This also had the effect of making his overall movements better, increasing his speed. He pretends to be affected by the toxin and, as soon as she looks away, breaks her neck and slashes off her head. [154] When they turn in the results to Wong, they are told about a giant insect limb. [224] Both applications can also be used to carry others, both to displace them[235] and to protect them from enemy attacks. Killua tries to stop it by breaking it, but Ging's aura prevents him from doing any damage. As he continues talking about him, Killua realizes the "Chain Dude" is Kurapika. Tsezguerra gives them a contract, which they give to Leorio for a quick check. The following match is intended to be Leorio vs. Bodoro, but Killua impales Bodoro from behind, thereby failing the Hunter Exam for his murder. He opens the wooden vault and the three take the treasure to an auction preview,[70] where, in order to lower the price, some interested parties list ways in which the contents of the vault may have been forged. When he demands it again more forcefully, Nanika, crying, retreats into Aluka. By facing all manners of trials, over the course of one month they gather 50 specified slot cards in total, among which are "Fledgling CEO", "Doyen's Growth Pills", and "Staff of Judgment". Despite their exhaustion, Biscuit sends them to confront Knuckle without their tokens, so they will be able to fight him again if they lose. Releasing a tremendous amount of power, she complies. In the end, both tapes are erased, which Killua understands to be a way for Ging to cover his tracks, particularly against tracking Nen abilities. He then asks his son about the Hunter Exam, the people he met, how he felt, and more. He manages to avoid Shoot's next two attacks while chiding himself for only running away. Killua suspects that even if Kurapika had any information on the Spiders, he would not share it. [17], 60 kilometers later, Leorio becomes extremely exhausted. Hanzo throws the match and knocks a protesting Gon unconscious. Alongside Kite's team, Gon and Killua work as biological researchers for one month, finding a great number of new species thanks to their affinity with nature. Hisoka's declaration that he is bored triggers an epiphany and Killua becomes certain that he has already made contact with the Spiders and that there is an Exorcist on Greed Island. He knocks her out and draws a circle around himself with his aura. [9] His terrific intellect allows him to pick up on details that would ordinarily go unnoticed on a subconscious level, which results in him feeling a sense of unease towards a certain course of action before realizing why. Morel is confident they will go along with it to garner more votes, although he recommends they only go after the Needle People. They find three items inside: a cassette tape, a ring, and a memory card. With Godspeed, Killua is able to use it in two types of attacks, Speed of Lightning and Whirlwind. When they ask them to leave, Bopobo challenges them to push him out of a flaming ring. [103], Gon and Killua are suspicious at first, but accept to follow him when he gives them information about spells and teaches them to summon their binders when another players targets them. He glimpses Kastro sitting in a chair, then a voice causes him to turn around, and he sees Kastro standing behind him. He orders him to remain hidden no matter how many people he sees being murdered. Gon decides to wait for one hour, after which he will take Neferpitou to restore Kite. [242], Illumi deduces that on top of making wishes, Killua is able to give orders to Nanika without fulfilling any requests. Although at first, he had no intention of letting the two meet, he ends up bursting in tears, lamenting his inability to help his friend. [91], Gon and Killua are then taken to the Phantom Troupe's hideout and chained. [94] When they are about to board a blimp, Hisoka appears and threatens to kill Gon and Killua if he does not get to fight Chrollo. He demonstrated this ability by dislocating his shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers to free himself from Machi's strings. He was able to pluck out Johness' heart without the serial killer noticing until he saw his own heart. Shoot sees electricity crackling around one of them and jumps back, remarking that he does not care for it. He then enquires about Gon's birth mother, to which the boy replies Mito is his only mother. They compete against each other in the finals, where Killua defeats Gon by switching hands at the last second. Killua makes his presence manifest, maintaining that he simply knew he could warn them at any time. Tentacles emerge from the man's body to restrain him,[194] but he cuts them off and uses the suckers to adhere to the stalactites, preventing himself from falling into the Ant-infested lake underneath. Killua realizes that Gido, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt want to pick a fight on the same day as Gon to get an easy win, and Gon gives them the liberty to choose. [24] They are forced to vote before opening every door on their path until they come to an arena. Right then, a car and a truck driven by people controlled by Illumi push Killua's car off the mountainside, but all the occupants escape uninjured. Right afterward, they are confronted by three fighters: Gido, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt. They resolve to keep looking for cards on their own while also trading players they encounter for them and information. While Canary distracts Amane, he boards one with Alluka, from which he contacts Morel, giving him more details about his situation and Nanika's powers. [67], On September 3rd they purchase the Southernpiece Catalog, where they learn more about the days when Greed Island will be auctioned. Killua is the 21st to disembark. He has served as the deuteragonist for the series, having said role in the Heavens Arena, Greed Island, and Chimera Ant arcs. His opponent reveals a birdcage and three floating hands,[178] He checks for traps with Gyo and concludes that Shoot is a Manipulator. Wing arrives moments later to rebuke him as well, and Killua lies about how long it will take for Gon's injuries to heal. She starts by having them run to Masadora in three hours and back in two and a half, both trips leaving Gon winded. [90] When he phones the Spiders again, Kurapika uses Killua to verify if all the members are present. [6], He rushes back to where he last saw Gon and Palm, and, when he cannot find them, runs to the hotel. They refuse to hand over their cards and flee to make the Bomber(s) use up their movement spells until they manage to lead them in the desired location. [218] By his own admission, however, his electric aura is not very potent and he runs out of it rather quickly. Killua then drifts to Limeiro so Gon and Biscuit can fly there too. He authorizes them to fight on their last available day, which for Killua is June 9th. [54] Far more remarkably, he held the ball for Gon three times when the latter punched it with Rock, and, despite the feat being compared to forming the barrel of a cannon with one's naked hands, he used no aura to protect them,[138][139][140] although he suffered grievous injuries which he was unable to recover from in nearly a month. He switches with Gon, criticizing him when he bumps his head on the ceiling while jumping too high. The skateboard is also briefly seen at the beginning of Hunter Hunter: The Last Mission. At Killua's suggestion, the two butlers set up eight blimps. This impeded him as a Hunter, as Biscuit stated more than once that victory is never certain, and that depending on the circumstances, a person has the potential to defeat a stronger opponent. From there he could either use it directly to shock his opponents or contain it within himself to provide various support. [12] Killua is declared the winner. As his friend stands next to a decapitated Neferpitou, Killua is horrified fathoming the price Gon will have to pay for that power-up. [4] Thanks to Biscuit's training he has honed his skills in at least two Nen types other than his own, namely Enhancement and Conjuration. When the final throw, which should pierce his forehead, comes, Killua converts his aura into electricity to enhance his reactions and manages to block it. [201] They all convene to charge in from the exit connected to the central stairway. He concludes theirs is an intra-family mission, where each Zoldyck tries to accomplish their goal provided they do not kill each other; and that Alluka, whom Silva defined as not being family, is instead a viable target for assassination. Killua is challenged by Gon multiple times, winning every contest, and approves of Tsezguerra. [235], Disappearing above the clouds, Killua advances towards Swardani City. Nanika makes a request of Tsubone, who, after giving it her pinky fingernail, goes into hiding, preventing it from asking favors of anyone else and thus, potentially, from healing Gon, although Killua can still issue a command. [7] He had already mastered many killing techniques at a tender age and was set to be one of the best assassins the family had ever produced. [50], One month later, Killua and Gon reprise their training under Wing. He can be evolved from Killer (Lightspeed) using: Stats Overview Killer S+ "I won't forgive anyone who tries to hurt Alluka. IIRC, there was a scene where Killua absorbed some electricity from a switchboard after escaping from Youpi 2 [33] When he doesn't, Killua walks to him, but Imori jumps out of the bushes when his brothers Amori and Umori arrive. Before they leave, Biscuit begs them to let her join them. He can also drive cars[237] and airships. [140] Gon fires the most powerful throw yet, which Razor bumps back at him, only for Hisoka to redirect it once again. When Chrollo, Machi, and Shizuku stop to confront them, Killua arrives just in time to take Kurapika's place, and he and Gon hand themselves over to the Spiders. Before they listen to the tape, Killua recommends setting the stereo to record. RADIO. They greet her before casting "Accompany", which takes Gon and Killua to Kite in Kakin. [115] After one month of Shu and Ken training, she teaches them Ryu, the instantaneous redistribution of aura through Gyo for combat purposes, and has them hone it by sparring together. Silva has him promise that he will never betray his friends and lets him go. At the last moment, Killua realized that Illumi had implanted a needle in his brain. [93] On the way there, Pakunoda asks them why they don't run away from her, since she is injured, but Gon replies that they do not want Kurapika to become a murderer. [188] He apologizes for lashing out, confessing that he is on edge. As the Extermination Team members prepare themselves for the attack, Killua glances at Gon, vowing to make sure that no one will interfere with his battle thanks to his new ability, Godspeed. They find themselves surrounded by the Officers of Hagya's squad. In the hallway, he bumps into two other applicants, and, frustrated, tears them to shreds. As Illumi's voice echoes ominously in his mind, he rejects that conclusion and stands up, ready to fight. [189], Killua proceeds to take out Neferpitou's puppets and warn the people of East Gorteau that Mig Jol-ik has fallen. Troubled by the importance of the information, Killua protests against Kurapika's decision to share it with them and warns him that one of the surviving members has the ability to read memories. Ikalgo attempts to commit suicide by letting himself fall in the lake underneath, but Killua, moved by his loyalty to his comrades, saves him with a yo-yo and flings him to safety. I don't know. [206] Although he normally relies on logic, sometimes to a fault, he is capable of creative thought, which allowed him to devise the basics of Godspeed in the heat of combat. [162] Killua loses to Gon at rock-paper-scissors, so he goes second. He is reticent to tell Gon, but Neferpitou themselves states they are healing her. [180] On the way back to Doli City, Spinner tells them about the Small-billed Swans from her hometown. "Don't worry! Killua barely manages to save both of them when the segments reunite again and attempt to kill the girl. He awkwardly states he is not helping Kurapika because he wants to, prompting her to smile knowingly. [73], Killua spots Hisoka as soon as they enter, and they pretend not to know each other. After that, the tape begins rewinding itself and the stereo records over it. Killua is the best friend of Gon Freecss and one of the main characters in the Hunter x Hunter story. Despite his protests, Gon musters even more aura to deliver the final blow to the Chimera Ant. Killua asks him for help in improving his Nen, but Kurapika refuses to help them against the Troupe even when Killua offers information in exchange. He returns the question to Gon, who explains that his father is a Hunter and that he wants to follow in his footsteps. This ability was based on the immunity Killua had developed during a long childhood of electrical torture; both tend to kill their opponents in the most brutal ways and lack remorse when doing so; Hiei was ranked on first place for the most popular character in the. [220], Palm and Killua reunite with Ikalgo, announcing their intention to stay by Gon's side without interfering with him. Gon manages to distract Netero long enough for Killua to kick him in the back of the head, but Netero kicks the ball away before he can grab it. The field research is unsuccessful, but Podungo discovers the limb came from a man-sized Chimera Ant Queenan insect that devours other animals, and then gives birth to progeny that inherit the characteristics of the different species it has eaten. I just want to be a kid. Killua makes a jab at Gon for his coldness during the palace invasion, but declares himself satisfied with his apology. [44] Gon and Killua rush to the registration desk, where they do not respond to the clerk's enthusiasm about the prizes. Silva takes him to the room where Alluka is confined,[230] updating him on recent wishes and demanding that he repeat the rules to her power. His explanation, however, is incomprehensible to them. Killua thus pulls out one of his yo-yos. Killua puts a sleeping Alluka in the car and Amane drives them to the hospital. The clerk informs Killua that if he does not register by midnight, due to having failed to do so once before he will be barred from all further combat. As he leaves the arena, he eavesdrops on Zushi apologizing to Wing, who scolds him for using Ren before the 200th floor. They resolve to get stronger and write on the city's bulletin board that they accept the challenge. [168] Killua scouts Knuckle as he proclaims he is ready to fight with a megaphone, determining he is strong. Bracing for Razor's throw, Killua, Gon and Biscuit activate Ken. Killua gets another win after Gido forfeits and watches Gon's fight with Riehlvelt. [122] Killua is reluctant to use them in battle if he is unable to prevent the information from being leaked to other enemies, preferring to resort to his raw physical abilities and combat skills in order for his opponent to know as little about him as possible. [167], They encounter Knov's eerie student, Palm Siberia, who tells them they have one month to defeat Morel's two disciples Knuckle Bine and Shoot McMahon in battle. When Killua yells at the perpetrator to come out, a clerk turns the corner and informs them their eligibility expires at midnight. The last test consists of one big decision: choosing between a long path, which the whole group can take but requires 45 hours to clear, and a short one, which requires only three but which can be walked by only three out of the five examinees. He does not care for it over it butlers set up eight blimps speed of and! 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