Often, nostalgia is really just expressing that we miss a time when we were younger and had more of our lives ahead of us. This is due to emergency top up surgery he needed on his hair plugs which had started to fall out suddenly. The owner doesn't know. It will time to coincide with the release of her memoirs next year? This isnt uncommon. It wasnt an everyday thing it wasnt like I had an alert on my phone.) So any appearance that CDaN has gone Q is really more an issue of overlapping worldviews, he said. This northern NFL owner is going to end up with a new baby from his new bride. They do their best with what they have. Everyone used the SpongeBob meme font, but it wasnt a way to make fun of people; it was jUsT hOw PeOpLe TaLkEd aBoUt ThEmSelVes. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." They skipped ahead through it for some reason in the RX video. "I've. He did try to DIY a reboot of a franchise from back in the day, but no one watched it. And even if Enty wasnt anonymous, lawsuits may not be an issue for him. I sent the site a tip about a celeb who dated a friend of mine. Using their fame and money to silence those who might reveal their misdeeds? I wouldn't mind seeing CDAN go. Favorite movie that takes place at a sleepaway camp. Do I believe the moon landing was staged? All are heavily festooned with moving, blinking, and highly invasive ads. Thats gone now, for the most part., When you flip through a current issue, its as hard-hitting as someones Pinterest feed.. he then yells at her in front of the men and then yells at the. Someone who tells the Post hes shocked to hear it absolutely not true; he lives in Virginia and has retained a lawyer. It was like he was dealing he had so much. These are the rules: No spam. Viewed through a political lens, QAnon is a far-right absurdity with a surreal and terrifying real-world reach. The alliterate singer/musician is getting funding for his legal efforts from the same place the A list mostly movie actor got his. The former A-/B+ list actress/A- list singer has one version of events for not starring in an iconic movie. Thanks. Monica Lewinskys Verdict on the Johnny DeppAmber Heard Trial: We Are All Guilty. Growing up and over a 6 foot trellis and trailing back down to the ground, this plant looks incredibly healthy with no leaf loss anywhere. I dont think its deliberate, but more so practical. The old designs are ugly, but they still work. The Timmy/Shimmy blind was fun while it lasted but the reveal was so bogus, readers left the site in droves. I chose Blogger because it was free and took two minutes to set up. When asked about his original vision for the site, DListed founder and creator Michael K says, I had no vision. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Unlike Enty, Elaine Lui of LaineyGossip.com protects herself from litigation by never posting reveals and writing her blinds as riddles. Part of HuffPost News. reps and lawyers dont seem to pose a threat, Enty gets to pull back the curtain and tell whatever story he wants. Hello and thank you for registering. Crazy Days and Nights were named by Isaac Kappy on his "Mossad Media Matrix" map. This awful former A+ list comedian is going to charge $5 or less for his tour next year to try and get people to come see him. How much blame should be placed on the lead? Chief among them is a forced credulity. This closeted former nighttime soap actor is hooking up with the closeted male director of programming at a large media company. Then, last week, the anonymous blogger behind CDaN he says hes a dialed-in entertainment lawyer and goes by the handle Enty posted a blind item that purportedly came from a star of The Hunger Games, revealing drug use and bed-hopping: From @%# one I knew this actor wanted me, it read. For example, this one-named A+ list foreign-born singer is about to release an album (Adele). Research scientists and doctors are always looking for grants. Friday, February 24, 2023 Blind Item #13 Speaking of the permanent A list singer, she has been angry for six months since she learned an ex husband was going to direct a commercial for a French fashion house. Fact or fiction, blind-item readers take pleasure in the facade being ripped off Hollywood, leaving it vulnerable and exposed. Simone Biles/Cerebral/Prince Harry/BetterUp. Back around Halloween he was supposedly busking in Northern California. And now they exist in the same world, so its become hard to navigate., Eventually the tone shifted from being silly blinds about celebs being awful on sets or partying too hard or cheating to child abuse, yachting, sexual assault, and QAnon, one former reader told BuzzFeed News. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn Was Doubting Thomas the real target, with Kappy just a sacrificial pawn in a bigger game of 5th-Dimensional chess? Anne Helen Petersen, a historian of celebrity gossip (and former BuzzFeed News reporter), said its not surprising that the readers of Crazy Days and Nights might also follow QAnon, and vice versa. DListed was a hobby for me. for your pointless bitchery needs. To Crazy Days and Nights, Hollywood is a liberal Gomorrah, full of extramarital sex, child sexual abuse, cult recruitment, gold diggers, drugs, rape, and the misdeeds of hypocritical, virtue-signaling stars. And, of course, after its brief foray into WordPress, Crazy Days and Nights has retained the exact look with which it began. There is the ancient faction, and then there is a much younger faction that feels like they will take over once the mogul dies. Then again would I want someone to sue CDAN into oblivion? When I first started the site, I mainly wrote for myself since I was the only one visiting it. He is not going to walk away, he is going to end up dead while out on bail. 8 min read It was early June and "Penny Farthing" had finally had enough. Anyone who gets into contact with him passes away from drugs as if by magic. Sometimes it may be true, but obviously you dont want it to come out., While targeted celebrities could of course choose to litigate, Hulk Hoganstyle, Entys closely guarded anonymity has given him some measure of protection thus far. He is probably the least known member of the cast, The former NBA player turned coach who often shows up on reality television seemed unconcerned to be loving on a woman in public who is not his wife. This is practically conventional wisdom. Very little about the internets appearance, short of a bug quickly remedied, is an accident. And Ive noticed over the last nine months or so that if I reveal an item like that, invariably a few weeks later the couple calls it quits. Does the celebrity sue? #1 - This foreign born permanent A list singer who actually was part of a group long ago, his last ex-wife and this A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and many decades younger than the singer. How does he do it? In the mid-aughts when anyone with an internet connection could suddenly accrue a readership in a way previously unprecedented blogs began competing with tabloid magazines as the place to get the best, meanest, and most immediate celebrity gossip. With me, I like to make sure the clues are challenging enough for people. reps and anonymous sources, begin to take the shape of something resembling an official narrative, many a die-hard gossip consumer could be forgiven for taking a detour down a darker Internet side alley, where gossip is dished and rumors floated, but names are not named. But for James, the difference is in the tone and the approach; that difference sets apart this more polished era from a previously uncensored one. Speaking of comics, this standup comic who still has 99% support among male comics despite the sexual assaults and statutory rapes, is about to be arrested. Crazy Days and Nights might not be trafficking in hardcore Q dogma, but theres a Q dog whistle somewhere in the background if you listen for it. Commenters on Crazy Days and Nights believing in some sort of cabal. They just had a BI that a aging movie star had a dead boy floating in her pool. best of 2017 Dec. 14, 2017. Pure speculation: Was Kappy part of a secret society backing Trump? I have been writing the site from day one. Makes me think the getting married again thing was a story line and might not even have any paperwork to back, A certain female actress who recently Jazzed her way into a few peoples hearts, really needs to be made aware of her cheating boyfriend. Ive also had celebs write me who think a blind is about them but it But viewed through a celebrity gossip lens, it seems to make a little more sense. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Therefore, he says, no celebrities are immune to being subjects on Crazy Days and Nights. This very tall and very big former A+ list NBA player, hemmed and hawed about paying for the damage done to a car by one of his children. Contraland: The First $2 Million YouTube Video? This foreign born A list singer has had quite the year. It all indicates that Hollywood and the media have been punked duped by a soft-spoken probate lawyer with delusions of grandeur. One option is organic fertilizer made from chicken manure, which can be found at Menard's for a reasonable price of $10.99 per 25-pound bag. I didn't think anyone would actually read the site though. Gen Z discovered the blog through TikTok, where some creators have gone viral for discussing its blind item posts. Later, the actor was driven to tears by one of a few hundred light bulbs going out in his trailer and unsuccessfully tried to get the worker who found the hair piece, fired for the error. Tourists make up the majority of the customers now. This actor was a winner/nominee last night but his biggest contribution to the parties last night for his pay cable companions was the amount of cocaine he supplied. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. What news outlets failed to mention about the award this foreign born A++ lister gave to the alliterate former A list action star, is the women that are assigned to him as essentially sex slaves. (Enty got his start writing blinds about musicians.) Get the latest chatter, from Kensington Palace and beyond, straight to your inbox. Stars reps seem to have bigger fish to fry than the people posting the itemstheyre just messengers, she reasons.. On the set of a movie, this alliterate action actor regularly abused his then wife whenever he could. ) is a recurring antagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and Five Nights at Freddy's 4. To make them neat, elegant, and conformatively modern would be to make them less familiar to the reader. Cancelling Two Years in a Row is Taking Leave No Trace Far Too Literally. But, I doubt it. Because it definitely cannot be a coincidence that "liberal Hollywood" is being targeted in the exact same way as DC is being targeted with the Pizzagate and QAnon bullshit. The party kid celebrities of that era, with their Myspace pages, rehab stints, party hijinks, and coke habits, all fostered a minute-by-minute reporting to which the internet was far better suited than print tabloids. Speaking of the actor in #11, he was once set to star opposite a long time A- list singing actress who had multiple gold records and was his long time mistress. I wanted people to see a side of the entertainment industry that you you never see in the supermarket kiss-butt tabloids. Not long ago, LiveJournal was a thing most people were embarrassed to mention; now, if someone says LiveJournal, half the room sighs wistfully. One major (grown) star, Dancing Duke, who you all know and love overdosed and died in the middle of working with Mr. Shazam. He publicly said his sobriety was being jeopardised by her and her drug activities, she parties with a group of coke head gay stylists and make ups artists, so he left her. How would you respond to the critics who say blind items are completely made up? Robert Downey Jr. had to issue a public denial that he was submitting "items" to the site. Prior to his disappearance, this former A+ list rapper was talking about hostages and suicide. According to the anonymous blogger, his posts reveal the truth about our favorite celebrities, and that claim is validated when reveals and easy-to-decode blinds (like an A-list couples recent splitno, the other onefor example) are covered by mainstream media. It's a complicated tale of an online gossip site called " Crazy Days and Nights ," which may or may not be entirely fake, may or may not be written by a celebrity or a real "insider," but most certainly has caused some trouble. Internet celebrity gossip requires its readers to be slightly conspiratorially minded to believe theres something happening beyond whats printed in Us Weekly. A lot of times people think that blind itemsbecause youre not naming names and most blind items never have any revealshave some kind of shadiness to them. James guesses that the relationship between the changing internet and these unchanged sites is simply a matter of practicality. These are not links that any of us are going to post on our Facebook or Twitter to demonstrate our superior taste or good politics. Websites in the late 1990s and mid-00s didnt look like a minimalist office; they looked like a party thrown by a hideously uncool college student who had taken a lot of acid and then decorated their dorm. People said whatever about whoever, and because there wasnt social media as this aggregate to really connect everyone, unless you were making a conscious effort to read a particular blog, a lot of things went unchecked.. The daughter of a NBA owner is pregnant with a child fathered by a player on the team. Contact this reporter at katie@buzzfeed.com. Lainey Gossip has undergone several site makeovers since its official founding in 2004, but it still retains the loudly color-clashing logo and bare-bones, basic blogger aesthetic of a previous decade. How long do you leave your holiday decorations up? The thing is people believe CDAN blinds even though they have the disclaimers there. Crazy Days and Nights was the site that revealed that Amber showed up to Kevin Costner's trailer naked and he called her out in front of at least ten other people. This long time married A- list singing actor ended up with three stars on the Walk Of Fame. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page. Archived post. I get contacted a lot by reporters and news outlets. Have I ever been wrong? Since I returned to the original format a year or so ago, the traffic has steadily increased. Since Enty is so incredibly elusive, I could only contact him via email. With an anonymous gossip site, you have to find out who registered it Entys domain is hidden and even then, the address could be hopping from computer to computer. Loyal readers know that when a major event in Hollywood happensor sometimes even beforeEnty will start revealing any blind items he previously posted about it. I didn't know how the designation works. What kind of world is it that someone can just claim one star raped another? Enty says hes not out to defame anyone: I dont reveal things that make people look really bad. He has integrity and expects the same: In the industry, he says, only five people know who I am. So just who is Enty? He provided The Post with a scan of his bar card, and he is, in fact, a lawyer registered with the California Bar. But when you are a supplier and predator to kids in entertainment that is what happens. Yes, he is still married to his wife and they will still be married when the IVF babies are delivered. Everyone knows it's fan fiction. He does work at an LA-based law firm but according to them, hes not an entertainment lawyer they dont even have an entertainment division. Multiple posts have accused Tom Hanks, a frequent Q target, of licentious behavior on a yacht belonging to Hollywood mogul David Geffen. Visiting any one of them still has a Myspace feeling to it, which is at once gross and welcome. You don't want it to be too easy. What I always find hilarious is when they write me, and its a blind, not a reveal yet, he says. Crazy Days and Nights ( crazydaysandnights.net, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. Was Leppo His Last Interview? Enty insists hes not a Q follower, though he did admit to being familiar with Q lore. Craig's, There must be another big story or book being released because the wife of this A list actor is once again trying to pretend she and her family had nothing to do with the cult they are accused of having worked for and been a part of and really, still are to. From claiming that she was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein's, to adding fuel to the fire with. Oh, she doesn't know about the other phone? The other nine years have all been on Blogger, always the same style and format., I tried WordPress and used servers and everything that goes with it. What makes a good blind item is if you only have two or three possibilities, not 100, he explained. Tomato seed size can vary greatly and the smallest ones may not even germinate. Still, he has a code when it comes to the reveals process. Certain members of this reality family have been trying to plant incriminating documents and photos on a man, so a different member of the reality family has a better chance of getting out of jail. No one is going to read that wall of text. I like these little tiny victories, even if only loyal readers know.. This A list everything host is taking his beard for granted and she has started talking about everything he does. Russell Brand basically outed Perry as a druggie after their divorce. He has talked about his process before and he has to receive the same or similar tip from at least 2 sources which he vets before posting an official blind item and/or reveal. This is the fan page for Crazy Days and Nights - a place to rehash old blind items, etc. A lot of those tips have been blockbusters which editors probably wish they had a second chance at. A heart condition prevented it. Like rabbits. Readers guessed that the tidbit could only have come from Jennifer Lawrence, and like so much of what lives on CDaN, trying to determine the truth is akin to proving a negative: impossible. In his first post from November 2006, he writes, I originally wanted to start this blog to try and share some stories about celebs from a side that is not usually talked about, and think it would be interesting for everyone. As this initial post intimates, the heart of Entys site is his readershiphe lives for the readers almost as much as they live for the drama. The madam/procurer will be shipped off to her home country before the end of the summer. This stubborn sameness may simply be financial. But his primacy in the field is largely due to the one feature of his publishing ethos that completely distinguishes him from his rivals: He names names. stance, depending on the client and the level of the client, sometimes its safer to not say anything than it is to comment. Crazy Days and Nights launched in 2006, and is the hotbed of allegations against Diana. Robot Chicken is the name . She also dated a guy who was one of the biggest con men in the 20th century. Im willing to have the discussion. Does their publicist issue a statement? Perhaps the zenith of this aesthetic was Myspace. CDAN steals a ton of gossip, as does Blind Gossip. He says that some of his best stuff comes from celebrities hes been friendly with Leonardo DiCaprio, for example, the subject of one of his recently revealed blinds. This A lister to the under 12 crowd is going to continue to be used by everyone she dates. Thats indeed a common strategy by the alt-right to level pedophilia accusations at any detractor to destroy their credibility.. I can't believe people actually believe the gossip posted at CDAN when the guy who runs the website has this disclaimer on his page: "CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS IS A GOSSIP SITE. Apparently, her kids were scared when they first saw her. Enty, the anonymous, self-described entertainment lawyer who runs the site, has been a direct source for gossip that evades the normal channels of celebrity news and feeds directly into the Internets never-ending appetite for the juice. I think their dated layouts are mostly due to the fact theyre not exactly rolling in cash, he says. If a blind comes out and they know its their client, any publicist would probably say their first priority is to find out whos leaking and shut it down. Some like Kindness items (if a celebrity is involved with a charity or some good cause that theyre not public about). An offspring of this NBA GOAT, has three strippers he pays bills for each month and sleeps with, so the pseudo aunt he sleeps with is never going to get the ring that exclusive thing she wants. But Im willing to listen to the arguments. Celebrities are abandoning the place. On top having countless blinds they reveal some of them and I'm fairly certain not all of those are kosher either. I have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some point, he told BuzzFeed News. She was only A list, given her name recognition from being with Johnny Depp. You also quickly discover the competitor websites offering their own blind items (which in my opinion, are not as cleverly worded as CDANs). Its one thing to run a blind item: the New York Post has a history of publishing blinds in Page Six; Ted Casablanca wrote them as part of his E! This pint sized comic actor is cheating on his wife. And a lot is made up, created by the site authors to generate traffic and submitted by "fans". Platforms have different personalities, from the cutesy quirk of Etsy to the clean, friendly usability of Slack. I don't care about getting some nothing interview about the release of a record or a movie that tells you nothing but what you have agreed to beforehand with multiple layers of bureaucracy surrounding the celebrity. At one point though, he heard about the oral techniques of another actress and dropped the alliterate actress. Sun Sugar is a hybrid cherry tomato variety that has been thriving in my garden for over a year. You really can make something worse. In Downeys case, however, his publicist issued an outright denial, and speculation moved along. Since 2006, people have come to CDaN for blind items that run the gamut from true (Kaley Cuoco getting divorced) to ridiculous (Beyonc faked her pregnancies) to fantastical (Anna Wintour and Bob Marley had a secret baby together). Text that spins and sparkles and bubbles and pops. Even those professionally redesigned sites remain loyal to a mid-00s aesthetic, likely because the memory of that time is part of what these sites offer. Therefore, he says, no celebrities are immune to being subjects on Crazy Days and Nights. In this clip Tracy shares some evidence why Hanks character in the Da Vinci Code Robert Langdon was a rip-off of her real life research. Thanks to SB & Jim at RX Only Pictureshow for letting me use these clips. No personal attacks. Yes, her A list aunt (in her corner of the entertainment world) is a world renowned huge donor to this celebrity cult, but there is no proof the singer/actress niece is a part of it. I've been following Enty/Crazy Days and Nights for a few years and he must have gotten tips on this from multiple sources. Oh, and the person most likely to be Himmm, according to Enty? Enty seems to think his readership deserves the truth about Hollywood, but at the end of the day, does the truth really matter to the people who visit his site? She wore a T-shirt over a curve-hugging brown maxi-dress that . From Crazy Days and Nights. By signing up you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. And thats not particularly surprising to Enty, the name under which CDaNs creator publishes. I think people enjoy the familiar.. Error: Twitter did not respond. The cozy familiarity of these sites and their financial concerns are certainly linked: that time-traveling authenticity is part of what they are selling. I also try to make it like a SAT question. The late night actor is not dating or hooking up with the rebooted name of a manufactured UK group. And so, until libel laws catch up with the web, Enty will probably continue to reveal the answers to his scandalous blinds, celebrities and publicists afraid to deny them. There are a lot of First Amendment rights that are important and protected, says entertainment lawyer Walter Mosley of Mosley & Associates, whose roster of clients includes Amber Rose, Blac Chyna, and Charlie Sheen. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. It is going to mess up the continuity.""No one will notice anyway, just shoot it."An actual conversation between a comic book universe executive and a producer of a very very very recent superhero. This athlete did not do any favors for his image, when he publicly mocked the serious mental health struggles that one of his nation's most beloved celebrities is going through. Paragraphs in which the text changes color two or three or eight times for no reason at all. click ACCEPT. He is an extremely jealous guy, but lately he has her wearing things that let men be able to see all of her breasts. However, the site only recently came to my attention while I was following the outrageous behind-the-scenes drama of a reality show. Crazy Days and Nights (crazydaysandnights.net, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. CryptoBeast #24 Shadow History 2: Molochs Military, CryptoBeast #23 Shadow History 2: Secret Societies, Sam Tripoli Tin Foil Hat Podcast #253 Steve Outtrim Crypto Beast Silicon Valley Occult, Responding to An Open Secret/Gabe Hoffman False Allegations. He says he wont out anyone, he wont talk about peoples children, and he publishes kindness items about stars who do charitable acts sans publicity: Its this whole culture of, Oh, I have to stay in front of the cameras, he says. They never shared a house. This still very young foreign born A/A- list singer really doesn't want to tour ever again, and has thought about retiring too. This very recognizable person who is currently attempting a new career has been strangely out of view for the last week. ), I had no vision. Facebook and Twitter are better and more efficient means of transmitting the same information. This Love Island loving actress who was a winner/nominee last night got the hard hard hard hitting on from the foreign born model/actress/coke addict. For the past 11 years, I have been writing blinds and telling stories about the people who do good in Hollywood, but also those that need to be exposed. Generally no, meaning that anonymous blind-item sites like Crazy Days and Nights can ostensibly function with zero limitations. The veteran showbiz reporter believes that the RDJ scandal has led Enty to ramp up his blinds and, by extension, unique hits. Having a "girlfriend" gets people drawn into him and his story and he can claim new music was, The actor who is the most obvious choice for baby daddy of the children of the writer/actress/producer has been really screwing with the media as of late, by implying that he has something important to announce and then dancing around the whole thing. Anyway, he vowed to never get married, but that was before, It looks as if the closeted north of the border singer was once again convinced by his team to sign a bearding contract. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. Acti-Sol Hen Manure is one popular product that has been used with success by experienced, Tips for Successful Tomato Farming in Hot and Humid Climates, Tomato farming in hot and humid climates can be a challenge, but with the right preparation and care, you can still have a successful harvest. Then, the fight happened. But seriously I am surprised CDAN has been going on as long as it has. For the last decade, as these little guessing games have grown in importance to the tabloid economy, the best place to find them has been a bare-bones Web site named Crazy Days and Nights. There are several good choices, but there is only one correct choice. Some features on this site require registration. To the QAnon deluded, it's pretty much the same thing. It definitely does put publicists in a tricky situation, because you sort of lose credibility, Eve Sarkisyan of YES Public Relations says, also noting that, From a P.R. the site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. Publicists, theyre probably more concerned about who the leak is, Lui says. The actress filed for divorce on September 15. Which get the least? Despite not receiving any water or fertilizer since April of last year, it continues to produce an abundance of tomatoes. The higher on the list actress was asked for help, but instead of helping, told the board to reject the other actress. Over the past two weeks, a little-known Hollywood gossip site called Crazy Days and Nights or CDaN, as it's known among fans attracted mainstream media attention when readers began speculating that a commenter known as "Himmm" was actually Robert Downey Jr. Please click here to register for free. Plus, they all have taken photos of her. Some of these blogs, of course, have undergone a redesign, updating their aesthetic to be somewhat more current and their sites to be more easily usable. Did admit to being subjects on Crazy Days and Nights believing in some sort of cabal is people believe blinds! And predator to kids in entertainment that is what happens is it that someone can just one... Given her name recognition from being with Johnny Depp User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement something. Have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some,. Kids were scared when they first saw her you are a supplier and to... 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