The place smelt funny. When Tony Stark had first added the role of picking Peter Parker up from Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology to his list of duties, Happy had grumbled. WE FORGOT PETER AT THE EXPO! Happy Birthday, dude! Tony forgets he asked Peter to come over to the Tower after patrol. Forgotten Valentines do not.. Tony adopted peter as a son and has a good life with the Avengers at the tower. Peter sneaks his way onto a mission but gets left behind. Who he was. ,,Ok, nothing. Peter said sadly and he went to his room. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Kid Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Cute Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark Friendship (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes freindship, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Tony and Pepper should really check the room, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology, Morgan Stark | Tony Stark's Male Cousin (Marvel Comics), Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Stephen Strange and Peter Parker friendship, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's biological son, Sick Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Parenting Peter Parker | Supremefamily | Strange Family, Morgan Stark Needs a Hug (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Workplace Safety 101 (dont give a nail gun to the new kid), author does not encrouage character bashing, Tony Stark is looking out for Peter Parker, Hurt Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), The author knows nothing about being deaf, Minor Happy Hogan/May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark is taking care of Peter Parker, Fix-It for Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark at MIT, Happy Hogan Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange are idots in love, Deadpool's Guide To Accidental Kidnapping, Tony Stark just wants to keep Peter Parker safe, Peter parker and michelle jones - Freeform, Stephen Strange & Peter Parker friendship, Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), James "Rhodey" Rhodes is here for Peter's silliness, Peter Parker attacks James "Bucky" Barnes. This is part of a series but can also be read as a OneShot. Discover Short Videos Related To Avengers Fanfiction Peter Forgotten Birthday On Tiktok. So, was I supposed to learn that multiverses exists when one opened up over the statue of liberty or were you planning on telling me that one day? Tony asked, leveling Doctor Stephen Strange with a glare. Tony wants Peter to have some martial arts training only Peter forgot to tell Tony he already took care of it. It's Peter's birthday and all he wants is to see the several Avengers that he happens to be sleeping with. Dish & Spoon had been MJs choice for the restaurant. Thought that it would go smoothly and it would be just like the good old days - but he had forgotten that Spider-Man was a new addition to the team. All the emptiness, the cries. How was he supposed to know that the ancient and creepy looking book was going to turn him into a dog. If Tony couldnt be there to invite him, Peter was forgotten. So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. You get tortured and turned into a psychopath and end up having a relationship with the avengers. The Avengers forget to tell Peter what it means to be able to pick up Mjolnir. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #forgottenbirthday, #theforgottenbirthday, #avengersfanfiction . In order to gain some good PR for the Avengers, Pepper organises for some schools to come visit the Avengers Compound. Peter thought he was being helpful by carrying the boxes that DUME had been trying to pull, with no luck. Okay. Rock in his hands as he threw it on the water. Tony forgets to tell Peter that training is cancelled and when he returns to the tower, he sees his worst nightmare come true. . What? Morgan is 14, Harley 26, Tony is 61, and Pepper is 53. Peter was a bit shocked. Tony surprise peter with a live performance of Hamilton with the real cast for him and all the people he loves, and gives him very thoughtful gifts (such as filming the show so he and others could see it again and putting it on Netflix) Harley also gives Peter a promise ring. It happens when hes at school, hanging out with Ned and MJ, at home. He stumbled back, his mouth opening and closing but nothing coming out. Having been off Earth, stuck as the Hulk on an alien planet, found by Thor, battled Thors sister with Loki and a Valkyrie and then returned to earth with the remaining Asgardians, Bruce was aware he had a lot to catch up on starting with how a teenager was allowed in the Compound. He barged through the door, flying through the lobby until he came skidding into the back room with a bang. Sirius has a surprise planned for Peter's 17th birthday, which has the littlest Marauder ill at ease and Remus on high alert. The longer Peter stared at it, the more he felt uneased by it. With May out of town on a much-needed girls trip, Peter is excited to spend the weekend at the Tower with Tony. Avenger's imagines and preferences! Over the months that Peter had gotten to know Tony Stark (and Peter still had to pinch himself that he got to hang out with one of the most brilliant minds on this planet) Peter had learned that Tony Stark was, in a word, dramatic. Tony forgets that Peter is having a games night but he swears Peter never said with who. A mishap in one of the labs causes an explosion and Tony forgot that Peter would be swinging by the tower that day. Peter had woken up with phantom pain in his foot and a pang of grief so strong it took several days to start to subside. Tony asked. I forgot.. No sooner had the words left Peppers mouth did a wave come crashing down onto the beach. #peter Thor, the God of Thunder was glaring at the boy. Tony pursed his lips together. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. I thought you were getting ready at Tonys., May rolled her eyes fondly. She had absolutely had not forgotten her nephews birthday. Its fine. Maria looked curious as she gazed at Peter. Sam regretted his words and tried to say sorry but Peter ran off. Tony Stark forgets that Peter Parker is in the lab and activates the Close-Up-Shop protocol as he and the team head to California for a mini vacation. Please consider turning it on! Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. But with drinking so much water brought a new problem. Tony Stark and Stephen Strange are finally going on a date after months of flirting. May has been acting suspicious and Peter is intent on finding out what is going on with his Aunt. I will destroy you. Keeps the spiders out of the branches as they hate peppermint.. These are just a few instances. character: peter parker character: tony stark genre: canon!au search: fic (recs) FRIDAY can vouch for me! And there is a prize if you can solve the final problem.. He didnt want anyone to stop him or talk him out of it. And Tony. How could he have forgotten that Peter had been injured yesterday. They had forgotten that Peter had been raised by May Parker. Ill come back later and do this. The happy mood was infectious but Peter's senses are telling him that something is up. He laid on his bed and was just thinking about random stuff, not about Toby. If the next words out of your mouth are not I can fix this you and I are going to going to have an issue.I can fix him, Stephen said. Only the Avengers wouldn't notice a teenager disappear for three days. Tony forgets that he is speaking at Peter's school but is glad he is when he sees his kid Peter Parker getting bullied. No. Peter swayed where he stood frozen in the middle of his room. She brought over a bunch of paper and pencils and dumped them into Peters lap. In his worry about Pepper, Tony forgot that he was Peter's ride home. What are you doing home? Morgan? I kept telling you but Mr. Thor was the only who was listening.". Plus, it isn't even a family outing when Peter isn't here." : Peter just wants to fit in and forgets that his metabolism process things much faster - including poison. His eyes widened as he took in Captain America in the doorway. He could totally handle this. Peter gets his revenge. Thats not fair! That girl not even showing up. Just One Shots about Spiderman in Avengers life, #avengers The first installment of the 'Made of Iron' series, but can be read alone . "I'm here for a second, then I'm gone. The perks of ordering under Mr. Starks name, Peter licked his lips as he saw the food on the kitchen bench. The thought of his mentor made Peters stomach flip and squirm. Wanda forgets about Natasha's warning that things at the Compound had changed and that they should get on board. The Avengers are touchy about people touching their things. #natasha Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver Luckily there is another Doctor who can help him get home. The Avengers are kidnapped, intent to never let them see the light of day again. But nobody shows up. '' .'' Peter breathed caught in his chest, mind tripping over the words like a broken record. Morgan forget that Peter's isn't really her brother and Father's Day dredges up some complicated feelings for Peter. He let out a silent tear. In which the uprising star actor who plays Peter Parker aka Spider-M Harley Keener comes to visit the tower for a month or more. He had been so stupid. I forgot. He looked back to Thor, back to the screen and then back to Thor. Tony forgets and walks in on Peter doing a live stream. The tears were now streaming down his face, the tears flew down to the lake. Not that Tony minds. When the vet came into view, Tony didnt bother slowing down. Peter's not actually that sure. Having tuned out their presence, Tony forgot that the media often follows him, looking for a scoop. But Peter had also forgotten that Gerald had also taken over the role of guard dog. He was tired and in pain. During the final battle, Peter is lost and forgotten amongst the battlefield and it isn't until it's over does Tony realise what he's done. [spider {COMPLETED} While it was difficult to warm a body up, it was harder to cool a body down. "Would you ever date a fan?" Too bad he forgot about that JARVIS is a snitch. Tony Stark cant be blamed for forgetting. Did they not want him to know? You are badass. Peter celebrates his 18th birthday in his apartment. The word you are looking for is protected, Tony said, his hand landing on Peters shoulder. Tell you what, Scott said on the jet after Tony had given him a list of rules (you get injured, you get out, dont do anything stupid; the usual speech he gave whenever Peter was going after someone big). Peter isn't entirely sure he wants to have a birthday party. How could he have forgotten about all the ridiculous protocol names that Tony had installed. Work Search: But it wasnt his fault! Peter frowned, looking up at Tony and Pepper. No badge, no entry., I never got one, Peter insisted. Now he sees May, George and Alex walking around as a happy family with no memory of who Peter was. The Avengers were going to Peters apartment, inviting him to a dinner with an intern Tony found. Unfortunately, they found one. He was sorry and he had never meant to let it get this bad. Have an awesome day! Peter Parker knows that hes been accepted as part of the team when they start to prank him - even if they forgot he had super hearing and could hear everything they planned. One day she had to bring Peter with her to the office in a haze of work, she forget about him. Its Peters birthday and even though he bullies him a bit, Flash gives him a gift anyway. Especially when his father figure's response was that he would keep that in mind. In the hype that surrounded the great capture of the mouse, Tony forgets to warn Peter Parker about the traps he set all around the tower, leading to the first casualty of war. Tony thought he would have learned his lesson the last time he had forgotten that Peter and Wanda were, when left alone together, young. It was like a switch had been flicked inside May, everything making sense. Hmmm. Spiderman has been spotted entering Sister Margarets.. She had loving parents, a roof over her head, and enough food to always satisfy her hunger. Tony gives Peter presents. He doesn't live hear anymore. Tony worries about Peter and wonders why the kid hasn't taken up his offer to live in the tower only to forget he didn't actually offer. Youre grounded., Peter bit back a whimper. Peter, Harley and Tony goes to a fair for Peters birthday, Tony ask Peter to adopt him. As a new-age Iris, rainbow-clad goddess of the sea and sky, Marilyn Owens carries si What if Harry Potter had a big sister? Yeah, yeah, Ill let him know, Tony muttered. He had told the avengers that today was peters birthday, and they would be. Just, Peter Parker oneshots - what more can I say? Please, please let nobody have recorded this, Peter prayed to whatever god was listening. Why are you using WebMD?. After two schools, the Avengers have a routine down, what to say, how to make the kids laugh until Midtown School of Science and Technology. *SPOILERS* He's not better than me, I'm better! He was Head of Security, not a babysitter. You forgot to tell Peter hes babysitting today, didnt you? Rhodey smirked. Toby made pancakes with chocolate! Rhodey was paralysed, Steve had nearly killed him and now May Parker was calling reminding Tony that he had left a fourteen year old all alone in a hotel room. ,,Tony! His name is Percy Jackson. Peter has been messing with his suit again and forgets to turn back on his tracker. Oh no, TChalla said, horror leaking from his tone. No wonder Tony and Stephen never postponed lab day after a Spiderman was injured. He is good at it. Peter thought loud. Then, he brushed his teeth and then he took shower. He regrets this decision. ** Sequel to True Obliviousness, Unadulterated Lust **. Stephens words had stuck with Peter. You think that is Jane Foster. What are we doing up here? Peter asked, watching as she went to the table. he said. What happens when they want Peter back? Something a little extra in that bottle you failed to mention?. Because they forgot him., Well? Principal Morita prompted, arching a brow at his students. And, okay, so Peter may have forgotten about the warning that Tony had given him , Seriously kid, do not touch anything that anyone leaves around the apartment. Tony knows there is something going on with Peter. Morgan had to draw her personal hero at school and Tony forgot that there was one person who fit the description far better then he did. Tony half sends a message to Peter saying they need to talk and promptly forget about it. Peter forgets he has asthma and give Tony a heart attack (not literally but close enough). During the evening Pepper feels unwell and Tony suggests they leave. #spidey You said two thirty, Peter said, acting as if he hadnt heard Tony. Tony Stark does the test run to travel back in time to right what Thanos had done. I forgot that you changed it to two thirty and not three., Tony took a step towards Peter. Everybody loves him! He just got beaten up by a group to get his last money. ,,Um, Tony? Thor Odinson Only Tony forgot he doesn't have a baby sitter for his son Peter and Stephen doesn't know about him. Hilarity ensues. Watch popular content from the following creators: Hi(@ily_avengers_2009), Lu (, fanfictionbookclub(@fanfictionbookclub), peter & stefan <3(@avenqerss.ang), <3(@mrvlp0vs) . "Coming!!!" This is Toby, he is new here. Yes, it was.. He needs them, especially when he discovers he has super-powers. It made Morgan want to sneeze as the scent left a sting in her nose.The uneasy feeling that usually settled in Morgan when she found herself in the medbay quickly vanished as she saw a familiar figure propped up on one of the beds. Tony curses his past self because today was August 10th and there was nothing he could do about it. It doesnt help that Flash is sitting in the first row, a smirk on his face and a taunt ready for the moment Peters steps off the stage. Peter scuttled across the wall, only one target in mind. Who else. A year ago, May never came back from the dead. It wasnt possible. If Peter could bring Thanos back to life he would. "Friday, why didn't you inform us?" Pain flashed through Peters chest at the thought. I wish you would just listen to me and stop this pain.. Peter could hardly look at the man without his face flushing bright red. Oh god. Its been lonely but its better for everyone that nobody knows about his alter ego. I forgot to call the dad.. He heard movement on the other side and the door opened to reveal . Peter comes home from a patrol to find that May had forgotten to tell Peter that she was dating again. He loves having his kid close. Peter is back from the dead and forgot to tell him about Morgan. It struck Steve suddenly how much control the teenager had. Tony continually forgets to introduce his son Peter to the Avengers - some of which who don't believe that Peter is real. Come over to the tower for a housekeeper, there was no way heaven... Captain America in the middle of his mentor made Peters stomach flip and squirm the final..... 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