Deadline to submit is 11:59pm PST on June 8, 2022 To verify whether or not you or your speaker is eligible for reimbursement/coverage of travel costs, please email Hosted by the Chicago Department of Aviation, this conference, appropriately themed, "Redefining Aviation Opportunities Together," will examine trends and best practices for new entrants and veteran attendees alike. The conference offers several innovative formats and customized options for interested speakers. A minimum of 15 minutes for questions and discussions with the audience is recommended for every 45 minutes of content. Access exclusive leadership development packages to help you achieve your career goals. About 2 days ago from Diversity Woman Media's Twitter via Hootsuite Inc. Also, be sure to include a detailed description of how you envision your session. Describe to learners exactly what knowledge, skills and/or attitudes they are expected to accomplish/demonstrate as a result of the learning program. Plenary Session: $500 per hour of presentation, Educational Breakout Session: $300 per hour of presentation, Ground Transportation or transportation to/from the airport (up to $150), Suggested edits or tweaks to the proposal, Requests to consider combining a presentation with another group or for considering a speaker, Likely date of presentation, if confirmed, Clearly defined, measurable learning objectives, Clear, descriptive outline of how time will be utilized and why, Diversity of speakers (also including practice setting, experience level, institutional affiliation) and rationale for their inclusion, Plan for audience engagement, including but not limited to discussion and Q&A, Submissions that highlight research and genetic counselor achievement. 2. We are accepting submissions for the Keystone Nonprofit Conference 2022 Call for Speakers! International delegations will be present to partake in business meetings and showcase their titles in the pavilions! Contribute slides and help your fellow presenters refine their presentation for a PowerPoint. Join a network of career-oriented women and use the member directory to see all the members in your community and find world class mentors. AMAC looks for contributors who are willing to share their expertise without the expectation of payment in the spirit of networking and providing educational content for the conference. We want SIGNAL to be a showcase for the industrys. Exposure to hundreds of industry professionals during the festival and additional online visibility. The Nonprofit Partnership's offices at The Susan Hirt Hagen Center for Transformational Philanthropy are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Participating as a speaker is open to all. The total amount compensatedwill be at the discretion of the SIGNAL team, ranging between $200-475 USD,and may vary between speakers depending on the situation., "If you ask any #DEI advocate or practitioner what their goal is, they often state a macro-level goal: for instance, the desire to increase equity in the workplace. In Elevating the human experience with trust: HX in uncertainty, Amelia Dunlop, Chief Experience Officer, and Ashley Reichheld, Principal and HX TrustID Author, from Deloitte Digital discuss the importance of trust, and the role communication leaders play in building trusted relationships with customers. ), To Test or Not To Test Children for Adult-Onset Hereditary Cancer Genes? We encourage speakers to have their proposal cover multiple topic areas. Content (session duration) can be up to 60 mins)). WordCamp US is happy to announce the Call for Speakers has been extended until Monday, April 25th. DPS 2022 is a free event. Opportunities for collaboration and reflection. NEW! During the application process please indicate whether you prefer to present virtually or in person. The NJSBA is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our profession. If the speaker requires additional financial support in order to present in-person, they must reach out to the SIGNAL speaker management team to make a separate request no later than August 1, 2022. However, DPS 2022 being free to attend, the event runs on a tight budget. The World Congress on Special Needs Education (WCSNE-2023) is a leading global platform to present and get up-to-date with the most cutting edge research outcomes and innovative developments that are transforming education. T'is the Question. Each speaker will be scheduled to give 20 minutes talk to the whole audience. We sincerely hope that you could give a talk to the diversity of participants. #RecognizeThis highlights human stories, backed by real data, twice per month. Co-Sponsored Event | SB 147 Panel: A Reprisal of Alien Land Laws? Call for Speakers Call for Speakers Please click on the link below to complete the Call for Speaker form for the 2023 Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging Conference. Our theme for 2022 is Pride and Purpose. Can real-world case studies be incorporated into the presentation? Our goal is to educate and inform. Join a group of thought-leaders, executives, researchers, authors, and pioneers of the human workplace. Transformative Power of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Tech. 3. DPS is the only event that offers Pre-Con recordings along with Summit Session Recordings. If you are interested in giving a talk, please submit your speakers proposal before or by the 18th of April, 2023. If you wish to submit sessions around DEI, Women Empowerment, Mental Health, etc, choose Professional Development track, If you need a Speaker Mentor, let us know in the submission form, Consider providing YouTube links of your past session deliveries. All applicants will be notified by July 15, 2022 with an update on their submission. Here's why you want to join Diversity Women Network. The monetary value is not a true reflection of the efforts required to deliver a session. Individual or co-speakers provide deep insights on a specific topic, in a talk or panel format. Mentors will be made up of past Program Committee members with an in-depth understanding of the submission process and NSGC Annual Conference goals. This field is hidden to session reviewers during the review process for fairness and anonymity. Partner Event | ABA Bar Leadership Institute, Partner Event | 2023 Collaborative Bar Leadership Academy (CBLA), building and increasing your brand awareness, representing your law firm/company as a leading expert in the field, networking with potential clients and others in your industry, building credibility as a subject matter expert. Due to the high volume of submissions, we cannot guarantee that your proposal will be reviewed and considered for events if the submission deadline has passed. Due to the large number of submissions and limited slots, even submissions that meet all criteria may not be selected. A minimum of 30 minutes of hands-on interactive activities is recommended for every 30 minutes of content. Confirmation of speakers, reporting confirmed speakers to the NSGC Education Team, Finalizing learning objectives, quiz questions, and session slides, Reviewing promotional materials and final descriptions of the sessions, Setting up planning meetings/calls for session speakers, Assisting as a second form of distributing important content to session speakers, such as deadlines (NSGC will also communicate directly with speakers). For additional ideas and inspirations, check out some of our previous SIGNAL content: Below are important dates to note for interested speakers. Reach out to to sign up! NSGC will post submitted conflicts of interest online prior to the Annual Conference as well. There are four session formats we are looking to fill: Individual speakers talk through introductory, high level concepts in a talk format. All that we do should be focused on furthering that purpose--without distraction, bias or reservation. Is the approach a best practice versus a vendor pitch? To aid you in navigating the Call for Speakers, we have compiled a series of resources below. 3. Therefore, we expect that speaking at DPS 2022 should count towards your MVP contribution. Presenters are asked to share this disclosure prior to speaking at the Annual Conference. Increase numbers of renowned speakers have confirmed their participation. Yes! Opera Limited (NASDAQ: OPRA) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript February 27, 2023. Lend your knowledge to a CLE panel and raise your professional profile by showcasing your expertise at the largest gathering of AAPI legal professionals! DEIB Call for Speaker Link Please click on the link below to complete the Call for Speaker form for the 2023 National Diversity Women's Business Leadership Conference. Preparations are well underway for our 37th Annual Airport Business Diversity Conference in Chicago, IL, from June 20-23, 2022. Check out this quick,5-minute tutorial. It's time to put you first. All topics covering project management and leadership expertise in the industry. Data Platform Summit has been in existence since 2015, organized by the DataPlatformGeeks community. We will reach out with questions and move your application to the correct track if needed. Work With Coaches. Regardless of session duration or format, your content proposal should fall under one of the session tracks. Note: understand is not a recognized continuing education behavioral verb. Submit your application to become a speaker here. 2023 What are the emerging trends and ultimately shaping airport contracting and workforce? Conference Content Submission Guidelines & Benefits To The Speaker, Training Class Submission Guidelines & Financial Compensation For The Speaker. The submission deadline is Monday, October 31, 2022. Research Professor, University of Houston, Former Chief Culture, Diversity, & Inclusion Officer, Target Corporation, Global Chief Human Resources Officer, Marriott International, Chief Human Resources Officer, Schneider Electric, Author & President, Bailey Strategic Innovation Group. The 2022 conference will be held, The EWF Annual Conference offers a chance for innovative women leaders and practitioners in cybersecurity, privacy and risk to come together, share ideas, solutions, challenges, and best practices. Proposals are encouraged that are not only pertinent to the rehabilitation research community, but that are also guided by ACRM's [] Pre-Con topic and content should be up-to-date, original, and exclusive in nature. Speaker applications ARE NOW CLOSED for the 2022 season. The past year has been exciting [], Tous droits rservs MEGAMIGS 2019 - 2022. If you have any questions or problems submitting this form, please email We work hard to make the event a haven of inclusivity, diversity and respect while offering an amazing avenue to share your knowledge with fellow industry professionals and enthusiasts. A speaker committee reviews all the submissions and takes decisions accordingly. Speaker Diversity at DPS 2022 Continuing our efforts from last year, the DPS Team will put a considerable amount of effort towards speaker diversity. Preparations are well underway for our 37th Annual Airport Business Diversity Conference in Chicago, IL, from June 20-23, 2022. Context. With an eye on customer experience, producer leaders join sessions to learn how to anticipate consumer expectations with engagement tools while managing operations. Do not include speaker name, bio, or any other speaker information in the abstract. About 6 days ago from Diversity Woman Media's Twitter via Hootsuite Inc. Business Leaders in Tech Diversity Conference, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Conference. Be written using behavioral verbs (each objective should not contain more than 1 behavioral verb). However, we cannot make assumptions on behalf of the Microsoft MVP Program and you are advised to check with your MVP lead. And while doing so, the sector must always focus on its purpose. REWATCH THE MEMORABLE CONFERENCES OF MEGAMIGS 2021! Data Platform Virtual Summit is the largest online learning event on Data, Analytics & AI. Links to videos, presentations, etc. 2023 Globoforce Limited trading as Workhuman. Software developers, engineers, solution architects, and other technical audiences join sessions to learn how to build improved experiences. 20 hours agoNAPABA Applauds the Nomination of Julie Ann Su to Secretary of Labor, 2/13/2023NAPABA Applauds the Confirmation of Cindy K. Chung to the United States Court of Appeals, 2/9/2023NAPABA Endorses Julie Ann Su to Become Next Secretary of Labor, 1/30/2023Joint Statement on the Shooting in Half Moon Bay, 1/27/2023APABA-Indiana Statement on the Bloomington Anti-Asian Stabbing. One genetic counselor will be selected to give a 30-minute lecture based on nominations from the general membership. NO sales pitches are allowed during presentations or sessions. Committee meet in-person in Chicago/virtually to discuss how the proposals scored and re-review all proposals with a goal of developing a tentative list of accepted sessions. A high-quality speaking proposal must be submitted by the submission deadline. The WCSNE-2023 Call for Speakers is an open invitation. Workhuman LinkedIn Live series (virtual) Moderators and speakersmay not serve on more than one panel, and NAPABA may exercise discretion to add, remove, or substitute speakers. Please note that speakers from sponsoring companies will not be entitled to any emolument. Access to exclusive, complimentary speaker coaching for support and help with bringing their session to life. Workshops and breakout sessions typically include up to 200 knowledge-hungry attendees. 1. Call for Speakers: AMAC Airport Business Diversity Conference. In Architecting SMS for mission-critical communication with DoorDash, Conor Meng, Principal Solutions Engineer at Twilio, Jackie Backus, Solutions Engineering Team Lead at Twilio, and Akhila Polisetty, Software Engineer at DoorDash, discuss messaging best practices for building at scale. If selected for presentation, all participantsare asked to submit their conflict of interest disclosures (seen below) upon confirming their participation at the NSGC Annual Conference. A title should be succinct but should have the necessary info to entice the target audience to attend the session. We are seeking diversity of perspective, ideas, approaches, interpretations, and also very importantly: diversity of voices. Nov 23, 2022 Virtual & in-person @ Moscone West, San Francisco. The call for speakers is now closed. Plenary sessions are 30 minutes to one hour in length and are held unopposed to any other educational activity, allowing for all attendees to be present. Community speakers will receive a modest emolument for their efforts towards bringing fresh content to DPS 2022. Your presentation is an opportunity for our attendees to learn from you. KeyCon 2022 Call for Speakers Please mark your calendar for the 2022 Keystone Nonprofit Conference - Monday, October 24th + Tuesday, October 25th in Erie, PA. We are accepting submissions for the Keystone Nonprofit Conference 2022 Call for Speakers! From the magic of "tech-celeration" and digital transformation empowering homes and corporations, to the deeply divisive disputes in society compelling many to fight for their rights and champion diversity, inclusion and equality. 02 June 2022 CONFERENCE. } Workhuman webinars (virtual) National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, Association Management Software Powered by, NAPABA Applauds the Nomination of Julie Ann Su to Secretary of Labor, NAPABA Applauds the Confirmation of Cindy K. Chung to the United States Court of Appeals, NAPABA Endorses Julie Ann Su to Become Next Secretary of Labor, Joint Statement on the Shooting in Half Moon Bay, APABA-Indiana Statement on the Bloomington Anti-Asian Stabbing. Looking for help writing your learning objectives? Jeremiah Karpowicz, Group Editorial Director at Expect to be notified of the status of your application within 30-days of the submission deadline. There is no limit to the number of speakers who can apply and qualify for the program. Where thought leaders become change makers It's a platform like no other, with an audience of thousands of industry leaders from 183 countries and territories. Please provide a professional, high resolution photo in .png or .jpg format. Please submit a speaker proposal by September 14th, 2022 through the DEALS Call for Speakers Form. Are you a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional? Call For Speakers. An annual conference launched with a powerful idea bring more humanity to the workplace. December 7, 2022: Call for Speakers Opens, January 31, 2023: Call for Speakers closes (11:59 pm CT), March 2023(anticipated date): Status notifications sent, Example Submission: To Test or Not To Test Children for Adult-Onset Hereditary Cancer Genes? Any and all speakers will be allotted up to 45 minutes to present with 15 minutes for Q&A. 1. Free access to all of our B2B networking activities, the business lounge, a VIP cocktail and access to all the conferences offered. We search year-round for humans who are willing to partner with Workhuman to deliver the best possible content experience and relevance for our audience. , Deadline for submissions: Friday, May 20, 2022, Charles H. Bracken Excellence in Nonprofit Governance Award, Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Accountability for Board, leadership and staff, Decision-making through the prism of the mission, Collaborations and alignments that amplify impact, Agenda decisions finalized by early June 2022. Committed to a diversity of gender, ethnicity, races, nationalities, and ideas. Sessions are not scored differently based on the number of individuals that would require travel within a session. We promise to bring new audiences to our speakers from more than 90 countries. Utilities need to maintain their new and aging physical assets to keep electrons flowing safely to their customers. Everything related tothe culture and context in which our industry is evolving. Please elaborate on your area(s) of expertise to help us better understand your background in these areas. Contribute one informative blog post or short video about the content of your session to be posted on the AMAC Conference website and AMAC Social Media. Meals are included for all speakers. Please scroll up to the upcoming events section of the webpage to view event dates and submission deadlines. This years edition takes place at the Bonaventure Hotel, a gorgeous facility with breathtaking views, a heated swimming pool, spa treatments, green roof garden terrace and freshly renovated rooms. Meet the deadlines outlined in the online speaker center for hotel booking, slides, abstracts, etc. We encourage you to submit new sessions/talks throughout the year. Our Call for speaker proposals has closed. (See the text version here). If none of our tracks sound like a perfect fit for your content, simply choose the best match during the application process. SUBMISSION DEADLINE - MARCH 31, 2022. Accordingly, we invite you to share your experience, passion and knowledge with the New Jersey legal community as a potential speaker for future NJSBA/NJICLE educational programming. Scroll down to complete the call-for-speakers form but first read these tips on how to make your submission stand out. Striving to innovate and drive social impact with digital tools, nonprofits join sessions to be inspired and learn from their peers. Speakers are not permitted to "sell" their services or products; additional clarification will occur during preparation. Co-Sponsored event | SB 147 panel: a Reprisal of Alien Land Laws slides and help your fellow refine! Help US better understand your background in these areas in these areas include up to 45 minutes present! 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