1 on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 12:12. WebI love my wife. There's definitely a disconnect. All the mistakes I made after 2013 were not me but the broken woman I had become after all of this indirect abuse. I gave him other numbers to call of other therapist and he put the cards aside. WebFirst we must examine if he is afraid of becoming ill himself as perhaps he has a long history of lacking resilience. I see we are out of aspirin and ask him if he knows of any in the house. And vice versa. Everyone, strangers and those that love and tolerate him see an issue. Got plenty of time to think about it. I have been raised to tough it out: when you are ill, you do not whine - you just put on a brave face and keep going. Thats Was she sick recently and you didn't pay attention? I wish he'd just admit he''s not the handyman he thinks he IS. The tender, close, intimate kind of love that touches your heart and soul, and makes you feel genuinely connected in a deeper emotionally inter-connected way. His answer was absolutely not. Besides his kids being a priority (see TruthBTold's post), I have seen a lot of men that are used to being babied when they are sick. I m not saying it s right, but I am not putting in the effort for someone who lies to my face about everything. The reception was held at a house, in he back yard. H, has two basic emotions, FEAR and ANGER. The texting got out of hand and the rest is history. Fortunately, we were able to figure things out and this wasn't a problem for long. I scrolled through my phone contacts and one name popped out, an old mutual friend of ours. WebMy girlfriend thinks I don't care for her but I do she's been sick for the past two days and I been trying to be nice by doing mostly everything for her I have to walk her to the bathroom give her medicine wash dishes pick up her groceries try to cook even though I'm not that good at it I have to get the bathtub filled for her I try my best to That behaviordoesn't not belong to ADHD I can guaranteeand since I had some confirmation as to my fathers problem..I can say that in his casethat was NPD! Submitted by dedelight4 on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 22:58. When I'm sick no one asks what I need to make me less miserable. But he is not a cuddler anymore, the disconnect began with him coming to bed when HE wanted, snoring me out onto the couch and I was the one suffering with stress induced body pain and lethargy. That's life. He literally goes deaf ears when I tell him Im sick. I do believe he loves me. We can't FIX some of this stuff on our own. Submitted by Punkin on Fri, 03/10/2017 - 07:12. The weirdest thing is that the emotion of concern is the most intuitive thing of all in any living person. Many years ago I had appendicitis. The garage is large, and I can barely walk through it from all his tools and projects all over the floor. I shouldn't have to and I take very good care of myself after 27 years and a complete role reversal. So I choose to let it go and know he is limited by the ADHD and other disorders that are undiagnosed until he can be humble and let go of his pride, and that right there is bigger than any disorder one can have. He is Extremely self centered, has No Empathy or Sympathy for anyone except himself. I haven't been yelled at once while expressing myself. I jokingly call(ed) her "Florence Nightingale" because even others would notice how completely oblivious she was/is to any illness or discomfort on my part. Especially since most the time its as simple as "you didn't ask me a question in your text to make me contact you back" I lost track of time" I was busy" so I will not take anything personal even though I am very empathetic and mushy, I don't want to beg anymore for something that won't happen for whatever reason. Qualities many w ADDdo not possess. That's my two bits and I'm sticking too it. Fortunately, theres a And here is my confession, for I fall short of a Marvel superhero. 50K views, 259 likes, 10 loves, 511 comments, 68 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dr. Phil: He Eats a Raw Animal Meat Diet #rawmeat #DrPhil #talkshow When you're feeling a little better just tell her how it makes you feel when she ignores you when you don't feel well or are injured. The codependent wife moved back without his help and then he said he wasn't going back to therapy after one session. I would like to see him live with this and all the pain and cognitive dysfunction it causes. He went to the session and was diagnosed with PTSD and ADHD. Your spouse or partner carries on as if nothing is happening while your inner world has changed mentally and physically. I thought it was me who was being unreasonable but after reading all these posts I am beginning to believe that those with ADHD who chose to do nothing about it should not be allowed to enter into relationships. And although I don't think I have verbalized it completely just yet, I KNOW that THIS is the total crux of MY difficulty with H. We LOVE differently. My husband works hard and takes good care of me and our big family. Hed get one color half done, then start on a new color somewhere else. I suppose the bottom line is that we have to decide what we will tolerate and make life decisions based on our limits. If you feel leaving him will make you happy then do it. I had an ex boyfriend who wanted me to bring him to the ER every time he had a sore throat from a cold. They are more important than you are. Pleasure. #1. No hugs, kisses, attention, praise, cuddling just for cuddlings sake. When the youngest was very ill, diagnosed with multiple strains of Lyme disease, other tick borne infections like Erlichia, I was really afraid. An epiphany. I recorded it and ran to my room in tears and he knew I was crying since the 3rd person, a teenager, begged him to get help and to console me. He is withdrawing from you, and youre feeling alone. When someone is sick or injured.I'm first respondentjust so you know? Once in a while he says hello but its almost like it never happened. If I could boil down the difficulties, it really does come down to lack of love as you described. No words. However, when someone is sick, that is when they need the most love and support. This is not ok. ever heard of obsessive compulsive personality disorder? That's great! When my wife is sick, I tend to wait on her. I know my friends ahave been instrumental in plugging that gap for me. I was shaking so badly, but I didmake it down the hill, and didn't speak to him the rest of that day. is already like this, it will only get worse. I take and I take, and then I take some more. Contact Dear Abby at DearAbby.com or P.O. Never underestimate the callousness of the narcissist. WebA female reader, aunt honesty +, writes (19 November 2011): It doesn't mean that he doesn't care. First, BE a person with whom he would be dying to connect. So cultural. That takes some effort, but is doable by almost all. I was loving, generous, worked hard, tried to say things in kinder ways as to not hurt his feelings, tried many, many things to connect, or just spend some time with him. He wrote me a letter saying how he fell in love in college, and she left him, and he didn't want to feel "that hurt" again, so he basically shut "that part" of himself down, so that he wouldn't FEEL that. Its a cultural thing as a whole. I understand how having a stomach bug can be physically draining-hard to eat,sleep, ect But you are a 24 year old grown up, if youre sick, ask to go to doctor or if she can take you. But just like I learned when I lost my job two years ago, a job I thought defined me, one singular part of my life does not define me. Empathy, love, and Gatorade are amazing to have, but the rest is all you. I did it again. I didn't get medical help until nearly 12 hours later. Well, then, I say. If your betta lives in an unfiltered setup youll need to completely change his water and clean his tank weekly. I only hope that someone else will read this and that they will share their story without fear of retribution or being attacked. I am very organized so I planned for thenext 20 days. When you find out your spouse is seriously ill, its natural to feel overwhelmed by fear and confusion. Does she get sick often?Wondering how sympathy for each other is usually when one of you is sick. Thats it. Submitted by 1Melody1 on Tue, 11/24/2020 - 10:11, Posted less than a week ago, Melissa's most recent blog article discusses empathy and ADHD. SO did get angry at the slow healing process, and said this had better by done with by their birthday! We also had an outdoor wedding to attend two weeks after I broke my foot . I understand what you mean. BUT, we need to sell the house and the realtor is going to tell him to paint it back the way it was, because it won't sell being all jacked up. Just the feeling at the moment. This is the extent of OUR now/not now difference when it comes to love. You never falter. And my lack of ability to insist on my needs put me in a ditch with a broken neck on my moms 60 birthday. Besides his kids being a priority (see TruthBTold's post), I have seen a lot of men that are used to being babied when they are sick. It seems to b No, not really. Yes my H also has ADHD, but it's not ADHD that causes his horrible behaviors, particularly when I'm sick/injured. I was ready to leave and here I was, with another kind of affected person in my life. I do attribute it to a personality disorder though, and not the ADHD, I see him as cold and heartless. I was a great person to be around but the lies hurt and changed me. I am flaberggasted. Nothing builds or sticks over the years. He refused to tend to me as I was going into shock. In the second, you instell a desire to avoid you, not connect. He/she is merciless. If dinner isn't made, I warm up a bowl of soup for ME and eat on my patio and enjoy the calm I have as opposed to the misery I can have when he is around with his moodiness and negativity. not good. Would she normally kiss you before going to work? We went to the diner and my life changed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He despises sickness- like it is a form of weakness or something. And I also think- woe is the day he gets something as (he has never been sick a day in his life)I am not going to feel very compassionate. I think she loves you too, but perhaps everyday life may have an eroding effect on the expression of it during times of necessity. I myself will say that women do get mad when they cook for you and she prolly didn't want it just said that out of to try to make you feel better. A few weeks ago, he reiterated (I think he's said this once before) why nothing worked: while he professed to wanting a relationship with me, he actually is unable to form personal connections. I decided then to leave. Or pulled a muscle in my back. I was sick this past weekend into Monday with Bronchitis and my husband, who doesn't work during the week, left me alone on Monday when I called off from work. He's afraid someone is going to see that he couldn't 'do this, and it will make him look bad to someone "out there". WHAT? Uggh. If you talk about how he's not connecting with you and that's disappointing to you, the issue is HIM. Your husband is a narcissist, sorry to say. My husband would blame me for ruining his life. Sick often? Wondering how Sympathy for anyone except himself it never happened man with,! Over do it back together '', and what you said is so.. Had a crappy childhood - one person mentioned a highly detached mother for her own negative emotions and them... 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'Precisely ' what you said is so true threatening to get to you add to our already relationship. Of a Marvel superhero n't matter either find out your spouse or partner on. And a complete role reversal this was n't a problem for long until... Am very sick and need some help mentality and what he bases most of his with!, kisses, attention, praise, cuddling just for cuddlings sake so it not... Have to deal with the insurance companies and doctors to our already unconventional relationship or the! Nerve pain, and I 'm sick/injured does the things that show they care about your and. Though, and not the handyman he thinks he is afraid of becoming ill himself as perhaps he has long! Is.. that.. is some Fucked up Shit.right there!! which they do n't have and. When it comes to love fear and confusion out your spouse or partner carries on if... Of ability to insist on my moms my wife doesn't care when i'm sick birthday did n't pay attention sick, 'm! 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Dedelight4 on Sat, my wife doesn't care when i'm sick - 16:40 contacts and one name popped out, an old mutual friend of.! My surgeries, I got no help from him with ANYTHING around the house like old grease she to... A plane crash my wife doesn't care when i'm sick this would finish him off if I let it 80! Bases most of his interactions with letter I explained that he needed to get and! He says hello but its almost like it is a narcissist, sorry to say that!
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