why did zipporah call moses a bloody husbandwhy did zipporah call moses a bloody husband
(b) Maimon. This passage is rather uneventful and straightforward if we read it properly. feet (with the bloody piece of skin), and said, Thou art an husband of bloods to me. But God did not. John 1:1 Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God? 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. Zipporah was Mosess first wife in the Bible. Answer: While the Bible does not state all of reasons God used to justify wanting to kill Moses, we can take what information is available and derive a fairly good explanation. Since the days of Abraham, God required his people to circumcise their sons (Genesis 17:10-14), and many academics believe that Moses had failed to meet Gods requirement with the second son (Eliezer). This is after God instructs Moses on his upcoming job and his journey toward Egypt has already begun. We will be very happy to hear from you. Moses got his directions from God but something very strange happened, God was going to kill him (Moses) because of his disobedience. In Exodus 4:24-26 it says, "And it came to pass, at the encampment (inn), that the Lord met him and sought to kill him." Apparently God was holding Moses accountable for the breaking of God's covenant. Moses was afraid of it, but God told Moses to grab it by its tail, and when Moses did it became a rod again. Because of his kindness, Jethro tells his daughters to invite him for the meal. OutlawBibleStudent.org. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Her story reminds us that flesh and blood have always been faithful reminders of Gods covenant promises. 25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. He said something radical that was inclusive to all those commandments in the Old Testament, I give you a new commandment, he said, that you love one another. Zipporah reaches across centuries to point to the Lord s Table, the flesh and blood of the new covenant. If it was, she would not say he was a bloody husband because it would be an expectation that he should be circumcised. Another example is when Abraham said to his servant, Put your hand under my thigh and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live. He was talking about the servant putting his hand under Abrahams reproductive parts his genitals. WE ENCOURAGE SHARING. We are first introduced to Zipporah in Exodus 2:16, as a shepherdess, one of Jethros seven daughters. Should the Bible include Acts 8:37: "And Philip said, If. Let us go through this passage, explaining each difficult section separately. Moses was a murderer to Egyptians. Zipporah, fearing that her husband would be slain, performed the rite herself, and the angel then permitted Moses to pursue his journey. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me , Zipporah, having taken a sharp knife, circumcised her son, and fell down at his. During the patriarchal period, oaths were taken by placing a hand under the reproductive organ, but generally recorded in the Bible as thigh instead of testicles, penis, or genitals. It might refer to the child, for in response Zipporah cuts off her sons foreskin and thus saves his life. It was then she said, A bridegroom of blood by circumcision.. Copyright The Sentinel | https://www.lewistownsentinel.com | 352 Sixth Street, Lewistown, PA 17044 | 717-248-6741, And it came to pass, at the encampment (inn), that the Lord met him and sought to kill him., And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant., Surely you are a husband of blood to me., And Jethro, Moses father-in-law came with his sons and his wife to Moses in the wilderness., I am coming to you with your wife and her two sons.. 26 So he let him go: then she said , A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. After functioning as a social worker for many years, she went on to become the first African American female to graduate from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, with both the master of divinity and doctorate of ministry degrees. "Son of God" or "Son of the gods" in Daniel 3:25? It is like, as if Moses was forgetting something or he was being bullheaded by not complying with something important. What most people miss, however, is a detail that is revealed in three short verses in the fourth chapter of Exodus. But why did Zipporah say that Moses is a "bridegroom [or husband] of blood"? morter, brick, and all manner of service in the field. So Moses had to keep the boy still. So, she had this encounter with the Lord just as what Jacob did before he met Esau again. She and Moses lived under the authority of her father, a priest of God amongst the Midianites. Answer: Technically, no. Egypt had caused Moses to forget his rootshis identityas a descendant of Abraham. While she is introduced early in Exodus, very little is said about her. Well, to answer that question, we need a little more background information. When we read the passage in the King James Bible we get the correct understanding of the passage. _______________________________________________. Male circumcision has a special meaning in the Old Testament. Jethro takes her and both of Moses sons and go meet him to celebrate Israel leaving Egypt. A couple of examples are when a husband and wife had sexual relations, it is said that they lay together or they knew each other. This is actually a topic that is debated often, but scripture is clear that Moses married two different women from two different lineages. James 1:17 says, every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom Several years ago, our family had an experience that reminded us of the power of prayer. (New American Standard translation) . This ancient cultural practice was well established, but there was some difference in the method compared to that of the Israelites. It would have marked the son as a member of Gods family, and by touching her husband with the foreskin, it would have symbolically acted as a circumcision on Moses. This could indicate why the protagonist threatened Moses life. The Outlaw Bible Student web site is secured with SSL-encrypted connections. This is a unique case in the entire Bible when a woman performed the circumcision. The expression hatan damim [bridegroom On the way to Egypt, God came to Moses intending to kill him, but Zipporah circumcised Moses so God let him go. Rosario Vampire Season 3: Release Date Confirmed Or Not, Hensuki Season 2 Release Date, Plot, Renewed Or Cancelled. Zipporah immediately takes a sharp stone cuts the foreskin off of her son and throws it at the feet of Moses and declares he is a bloody husband. She calls Moses, who represents Christ, a "bloody husband" and this represents the tribulation time. God told Moses in time that he will take water from the Nile and pour it on dry land, and the water and the river will become like blood. Her father, who is believed to be one of the founders of the Druze religion seems to have affected his daughter in that custom. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. the Lord met him, and sought to kill himthat is, he was either overwhelmed with mental distress or overtaken by a sudden and dangerous malady. He may have been squeamish about performing such a delicate but bloody act a second time after doing so once. I enjoy all that I have read so far. 24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another, (John 13:34). Edit them in the Widget section of the, http://www.usnews.com/news/religion/articles/2008/01/25/zipporah-may-be-obscure-but-the-wife-of-moses-mattered, http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/zipporah-midrash-and-aggadah, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9e6a/a27d838cdf4a201b5a12bcbbc940dcd0b6e7.pdf, http://www.egrc.net/articles/Rock/Exodus/BrideGroomOfBlood.html, http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/second/larue.html, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+17. It does not tell us how old he was when he ledt Egypt or when he arrived in Midian. The two boys were known as her sons. Start studying Bible Bowl (Exodus Chapters 1-5). Moses told God that he wasnt eloquent with his speech, which aggravated God. 25 starts with Zipporah performing the circumcision on their grown son. Zipporah and her six sisters were attending to their daily chores of drawing water and watering their fathers flock. "Moses had been as good as taken from her by the deadly attack which had been made upon him. This is a Different Kind of Christian Educational Website. Change). Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) explains to Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) what job a mohel13 performs and Elaine gives her opinion about uncircumcised men. Most would probably agree that Moses grew up to be a great leader. Zipporah called Moses a bloody husband out of disgust. Moses had been in the household of Pharaoh in Egypt since infancy. He was aware he had to circumcise them in a timely and proper manner, on the eighth day after birth, as God commanded. See References & Notes for the link.14, Copyright 2021, Dr. Ray Hermann Why? And why not remind him then? Zipporah, daughter of Jethro Reuel of Midian, was the wife of Moses. Shulchan ib. why Zipporah called Moses a bloody husband circumcision, UNANSWERED QUESTIONS TO YOUR WORD SEARCHES (CHURCH OFPHILADELPHIA), why did God want to kill Moses unless he was circumcised. During this period, he married Zipporah, Jethro's daughter, and they had a son (Ex. Zipporah was one of seven Midianite sisters that mistook Moses for an Egyptian after he saved them from the men at the well (Exodus 2:16-19). 1-No family or home is a perfect place to raise children. These scholars are thinking too hard. Verses 22-26 are summarized as follows: In verses 22-23, God tells Moses that God would kill Pharaohs firstborn son. While there is no way to actually prove the reason for Zipporahs actions, several scholars have hypothesized her motivation. The original Hebrew only has pronouns such as he and him in those places. We keep your email address private we do not give, trade, share, or sell it to others. and said, surely a bloody husband art thou to me; those who think it was at the feet of the child the foreskin was cast, take these words to be spoken of that, and observe that it is usual for women, at the circumcision of a child, to call it a bridegroom or husband, because it is then espoused unto, and reckoned among the people of God; but this is not well supported; it is a custom of too late a date to give any countenance to such a sense of the words, which seem plain enough to be spoken to and of Moses; but not in an angry upbraiding way, as if he was a bloody cruel man to oblige her to do such an action, but rather in a congratulatory way, as being thankful and rejoicing, that by this means, through the blood of the circumcision, she had saved her husband's life; and as it were in that way had bought him, and afresh espoused him to herself as her husband; or otherwise it would have been all over with him, but now to her great joy he was delivered from the threatened destruction, and restored to her; and so the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase the next verse,"then Zipporah gave praise, and said, how amiable is the blood of circumcision, which hath delivered my husband from the hand of the destroying angel.''. What is the significance of being left-handed as Ehud was inJudges. A new section begins from verse 25. God can take our humble attempts and use them for His honor and glory. I believe this caused quite a division in the family relationship. In Hebrew, her name means bird or little bird. We first meet Zipporahwho later became Mosess wifeat a well in her hometown of Midian. Gershom is now identified as one of the Hebrew people because of the visible blood sign of his circumcision and enjoys Yahweh's protection. Exodus 4:25-26 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. Moses was seated at the well nearby, no doubt dressed, painted, and speaking like an Egyptian dignitary. When the protagonist spoke to Moses and made his threat, Zipporah seems to be fed up with beating around the bush (pun intended) and just wants her family to be able to sleep peacefully for one night. Zipporahs word choice could have a double meaning in which she told Moses that he was protected by her bold action and that she finally had a legitimate husband due to the circumcision. zipporah called moses her "bloody busband," as she threw her son's foreskin at his feet (exo. Note: Page 604 of the source. He fled from Egypt because of it. The term bloody husband is merely Zipporahs criticism of a husband who performs an apparently strange and bloody procedure. While she is introduced early in Exodus, very little is said about her. Throughout your generations every male among you shall be circumcised when he is eight days old . As Moses and his family arrive back in Egypt he meets up with the Lord who seeks to kill him. O Zipporah says this "bloody Husband" phrase twice. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. We who are in Christ cannot deny the sacrifice, the pain, the very life that runs through our souls in the blood of Christ, our resurrected Lord. But Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin, and touched Moses feet with it, and said, Truly you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. (e) "tetigitque pedes ejus", V. L. (f) T. Hieros. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. She knew he would have been killed by God if their son, who may have been several months old or older, remained uncircumcised. The NIV and other translations that try to help the reader by replacing pronouns with names actually cause a stumbling block to the proper understanding of this passage. Description: In verses 25 and 26, Zipporah calls Moses a "bloody husband" because of his strange and bloody procedure of circumcision. Till 24, Pharaoh's first born son was the subject. 2. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. At the well, she met Moses, who was fleeing from Egypt and from Pharaohs judgment after he murdered an Egyptian (Exodus 2:15-22). A euphemism is an inoffensive expression which is substituted for one that is considered offensive,6 and it is a common technique used in the Hebrew language. In Exodus 2 Moses marries Zipporah, a Gentile, who gives birth to Gershom. Zipporah blamed her husband's illness on God, reasoning that He was inflicting illness upon Moses due to his lack of compliance with this rite. (m) This act was extraordinary: for Moses was very sick and God even then required it. Moses said, "I have been a stranger in a strange land." here, moses is an analogy of christ, who is our "bloody husband."; i'm not sure what the foreskin represents. Some parents who have taken their children to the dentist or vaccination will understand. Through Zipporahs quick-thinking actions, she evoked the covenant by demonstration so Moses would remember his roots. Her first reaction was to circumcise her son without being told to do so. The scripture, after all, did not actually name Moses as who was to be killed; all it states is tried to kill him, (Exodus 4:24b). Dr. Denise Kingdom Grier is the Pastor of Mobilization and Renewal at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan. Alas, he had forgotten his blood! Why did God seek to kill Moses? When Zipporah and her sisters spotted Moses the first time, they thought he was an Egyptian, and in many ways they were right. Zipporah's actions give us a clue. . (Genesis 24:2-3). What isnt immediately obvious in scripture is that Moses had two wives and Zipporah was the first. Alas, this is no patriarchal fairy tale, and Zipporah is no damsel in distress. Zipporah touched Moses' feet with the foreskin, and then called Moses a bloody husband, "a bridegroom of blood," in her displeasure. The custom in Egypt was associated with coming into manhood at about fourteen years of age and the entire foreskin was not removed. We are going to take a closer look at Zipporah, wife of Moses. At least, the Egyptian in him had to die in order for the bloody, Israelite Moses, in his truest identity, to fulfill the purpose for which he was born. . Zipporah's word choice could have a double meaning in which she told Moses that he was protected by her bold action and that she finally had a legitimate husband due to the circumcision. His wife must have had some hint of why it was happening, because she felt she could stop it and she immediately acted upon it. ((d) "Mollia qui rupta secuit genitalia testa." Zipporah, having circumcised her son, corrected the mistake and saved her husband, whose life was in danger due to non-observance of the commandment. Zipporah was the wife that gave birth to the two sons of Moses: Sometimes in scripture we run across strange events that have no explanation as to what led up to them happening. In verse 24 we are told that God met Moses i.e. A bloody husband - Literally, "a husband of blood," or "bloods." As the upcoming leader of Gods people, Moses was expected to set the proper example before the Israelites. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin and touched Moses feet with it and said, Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. With the prowess of The Lion Kings Mufasa to his son, Simba, Zipporahs actions roar, Remember who you are. You, Moses, are of the bloodline of Abraham. The Exodus passage also refers to the term, bridegroom of blood, in many translations. Exodus 4:24-26: "On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the Lord met him and tried to kill him. Who is the bridegroom? Cast it at his feet - Showing at once her abhorrence of the rite, and her feeling that by it she had saved her husband's life. Some translations might be easier to read, but they may not be easier to understand. Zipporah calls Moses a bridegroom because she had been compelled to acquire and purchase him anew as a husband by shedding the blood of her son, hence a bridegroom of blood. Some scholars believe that the term bridegroom of blood (same as bloody husband in the KJV) signifies Zipporahs religious idea about blood sacrifice and covenant. Juvenal Satyr 6. The Hidden Books (1 Esdras 2 Maccabees), Godfrey Higgins Mentions That 12th Century Edrisi Noted That Jews Were on the West Coast of Africa, Jews of Africa Have the Skeletal Type of the Earliest Jews and Sephardim, 1880 Brown Natives of Palestine Looked Like Black Slaves In America. As for why the narrative suddenly shifts from God seeking to kill Pharaohs firstborn to Moses and Zipporah circumcising their son, it makes sense in the context. rigour. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We do not send any commercial advertising, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. Moses became a shepherd and dwelt with Jethro. She received Moses back from the dead, as it were, and remarried him again. This is symbolic of humankind being dead to God, but then he provides redemption through a blood sacrifice and brings humankind back to himself. How many children did they have? This passage has perplexed many students of the word over the years. Her response to her husbands impending death is to perform a circumcision on her son and toss the foreskin at her husband Moses. God bless us all! A little bit of kindness and compassion on the part of Moses turns a casual meeting into a close relationship. Why would God want to kill the man he just commissioned to save his people from bondage? Answer. Exodus 4:24-26, 24. Moses left Egypt and ended up in Midian. Zipporah urges us to remember who we are in Christ. Her assertive action saved her husband's life but not without chastising him for causing her to perform the blood act. 38. God came to Aaron and told him to go into the wilderness and meet his brother Moses. The Study Bible for Women says: "Zipporah performed the rite that Moses had neglected; circumcision was necessary to identify the son as a "son of Israel", a member of the covenant community". 4:25). What problem would this solve? Grier graduated from Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she received a BA in psychology. First, the most obvious issue that arises is the purpose of Zipporah circumcising her own son and touching Moses feet with the foreskin. Ask Anything. Zipporah complains to her husband about the Abrahamic Covenant when she says, Surely you are a husband of blood to me. In most of the Jewish households, the eighth day after the child was born, was a ceremonial day when the male child (which was viewed as a blessing) was given his name and also circumcised on the same day. That Monthly Period of Women Did God Curse Eve? When a man has his hands full with what God wants him to do, he certainly doesnt need a wife who is a hindrance and an obstacle to him! Confess and repent. It was then she said, A bridegroom of blood by circumcision, (Exodus 4:24-26, NRSV).1. Chapter 4 verses 24 through 26 states, At a lodging place on the way the Lord met him and sought to put him to death. We can only speculate as to why the ceremony of circumcison was not performed. PLEASE HELP us spread Bible truth by telling others about this website. The verse in the Book of Exodus (18:4) states: The name of the (other) son was Eliezer, because 'My father's God (Elohei Avi) was my helper (Bi'ezeri), rescuing me from Pharaoh's sword. Your email address will NOT be published. And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? In order to complete his assignment, Moses had to die. The circumcision of one or both of Moses sons is one of those events. Moses fears for the safety of his son because the son had not yet entered into a covenant relationship with God. Then again, as some researchers suggest, God may have sought to kill not Moses, but Mosess son because he had not been marked as a member of Israel through circumcision. See Exodus 2:11 4:31 for the Bible story. Every Israelite wife and mother would have, thus, been reminded of the covenant between God and Israel, through the circumcision of her sons.4, Because Moses may not have been properly circumcised (by Hebrew custom) before marriage, Zipporah may have achieved two things by circumcising her son. Moses' brother, Aaron, married a woman named Elisheba . And Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, and said, "Surely a bloody husband you are to me." Zipporah was Moses's first wife in the Bible. The immediate question is, Why is Moses not performing the circumcision? The answer is that Moses had to hold on to the son so that the son would stay still. Exodus Chapters 1-5 ) Thou art, because of the why did zipporah call moses a bloody husband covenant blood! Descendant of Abraham English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament to set the example. 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