endobj >> 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. endobj The post BREAKING: Kari Lake Files Petition For Review For Historic Election Lawsuit In The Arizona Supreme Court PETITION AND MOTION TO EXPEDITE INCLUDED appeared first on The Gateway Pundit. endstream endstream endobj <>stream The County Clerk also places a "Filed and Fee Paid" stamp on the front of the first page. <>stream 5 0 obj SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK VALENTINO U.S.A., INC., Plaintiff, - against- 693 FIFTH OWNER LLC, Defendant. endstream 20 0 obj <>stream endobj x}N0{8$.(hHET8\f>Ab_pUI; E;>. Lake recently revealed new findings that Maricopa County kept a map of Republican voters on the wall, which lined up almost perfectly with the locations of election day machine failures. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. Want to share news with us? NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. endobj As the Reyes v. Cuming (1997)decision noted, Without the proper signature of a registered voter on the outside, an absentee ballot is void and may not be counted.. Given the purpose of the Room 130 procedure, the substance of motions will not be addressed at the submission "call." 39 0 obj Indeed, attorneys are encouraged to use service or clerks to deliver papers or working copies, or to agree among themselves to have one of them deliver papers for all parties by service or a clerk. 250 (6th ed. 2 0 obj endobj Rather, Lake challenges Maricopas misconduct in failing to follow signature verification procedures in the 2022 election, Lakes attorneys argue. 2 0 obj 27 0 obj See Uniform Rule 202.70(d)and(e). 80 & 111 Centre Street New York, NY 10013 646-386-3685 (80 Centre) 71 Thomas Street New York, NY 10013 646-386-3770. in E-Filed Cases in Room 130: An attorney who wishes to submit a stipulation for an adjournment, an application for an adjournment, or notice that a motion is being withdrawn must take care to designate correctly the applicable document type from the menu in the NYSCEF e-filing system. See Section E. The results of the submission process for all motions "called" in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom have been published in the New York Law Journal two days after each return date. <>/K 9/P 54 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> endstream Erie County Public Administrator, As Administra, Robyn Grammatico, Louis Grammatico v. James R Lamar, Frank R Lamar Jr, Elm, Starryl Fechter, Paul Fechter v. Grand Island Transit Corporation, Rtw Pro, Petition for Issuance of Letters Rogatory. will be able to access it on trellis. <> 34 0 obj After the fraud of the century in the 2020 Election, the exact same issues and more showed up in 2022 and robbed Kari of her rightful seat as Governor of Arizona. 7 0 obj Filing Fee on Motions and Cross-Motions: Filing Fee on Motions Required: A motion fee must be paid on motions made in writing by notice of motion, order to show cause or ex parte after the commencement of an action. <>stream ), If the moving party produces the requisite evidence, the burden then shifts to the non-moving party to establish the existence of material issues of fact which require a trial of the action. (Vega v. Restani Constr. 1 0 obj If the motion is submitted in Room 130 and the Justice, after examining the file, determines that argument should be directed, notice of the argument and the argument date will not be sent by the court. endobj Additional discrepancies, including missing chain of custody documentation for hundreds of thousands of ballots, Maricopa Countys failure to verify signatures on hundreds of thousands of ballots, and suspicious vote reporting irregularities, likely nullified the votes of hundreds of thousands of voters. Further, if there is a reason why a particular request by stipulation or on consent that is in compliance with Rule 202.8 (e) (1) cannot be granted, counsel will be informed by e-mail; if such e-mail response is transmitted the day before or the day of the calendar in question, the matter will be adjourned by court staff to the three-day calendar for clarification. Therefore, the court will not require counsel to file multiple sets of the same motion papers, including possibly numerous and lengthy affidavits, affirmations and briefs. (closed 1:00 - 2:00 pm), E-Filing Uncontested Matrimonial- June 3, 2021, Court Examiners Remote Access Procedure- December 21, 2020, Uniform Case Scheduling Order- City Tort Cases- October 1, 2020, Judicial Mediation and Part 40 Waiting List- July 23, 2020, County Clerk Procedure - Building Loans- May 22, 2020, Remote Conference Protocol- April 17, 2020, Remote Conference Part Calendars- April 17, 2020, Emergency Applications Protocol- April 2, 2020, Supreme Court, New York County-Civil Term Temporary Procedures- March 19, 2020. Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. /ModDate <443A32303139303332373135333831365A> endobj Prac. <>/FirstChar 0/FontDescriptor 19 0 R/LastChar 128/Subtype/Type1/ToUnicode 40 0 R/Type/Font/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 299 319 359 0 0 0 0 200 279 279 0 0 299 319 299 0 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 299 299 0 0 0 540 0 700 720 720 739 680 620 759 799 319 560 720 580 859 720 759 600 779 700 640 600 720 680 959 700 660 580 259 0 259 0 0 339 620 600 479 640 540 339 560 620 279 279 600 279 879 620 540 600 560 399 540 339 620 540 879 540 600 520 359 0 379 0 0 620]>> Court. endobj This case deals with an easement that the Senecas granted in . If persuaded, the Justice will consider the proposed order despite its untimeliness. The fee must be paid on post-judgment motions and cross-motions made in writing. Let's Break the Censorship Together, Opt in and Spread the Word! Supreme, Civil Term 60 Centre St New York, NY 10007 80 Centre St New York, NY 10013 111 Centre St New York, NY 10013 71 Thomas Street New York, NY 10013 Phone: 646-386-3600 Fax: 212-374-3326 Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thus, for example, an application commencing an Article 78 or other special proceeding or a motion pursuant to CPLR 3213 would not require a motion fee because this application or motion requires an index number fee. 80 Centre Street We hope that this site will contribute to making our court and the judicial system of this State more comprehensible and accessible to all. endstream If any defects in the papers are found, the staff will note those defects for counsel. endstream x}N0{8$.(hHET8\f>Mw^Ac$NHMj=lL58=vu3v,*d2{*Z$]JXXd95>|O@b ?7[F*c7{@Ysd|z~?0c;;*}9*+}N31g_.aQTYCn xS*r Enjoy. 26 0 obj Motions will be submitted, not marked off, in the absence of the movant. The papers will not be "rejected" (CPLR 2102 (c)) except as permitted in e-filed cases and as allowed by Uniform Rule 202.5 (d). xS*r Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. 21 0 obj % endobj endobj COA and Hemp Information. <>stream endobj Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. 2 0 obj Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. 4 <>stream When the time to present a counter-order or counter-judgment has expired, the Order Section staff will review a submission. It was determined after a thorough investigation thatOVER 420,000 ballot affidavits failed signature verification in the 2020 Election. Investigators extrapolatedthis data and concludedthat there were a total of 290,644 failed signatures in the 2022 Election., The Appeals Court dismissed the lawsuit and signature verification claims, stating, at best, Lakes signature-verification claim attacked Maricopa Countys process for verifying signatures that first-level reviewers questioned a challenge to the Countys election procedures, not a claim that overall procedures were violated.. 35 0 obj endobj 2013-04-25T17:01:25-04:00 endstream E-filing is consensual in uncontested matrimonial cases and Article 78 proceedings. (There are a few exceptions. 24 0 obj On motions returnable in the Part the staff in court Parts will likewise accept cross-motions on the call of the calendar in the Part only if they bear proof of payment of the fee in the form of the cashier's receipt stamp. Each day in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom, commencing at 9:30 A.M., all motions returnable that day will be "called" for the submission of these papers, which must be handed up at this "call" or, as described below, immediately before. Smart Search Verdicts Judge Analytics . County Clerk Archives (31 Chambers, 7th . Procedures for Fee Payment for Motions/Cross Motions: In e-filed cases the motion fee must be paid when the documents are filed. /CreationDate <443A32303139303332373135333831365A> x}N0suE% Any appearing party is expected to give notice to all parties and an announcement to this effect is made in Room 130. Prac. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> stream This review will be conducted prior to the payment of the motion fee in order to ensure that fees are not paid with respect to motions that are defective (e.g., motions lacking proof of service or noticed for a date when the court is closed). This method will achieve efficiency for all concerned while maintaining an orderly and accurate process and record and sound record keeping. <>>>>> <>stream endobj ADA accessibility: 60 Centre Street: 4 0 obj The Gateway Pundit previously reported that arrogant Maricopa County attorney Tom Liddy, the son of Watergate attorney G. Gordon Liddy, blamed Republican voters for choosing to vote on election day, telling them, Your reap what you sow.Liddy went so far as to dishonestly accuse Lake and Republicans of political malpractice for telling voters to vote on election day instead of early. If argument notification is not given or transmitted as just described, counsel should understand that the motion has been taken on submission for decision on the papers. (Id. On occasion, attorneys may wish to make a motion in more than one case on a single set of papers. 4 0 obj New York, NY10013 The Gateway Pundit reported on a recent Arizona Senate Elections Committee presentation which revealed that nearly 300,000 mismatched or fraudulent mail-in ballot signatures were illegally counted in Maricopa Countys 2022 Election. x+ | Adjournments are allowed in Room 130 in response to written stipulations. There are two categories of exception. endobj Adjournments by Affidavit/Affirmation of Consent: If all parties consent to an adjournment as allowed by these rules but a written stipulation cannot be obtained in time for submission, the applicant for the adjournment on consent may submit an affidavit or affirmation reciting that such consent was obtained. The court may permit communication by counsel (with each other and with the court) via e-mail in cases not pending in the NYSCEF and, in the court's discretion, counsel are to submit memoranda of law by email, or other electronic means (like a flash drive) together with an original and a courtesy copy. ), The opposing party must produce evidential proof in admissible form sufficient to require a trial of material questions of fact on which [s]he rests his claim. (Zuckerman v. City of New York, 49 N.Y.2d 557, 562 [1980].) (a) Upon any motion for summary judgment, other than a motion made pursuant to CPLR 3213, the court may direct that there shall be annexed to the notice of motion a separate, short and concise statement, in numbered paragraphs, of the material facts as to which the moving party contends there is no genuine issue to be tried. x+ | In an e-filed case the submission shall be made electronically. 1 0 obj Where counsel seeks to make a motion affecting more than one case using a single set of papers, the moving papers should bear only one caption and index number, that of the case in which the motion is being made, which may be the principal case of the group involved. 001) Hon. endobj 10 Sharon A.M. Aarons. However, any motions made after the initial applications in these situations would require payment of the motion fee. Motions made by notice of motion and petitions and notices of petition in special proceedings are processed by the General Clerk's Office (Room 119) and are to be made returnable in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom (Room 130) on any business day of the week at 9:30 AM. Parking: Metered parking across from 100 Centre St. Merchan was designated to the bench by Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau in 2009. The court is eager to minimize burdens on counsel whenever possible. Formal changes may be made by the staff directly on the order/judgment. 4 xS*r It shall thereupon make an order specifying such facts and they shall be deemed established for all purposes in the action. (Id. Attorneys may obtain e-mail notification of court developments with regard to a motion or special proceeding -- calendaring, adjournments, argument date, submission date, issuance of decision, issuance of a long form order -- by signing up with the court system's e-Track case notification service. The consequences of Maricopas violations are stark: Maricopas COC violations include the injection of 35,563 unaccounted-forballots by Maricopas third-party ballot processor, Runbeck Election Services, before Runbeck returned ballots to the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) for tabulation. No. Colangelo, Matthew Pursuant to request of some Justices, motions submitted in Room 130 will automatically be scheduled for a set argument date in the Part. endobj Maricopa County clearly disenfranchised tens of thousands of voters on election day with deliberate machine failures targeting Republican voters. However,Liddys accusations of political malpractice and telling voters to wait to the last second are inaccurate, as demonstrated by a video clip of Kari Lake telling voters to vote however they feel comfortable nine days after the start of early voting. You can always see your envelopes Sometimes a decision will state "Submit Order." % Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. The party (plaintiff or defendant) making the motion is known as the movant. B9ys^`J*"E(TBAX A motion fee must be paid on motions made in writing by notice of motion, order to show cause or ex parte after the commencement of an action. Privacy Policy King New York County Supreme Court Medical Malpractice Part Jersey City, New Jersey, United States 970 followers 500+ connections Vineyard, 61 N.Y.2d 106, 112 [1984].) 23 0 obj Andrew Borrok PLAINTIFF'S MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS COMPLAINT NEWMAN FERRARA LLP endobj endobj Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, Third Judicial Department. }bfe}jY_ z~P$NQ8,V. endstream We hear more than three million cases a year involving almost every type of endeavor. <> 41 0 obj Uniform Rule 202.70 (b). You will lose the information in your envelope, AFFIDAVIT OR AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE, Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb, D/B/A Christiana Trust, As Trustee F, NOTICE OF APPEAL (Motion #006) - Notice of Appeal and Informational Statem, Gramercy Park Partners, Llc v. Gph Ground Tenant Llc, Rfr Holding Llc, Gph. 18 0 obj endobj >> 16 0 obj Prac. <>stream x}Kj0>: CmB@}$. /Title <> 10 0 obj eric r. haren . 2010].) 6 xpeditious action to resolve these issues is needed to safeguard Arizona voters right to free and equal elections., this Courts precedents for reviewing election contests and ratified Maricopa officials decision to ignore Arizonas ballot chain-of-custody (COC) and logic and accuracy testing (L&A testing) requirements set forth in Arizonas Election Procedures Manual (EPM), and A.R.S. . %PDF-1.7 7 0 obj 14 0 obj Once the submission has been reviewed and found proper in form, it will be sent to Chambers. 33 0 obj For this purpose, the term "action" shall mean any application to the court that requires the assignment of an index number, regardless of whether a formal pleading is filed. Submitting Papers Prior to the "Call": For the convenience of counsel, between 9:00 A.M. and 9:30 A.M. each day, in advance of the "call," Room 130 accepts (1) written stipulations; (2) affidavits/affirmations reciting the required details as to an adjournment on consent; (3) stipulations, letters or other writings withdrawing motions; and (4) final papers or complete sets of papers on motions. *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. 8 4T04QI2T0 t((l`nfP_T_ZTZTWlbfgjP^^PR 9 2013-04-25T17:01:25-04:00 Q Information and Notifications About Calendaring and Adjournments: Attorneys may obtain information on the status of a motion or special proceeding by consulting the Supreme Court Records On-Line Library ("Scroll"). endobj endobj However, counsel should understand that requests for adjournment by stipulation or on consent recorded in an affidavit/affirmation of counsel will be granted if the request complies with the procedures of the Courtroom, including that with such adjournment there be no more than three adjournments for a total of no more than 60 days. try clicking the minimize button instead. endstream RJIs and Case Assignment -- Commercial Division: Attorneys who seek assignment of an action to the Commercial Division must submit a Request for Judicial Intervention (UCS 840, 2012 version) marked to reflect that the case involved is a commercial one, together with a completed Commercial Division RJI Addendum (UCS 840C) certifying that the case meets the requirements of the Division set forth in Uniform Rule 202.70 (a), (b), and (c). The return date and time of the proposed order must be at 9:30 A.M. no sooner than either five days from personal service of the proposed order or ten days from service by mail. << 11 0 obj SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS ALEXANDRIA GAYLE WILLIAMS and JIMMY JON WILLIAMS AS GUARANTOR Plaintiffs, -against- 4545 EAST COAST LLC Defendant Index No. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! Payment is made on-line by Visa, Mastercard, or American Express credit or bank card. Lake also filed a Motion To Expedite her case, arguing that expeditious action to resolve these issues is needed to safeguard Arizona voters right to free and equal elections., The Maricopa County Superior Court and Arizona Court of appeals disregarded the evidence, ignoredthis Courts precedents for reviewing election contests and ratified Maricopa officials decision to ignore Arizonas ballot chain-of-custody (COC) and logic and accuracy testing (L&A testing) requirements set forth in Arizonas Election Procedures Manual (EPM), and A.R.S. <>stream endobj The filer shall then carry the papers to the Cashier of the County Clerk in Room 160 on the first floor of the 60 Centre Street courthouse and pay the $ 45 fee (except where in a proper case the papers and fee are submitted by mail or express delivery service). 9 0 obj Elon Musk Responds Catturd2 After Based Senator Mike Lee Has His Private Twitter Account Removed. shall be e-filed and made returnable in the . 31 0 obj 11 0 obj <>stream The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on Kari Lakes fight to Save Arizona! Failure to so file generally precludes a party from seeking such an assignment. 16-621(E), 16-449, 16-452(C), argues Lakes attorneys in their Petition for Review., causing massive disruptions, hours-long lines and disenfranchising thousands of predominantly Republican voters on Election Day.. Your subscription was successfully upgraded. (f) (1). The clerk will calendar the motion for the Motion Submission Part Courtroom (Room 130) for the return date selected. In such cases, by definition consolidation will not have been directed since consolidation signifies the combination of more than one case into a single one with a single caption and index number and ending in a single judgment. Colangelo, Matthew This information identifies all motions that were marked submitted and automatically scheduled for argument/appearance, together with the Part and the date set down for argument/ appearance; all motions that were marked submitted and sent on to the assigned Justices in cases assigned to Justices who do not automatically schedule argument or appearance; all motions that were marked "submitted on default"; all motions that were adjourned and the adjourned date; and all motions that were marked "withdrawn." Private lots in area. Judge Name. check with New York address) made payable to the New York County Clerk (personal checks are not accepted unless certified), provided that the package arrives within the time set forth in the next paragraph. >> endstream <> Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. Any attorney may list one case with e-Track or all of his or her cases pending in the court, and in other courts as well. Opposing counsel similarly need not appear in person in order to avoid suffering a default. 2022 ("Faherty .")Aff, in support of their motion byorder to show cause for a preliminary injunctionand appointment of a monitor. /BaseFont /Courier x+ | The filer should then return to the General Clerk's Office and deliver the papers. endstream We have designed this web site to provide useful information about our court and about the Office of the County Clerk of New York County (Hon. Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it is ORDERED that the motion is denied. -a2 "U@?RrwWX8/`#qD9zsV` /Keywords <> The rules provide for application to the Administrative Judge to review certain assignment determinations. <>stream 22 0 obj x+ | 1-25 of 1712 results in NY. Decisions (other than those in matrimonial and Article 81 cases and cases under seal) are posted on the Supreme Court Records On-Line Library ("Scroll") on this website within a few business hours after recordation of data in the court's computer. An RJI seeking assignment to the Commercial Division shall be filed within 90 days after service of the complaint. endstream endstream Delivery of papers by service or a clerk will suffice. 100 Centre St. Merchan was designated to the bench by Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau in 2009 whenever Possible Removed... All Possible Detoxing Options HERE ( b ) a decision will state `` Submit order ''. 4 < > stream endobj read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE after Based Senator Mike Lee has His Twitter... Endstream endstream Delivery of papers by service or a clerk will suffice made by this is... Defects in the papers not be addressed at the submission `` call. the will... 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