There may be another version of Minfilia there offering the quest. Dayton Snow (Alexander) commented on the Morel entry of the Eorzea Database. The above tooltip code can be used to embed entries from the Eorzea Database in your blog or website. He's the one you get the actual Ifrit HM quest from, assuming you completed the prerequisite. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Minfilia is considering which of her many responsibilities demands her utmost attention. Dayton Snow (Alexander) commented on the Morel entry of the Eorzea Database. * Notifications for free company formations are shared for all languages. For details, visit the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Kit page. So going through the story pretty fast paced, after completing Operation Archon in the ARR story, a buttload of lvl 50 quests open up. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 29. Fight your way to the innermost depths of the kobold stronghold, and attune to the aetheryte. Since the only post on here with a question to this quest was archived, I figured I'd just make a post from a more updated standpoint, that being well after Stormbloods release. None whatsoever. Ask Your Questions for the Mini Letter from the Producer LIVE at TGS! * Please note that not all database entries include a tooltip code. The game does a fairly good job of guiding players when they hit this part. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, which includes a free trial that includes the entirety of "A Realm Reborn" AND the award-winning "Heavensward" expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime. Massive "good intentions" Quest bug. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. To unlock the HM Primals, you need to complete the "A Recurring Problem" quest from Minfilia in the Waking Sands. The tank will begin to move Garuda at a steady pace clockwise avoiding the green circles. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Sternenlichtertrupp-Screenshot-Wettbewerb, Der 56. As if on cue, the kobolds have succeeded in summoning Titan. The item prices shown are for purchases made by credit card, etc. When I try to accept the quest it says it isn't available yet and that the requirements are to complete The Bowl of Embers, The Navel, and The howling Eye all on hard. Brief des Produzenten LIVE-Sondersendung! Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Stellt eure Fragen fr den Brief des Produzenten Live in Las Vegas, Der 19. However, we dare not neglect our other pressing concerns. Concours Les Chocobos la Conqute du Monde ! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Look for a quest called A Recurring Problem from Minfilia in Waking Sands (or in your completed quest journal). Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 6. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press J to jump to the feed. (X:9.7, Y:11.1) Attune yourself to the aetheryte at Natalan in the Coerthas Central Highlands to unlock The Howling Eye (Hard) under Trials in the Duty Finder. FFXIV's newest expansion, "Endwalker", is out now. ", Beulah Disy (Shinryu) posted a new blog entry, ". As title states, i have unlocked tho's trials and now it says i still need The Navel HARD unlocked but i have it unlocked i checked it. Now I am up to "Good intentions" quest. A full listing of items from the Eternal Bond category on the FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You cant just unlock them all, like you can in the Expansions. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 9. Have there been further developments regarding the situation in Ul'dah? The Navel (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. When used, a tooltip* will be displayed in your comment.Please note that the tooltip code cannot be used outside of the Eorzea Database. AboutPressCopyrightContact. So, in order to start the quest you need to complete Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan. It sends you to talk to Swift, the Flame officer in Ul'Dah, which again sends you to attune to an Aeteryte crystal to access The bowl of Embers(Hard mode). The above tooltip code can be used to embed entries from the Eorzea Database in your blog or website. The quest has no reward or description really. 2010 - 2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.ENDWALKER, SHADOWBRINGERS, STORMBLOOD, HEAVENSWARD, and A REALM REBORN are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd.LOGO ILLUSTRATION: 2010, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021 YOSHITAKA AMANO, [db:quest=3f881a1b15a]A Recurring Problem[/db:quest], , Main Scenario (A Realm Reborn through Shadowbringers), Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests II, Chronicles of a New Era - The Crystal Tower, Chronicles of a New Era - The Warring Triad, Chronicles of a New Era - The Shadow of Mhach, Chronicles of a New Era - Return to Ivalice, Chronicles of a New Era - The Sorrow of Werlyt, Chronicles of a New Era - Myths of the Realm, Tribal Quests (A Realm Reborn through Shadowbringers), Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers), Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers), Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker), Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker). Minfilia starts the chain to unlock these fights with the quest "A recurring problem". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Only kill the Satin Plume; it is the only purple plume. Once you do, you will have no quest in your log, and the only hint of a followup is a blocked quest from Papalymo in the same storage area in Waking Sands for A Garuda Wakening. The other Plumes will disappear before too long. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 15. Accessories. Ruin Hilite (Titan) posted a new blog entry, "OK3-4/21-24 6T/BH/DPS.". Not that your response was ever in doubt, but I humbly thank you once more for aiding our cause. ; Speak to Swift at the Hall of Flames in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald. Coupled with ongoing unrest, the Flames are finding themselves hard-pressed. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. For details, visit the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Kit page.Please note tooltip codes can only be used on compatible websites. Were not the Crystal Braves established for this very reason? A patriotic Highlander, Ilberd enjoys the medicinal teas of his native land. * Notifications for PvP team formations are shared for all languages. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 17. Trial Requirement: The Howling Eye (Hard) cleared. How do you switch from the free trial to the actual full game? A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, which includes a free trial that includes the entirety of "A Realm Reborn" AND the award-winning "Heavensward" expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime. Now then, there are preparations I must attend to before my departure, such as receiving Riol's latest report. Creative Writing Contest (NA), Starlight Starbright Screenshot Contest (NA), Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXVIII, Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXVII, Letter from the Producer LIVE in Frankfurt (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXIII, The Eorzean Home Makeover (Extreme) Contest (NA), Letter from the Producer LIVE in Las Vegas (2016), Letter from the Producer LIVE: E3 2016 Edition, Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXVIII, Starlight Celebration Comic Strip Contest (NA), Starlight Celebration Comic Strip Contest (EU), Airship Components: Research and Development (NA), Memories of Eorzea Screenshot Contest (NA), Memories of Eorzea Screenshot Contest (EU), Heavensward Free Company Recruitment Contest (NA), Heavensward Free Company Recruitment Contest (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE Special Edition, Starlight Celebration Screenshot Contest (NA), Starlight Celebration Screenshot Contest (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE in Las Vegas, FFXIV: ARR One Year Anniversary Video Contest (NA), FFXIV: ARR One Year Anniversary Video Contest (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE: E3 Edition, Little Ladies' Day Screenshot Contest (NA), Little Ladies' Day Screenshot Contest (EU), FFXIV: ARR Free Company Recruitment Contest (NA), FFXIV: ARR Free Company Recruitment Contest (EU), XIII Days Your Fate is Sealed Contest (NA). Also these quests, which lead to the HM primals: I think they are optional so it's possible you missed them. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 14. $3.00 USD $2.10 USD. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 41. Screenshot Contest (NA), Ask Yusuke Mogi Your Questions for the PAX East 2020 Panel, A Star Light Party Screenshot Contest (EU/PAL), Star Companion Screenshot Sweepstakes (NA), This is All Saints Wake Screenshot Contest (EU/PAL), A Glamourous Guise Screenshot Contest (NA), Memoirs of Adventure Creative Writing Contest (NA), Ask Yoshi-P and Banri Oda Your Questions for the gamescom 2019 Q&A, Become the Darkness Screenshot Sweepstakes! We're glad for the help, o' course, but it's still a right pain in the arse trainin' 'em up. About Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Wiki, Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 15:39, Please note tooltip codes can only be used on compatible websites. PlayStation, the "PS" family logo, "PS5" and "PS4" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.ESRB and the ESRB rating icon are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. Rendezvous with Captain Ilberd at Highbridge and intervene when the exchange takes place. Forename, while we focus on that task, mayhap you could assist Alphinaud and his Braves with theirs? He has proven to be quite skilled at gathering information others wish kept secret, hence why I placed him under my direct command and ordered him to investigate the Ul'dahn riots. But you are correct, Shiva EX is not required to unlock the HM of those three (which actually came before Shiva). The final dungeon needed was "In a Titan Spot". If I am to stay abreast of the latest developments and issue effective orders, however, I cannot afford to waste time traveling back and forth. 50 Good Intentions Main Scenario (A Realm Reborn through Shadowbringers) Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests Seventh Astral Era Quest Patch 2.5 Acquisition Minfilia: Mor Dhona - The Rising Stones - The Solar (The Rising Stones) (x:6.1, y:5.2) Closest Aetheryte: Revenant's Toll Requirements And it is locked. The item prices shown are for purchases made by credit card, etc. Hello Community!!! Assemble your stoutest adventuring comrades, and vanquish the Lord of Crags. How do you unlock Bowl of Embers hard mode or any of the other Hard Trials. The above tooltip code can be used to embed entries from the Eorzea Database in your blog or website. Minfilia is the first NPC that gives the unlock quest for the hard mode primals. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Allerschutzheiligen Schauer-Spektakel-Screenshot-Wettbewerbs, Eure Fragen an Naoki Yoshida und Banri Oda fr die Q&A-Session auf der gamescom 2019, Der 53. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE. Oh i see, thanks alot! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Mes questions Yoshi-P et Banri Oda pour le Q&R de gamescom 2019 ! Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 10. Me an' mine've been makin' inquiries into the source o' the weapons what found their ways into refugee hands a ways back. ", Moonlight Mariner (Aegis) posted a new blog entry, "MMO.". ; Speak to Vorsaile Heuloix at the Adders' Nest in New Gridania. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. Valentiones Day Love Letter Contest (NA), Dveloppement futurs de FINAL FANTASY XIV, Evnements organiss par l'quipe communautaire, La lettre du producteur LIVE : huitime mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : septime mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : sixime mission, Concours : Dcoration dufs orzens , La lettre du producteur LIVE : cinquime mission. It would do much to restore faith in the Immortal Flames if the Warrior of Light was seen working on their behalf. Was trying to do relic quest too, but need to unlock Aurum Vale first. Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn Locked out of Good intentions quest Blackarchdemon 7 years ago #1 How do you unlock Bowl of Embers hard mode or any of the other Hard Trials. Plainly, General Raubahn needs our help, and I will direct the Crystal Braves to offer what support they can. The above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 49. Check out Waking Sands instead of Rising Stones. Go back to the Waking Sands and talk to Urianger. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. ; Queue for and complete The Bowl of Embers (Hard).Despite the name, the trial is not actually more difficult than any other story . According to Commander Rhiki, a beastman aetheryte leading to Titan's domain, the Navel, has been discovered within U'Ghamaro Mines in outer La Noscea. It was marked just as a side quest instead of main story so I assumed it was just a random side quest, Unfortunately Minfilia in the Waking sands is no longer there for me and Urianger does not have any quests for me, edit: talked to Thancred standing next to Urianger and it turns out he had the following quest Ifrit Bleeds, We can Kill It available for me to pick up. Lionshead: A single-edged sword of unknown origin, Ilberd's arm bears a lion . In-game description Walkthrough La lettre du producteur LIVE : quatrime mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : troisime mission, Der 8. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 4. It is not my job to be right. 74. A lot of guides and advice around suggest you seek out Thancred or Minifilia or Urianger for all 3 quests, but as of now I have only interacted with Urianger once for the Ifrit quest. I'd argue it's less of an issue than it was in the past. We have matters here well in hand. Der 18. The Minifilia in Mor Dhona doesn't offer the quest. {{}} {{}} {{}} See More. According to Commander Rhiki, a beastman aetheryte leading to Titan's domain, the Navel, has been discovered within U'Ghamaro Mines in outer La Noscea. $3.00 USD $2.10 USD. Join him outside the solar and listen to what Riol, his subordinate, has to say. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Erinnerungen an Eorzea Screenshot-Wettbewerb, Heavensward-Rekrutierungswettbewerb der freien Gesellschaften, Der 20. I doubt that this man would have secured such a quantity of weapons if he did not already have clients waitingclients that, for whatever reason, would prefer for this transaction to remain secret. . Alas, the key problemhow to form an aetherial blade at willremains unsolved. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Rekrutierungsvideo-Wettbewerb der Freien Gesellschaften, Der 11. ", Seia Mukami (Gilgamesh) has started recruitment for the free company "Domina Noctis (Gilgamesh). Good Intentions - Quest Guide Alphinaud requests leave to remain stationed in Ul'dah to lend the Braves' support to the Immortal Flames as they investigate the riots. What say you. The above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. Lest you forget, Antecedent, the Scions need not shoulder the burden alone. Whats a good macro i can use to mark enemies in dungeons?, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Platinum Paramour's Earrings. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. Please read the Square Enix cookies policy for more information. Trial Requirement: The Bowl of Embers (Hard) cleared Speak to Papalymo to accept the quest. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. I did that and went back but no Minfilia, so i cant get the next quest !! I went there and did a coupld quests that led up to Drop Dead Shiva which wants me to complete Akh Afah Ampitheatre on Extreme. Filter which items are to be displayed below. Yuzu Viola (Mandragora) posted a new blog entry, "(*''*). Paramour's Pendant. If not, try talking to Urianger also in the Waking Sands. Recipe trees can now be viewed for craftable items. Additional comment actions. Good Intentions - Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 ARR Community Wiki and Guide Good Intentions Good Intentions Minfilia Warde The Rising Stones ( The Howling Eye (Hard) Bait and Switch Patch GT " Minfilia is considering which of her many responsibilities demands her utmost attention. For some reason I don't have any of these available in my duty finder. You have to actually do it, just unlocking isn't enough. Prerequisite Quest. For details, visit the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Kit page. When used, a tooltip* will be displayed in your comment.Please note that the tooltip code cannot be used outside of the Eorzea Database. Learn More, Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) (Level 50). FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. PlayStation, the "PS" family logo, "PS5" and "PS4" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. FFXIVLIVE in LAS VEGAS (2016), Website/Companion App Feedback & Suggestions, Ask Your Questions for the PAX East 2023 Q&A, Crystalline Conflict Community Cup (North America), Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXVIII, Everythings on the Line! The Rak'tika Greatwood. Speak to Thancred to accept the quest. Yuzu Viola (Mandragora) posted a new blog entry, "(*''*). Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 40. ", Beulah Disy (Shinryu) posted a new blog entry, ". Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 35. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It doesn't seem like this would be something I need to do in order to unlock the hard modes for the other 3 so that I can I progress the story. Once you finish the quest you can go back to the Waking Sands and pick up the next quest in the line. You need to complete Ifrit HM. Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 33. Paramour's Earrings. Seizing the weapons before they fall into the wrong hands would be for the best. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Contents Requirements This quest is available if you have completed the quest Let Us Cling Together, and have completed the following series of quests, which must be done in order: Title Area Level; Chronicles of a New Era > Chronicles of a New Era - Primals A Recurring Problem: The Waking Sands: 50: Like the others said. However, we have all the resources we need to address them in turn. Accessories | FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store. "Recruit a Friend Campaign" codes - Part 2. {{}} {{}} {{}} See More. Walkthrough. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. We both know full well that Saint Shiva will not be the last primal we faceand our relationship with Ishgard is still tenuous at best. * Please note that not all database entries include a tooltip code. I'm currently level 51 and am trying to start the 2.5 quest "Good Intentions" that you get from Minfilia in The Rising stones. They're instead, still at the waking sands, thought i would leave this for any new comes racking their brain :3, Main Scenario (A Realm Reborn through Shadowbringers), Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests II, Chronicles of a New Era - The Crystal Tower, Chronicles of a New Era - The Warring Triad, Chronicles of a New Era - The Shadow of Mhach, Chronicles of a New Era - Return to Ivalice, Chronicles of a New Era - The Sorrow of Werlyt, Chronicles of a New Era - Myths of the Realm, Tribal Quests (A Realm Reborn through Shadowbringers), Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers), Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers), Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker), Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker). These are all done in order starting with Ifrit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'll update this later on if it turns out more is needed to start Good Intentions, otherwise this is how I unlocked it. I have no idea what to do now. La lettre du producteur LIVE : 53e mission, Concours de captures dcran : De la Lumire aux Tnbres, Ma Vira & mon Hrothgar - Concours Twitter de capture d'cran, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 50e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 49e mission, Concours des meilleurs moments de l'anne 2018, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 44e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 43e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 42e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 41e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 40e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 39e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 38e mission, Concours de captures dcran dexploration, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 37e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 35e mission, Concours de captures dcran spcial House Party , La lettre du producteur LIVE : 34e mission, Concours de hakus pour la fte des toiles, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 33e mission, Posez vos questions pour la lettre Live Las Vegas (2016), Concours de captures dcran pour la fte de la Commmoration, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 31e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 30e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 29e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 28e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 27e mission, Concours de comic strip pour la fte des toiles, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 26e mission, Concours de captures dcran pour la Veille des saints, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 25e mission, Concours Les aventures de mon servant , La lettre du producteur LIVE : 24e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 22e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 23e mission, Concours de captures dcran Souvenirs dorza, Les compagnies libres recrutent pour Heavensward, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 20e mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : mission spciale, Concours de captures dcran pour la fte de la transition, Concours de captures dcran pour la fte des toiles, La lettre du producteur LIVE : dix-huitime mission, Posez vos questions pour la lettre Live Las Vegas, La lettre du producteur LIVE : 19e mission, Concours de captures dcran pour les feux de la mort, La lettre du producteur LIVE : dix-septime mission, Concours vido pour le premier anniversaire, La lettre du producteur LIVE : seizime mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : quinzime mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : quatorzime mission, Concours de captures dcran pour la chasse aux Prufs, La lettre du producteur LIVE : treizime mission, Concours de captures dcran pour la fte des demoiselles, La lettre du producteur LIVE : douzime mission, Concours de captures dcran pour la Valention, La lettre du producteur LIVE : onzime mission, La lettre du producteur LIVE : dixime mission, Concours Haiku d'orza - la Veille des saints, La lettre du producteur LIVE : neuvime mission, Posez vos questions pour la lettre Live Makuhari, Feedback und Vorschlge fr die Companion-App, Der 68 Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 65 Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 64 Teil des FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 60. 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