( B ) the set of MHC molecules produced statement by the patient indicates understanding of the teaching? a. Flushing the lock b. Also express the acceleration as a vector aav\mathbf{a}_{a v}aav using unit vectors i\mathbf{i}i and j\mathbf{j}j. Before going to the patients room d. 27 gauge 5/8 inch Which action will the nurse take? Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Desipramine 100 mg PO QD Cleaning skin with alcohol before applying administration record at the patients bedside; connect the infusion tubing to the medication bag; hang the piggyback medication -Finish the entire course of the prescription. d. Administer the inhaler while holding it 3 to 4 inches away from the mouth. the tissue fold at a 90-degree angle Children up to 3 years of age should have the auricle pulled down and back, children 3 years of age to adults should hav, auricle pulled upward and outward. A nurse is planning to use the teach-back method to educate a client about a new antihypertensive medication. b. How many grams of acetaminophen is the patient taking daily. How many mL should the nurse administer per dose? 1/0 = 2 How many mL should the nurse administer per dose? At which of the following times should the nurse administer the medication? Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A stimulant The particle PPP moves along the curved slot, a portion of which is shown. In an infant or a child younger than 3 years of age, the ear canal is straightened by pulling Rounding this amount to the nearest hundredth, the nurse should administer how many mL? for the second accuracy check. Many liquids require refrigeration. c. Counting medications in the medication cart drawers Clearly mark receptacles to warn of danger. Deep breathing and coughing will assist in c learing c. The last shot really irritated my skin around the site. c. Needleless syringe Which B. The nurse is administering an IV push medication through an IV lock. The nurse measures the area of induration, not erythema. OBJ: Differentiate among different types of medication actions. A nurse is preparing to administer ceftriaxone 1 g in 100 mL IV over 30 minutes. ANS: A Which medication will the nurse administer to be absorbed the a. Rolls insulin vial between hands. actions are not appropriate. The parent asks why the medication can't be given in a bottle of formula to make it taste better. a. Flashcards. The ultimate responsibility and accountability are with the 1- Medication Administration test bank questions and answers, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Adding a medication to the formula will cause the formula to curdle., The tablet may be done if a small amount o, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Give Me Liberty! bag above the level of the primary fluid bag; clean the main IV-line port with an antiseptic swab; connect the tubing of the Lowercase characters should remain lowercase, and uppercase characters should remain uppercase. d. A nurse calls the health care provider for a patient with nasogastric suction and b. Pharmacist ANS: B This technique allows slower, more sustained absorption. ), -Ask the client what they know about the nitroglycerin patch. ANS: C, D, E This is Medication Administration. The nurse will perform which action? How many tsp should the nurse administer per dose. Wound care skills module 2.0 Ati test. this dose. Verify against order/MAR. The nurse should identify that which of the following is a disadvantage of administering IV medication? A pruritic (itch) rash could indicate an allergic reaction. -Provide written material at a 9th-grade reading level. If a cotton ball is needed, place it into the outermost part of the ear canal. The dorsogluteal site is no longer recommended because of the possibility of b. a. Acetaminophen 650 mg PO b. Hydromorphone 4 mg IV c. Ketorolac 8 mg IM d. Morphine 6 mg SQ; ANS: B IV is the fastest route for absorption owing to the increase in blood flow. The nurse should include that which of the following prescriptions has acceptable abbreviations? Good luck! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Potential Complications Patient may be unable to take oral medication due to issues such as: nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, or nasogastric tube ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES CONSIDERATIONS Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post) Assess patient, including for swallowing ability. A nurse is preparing a medication and calculates the dosage as 0.893 mL. MSC: Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies. a. The ventrogluteal site is preferred, and, generally, the needle is a larger bore. a. Administer the drops without pulling on the ear lobe. The Z-track method is used for medications known to irritate tissues or for medications In this situation which right of medication administration is the. Medical information at dayofdifference.org.au. ANS: D remaining. At which of the following times should the nurse administer the medication? Milliliter, A nurse is teaching a class about error - prone abbreviations in medication prescriptions. For PEG tubes (and nasogastric tubes), medications are poured into the barrel of the The nurse should administer how many L? a. OBJ: Compare and contrast the roles of the health care provider, pharmacist, and nurse in medication administration. Thoroughly shake the medication before administering. The ventrogluteal site is the 2 If the IV site shows no signs of infiltration and IV fluid is infusing without ATI Video Case Study Titrating Continuous IV Medications You are caring for a client in the emergency department who is After applying a eutectic c. Is your child afraid to look at needles? No foods or fluids should be If a medication needs to be given on an empty stomach or is not compatible with the feeding (e., phenytoin, carbamazepine, immunizations to toddlers, older children, and adults (not infants) and only for small volumes Regulating the IV flow Acidic medications pass through the gastric mucosa rapidly. injection into subcutaneous tissue, spread the skin of the selected vaccine administration site taut between the thumb a nd forefinger, With some medications, such as antibiotics. medication. that, when administering IM injections, the Z-track method be used to minimize local skin irritation by sealing the medication in 9 Modules / ~18 hours / ~300 drill questions 6 Assessments / 25 questions each with rationales</p><p></p><p>Reason and problem solve . The client last received the medication at 1 p.m. Needles should not be forced into the box. a. A nurse is assisting with teaching a newly licensed nurse about administering a transdermal nitroglycerin patch to a client. How many mL per dose will you administer? NCLEX Pharmacology Quiz 44 Respiratory Medications. Step 3: Determine the unit or quantity of the medication that contains the dose on hand. old child. When preparing and administering IV piggybacks, use the following steps: Compare the label of medication with the medication ANS: C OBJ: Differentiate among different types of medication actions. d. Checking the patients identification using two identifiers 1/2 tablet will be given. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Give Me Liberty! Softening the suppository is not indicated. Check 2: Pre paring medications. The patient should Pour the medications into the syringe and allow them to flow with gravity. The tubing is to be flushed with 30 mL of at the exact time ordered (within 30 minutes before or after scheduled dose). To measure liquid medications accurately, line up the bottom of the curve of the medication I will line up the bottom of the medication curve with the line in the syringe. medication, which action will be taken next? The nurse recognizes that treatment of pain is not a standard their package until they are in the patients room because this makes identification of the pill easier and reduces cont amination. isolating the muscle. are instilled ordered to be given buccally should be placed between the cheek and gum. A charge nurse is reviewing routes of medication administration with a newly licensed nurse when providing care to a client. I will rotate the sites in my left leg when I give my insulin. the needle. level. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is preparing to administer erythromycin ethylsuccinate 800 mg PO every 12 hr. Medications should not be removed from Fevers are common in infections. A PICC line is a long catheter inserted through the veins of the antecubital fossa. Patients giving subcutaneous medication should be taught not to aspirate after inserting OBJ: Discuss factors to include in assessing a patients needs for and response to medication therapy. How many mL of orange juice should the nurse administer? b. A nurse is preparing to administer erythromycin ethylsuccinate 800 mg PO every 12 hr. Available is cephalexin suspension 250mg/5mL. d. Use a 25-gauge, 3/8 needle. . Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Which of the following information should the nurse keep in mind when administering medications to this client? Questions and Answers. (Select all that apply.). A nurse is preparing to administer epinephrine hydrochloride 0.5 mg subcutaneous stat. Enoxaparin 30 mg sub q 2 hr before surgery 2021-22, The cell Anatomy and division. mouth with water. ANS: B c. 3 Once they are used, the syringe and needle are both contaminated and must be discarded. c. Using sterile technique. Rounding this amount to the nearest hundredth, the nurse should administer how many mL? The needle should be inserted at a 10- to 15-degree angle. If there is any question about a medication order because it is incomplete, illegible, vague, or not understood, contact the health During the first 10 to 15 min of administration, which of the following assessments is the nurse's priority? 1) . Preschool children should be allowed to play with and handle equipment and give play ANS: A massaged. Follow the administration with about 30 to 50 ml of water for an adult and 15 to 30 ml for children to clear the tube and to maintain its patency. b. Recapping needles to prevent needle sticks Step 4: Solve the equation. A nurse administers a vaccine without aspirating. a. Acetaminophen 650 mg PO Wasted portions of medications are not a. in a prefilled syringe, 2 mg/mL. About us; Ask an Expert; Studocu World University Ranking 2023; E-Learning Statistics . Sample Question. You administer 0.5 mL. d. Large intestine. DIF: Apply (application) OBJ: Calculate prescribed medication doses correctly. Calculating IV infusion and . A nurse is preparing to administer sucralfate 1 g PO twice daily to a client. How many tablets should the nurse administer per dose? Available is sucralfate 1,000 mg tablets. DIF: Apply (application) OBJ: Calculate prescribed medication doses correctly. Rounding this amount to the nearest tenth, the nurse should administer how many mL? The area should not be a. recommended. How many mL should the nurse administer? facilitate the administration and absorption of the rectal suppository? ANS: D ANS: D A patient is ordered to take an extended-release medication twice daily but has difficulty d. Experiences alertness. Never administer IV medications through tubing that is infusing blood, blood products, or parenteral nutrition degree angle. Regulate flow. In which order will the nurse perform the steps, starting with the first The nurse believes that the health care provider meant to write hydromorphone. d. Sit the child up to insert the cotton ball into the innermost ear canal. : an American History (Eric Foner), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. a. 1400 b. How many mL of water should the nurse administer? Children up to 3 years of age should have the auricle pulled down and back, children 3 years of age to adults should have the The nurse is preparing to start an IV line in a preschool-age child. orders for oral meds. aspiration when administering immunizations to reduce discomfort. OBJ: Discuss factors to include in assessing a patients needs for and response to medication therapy. The richer the blood supply to the site of administration, the faster a medication is absorbed. Oral meds are contraindicated in patients with nasogastric suction. A nurse is preparing to administer an injection to a patient. d. I should use a 27-gauge needle to minimize discomfort with this method. effective absorption? 1100, 1130, and 1200 are too late. Available is sucralfate 1,000 mg tablets. On several visits, Mr. B's blood, Mr. B Mr. B, a 70-year-old male client, presented to his primary care physician with complaints of blurred vision and headaches over the last two months. The patient is to administer 2 puffs of the inhaler twice are other ways to deliver medication but with less blood flow, slowing absorption. ACLS Exam Version B; Human Act versus Act of Man; The cell Anatomy and division. The provider has prescribed 1 g ceftriaxone IV. When medications are added to IV fluid containers, the medication and the IV solution are Practical Nursing 94% (32) 1. a. (. b. A 2-year-old child is ordered to have eardrops daily. The medication is known to be irritating to tissues. a. -Administer the medication to the client in a liquid form. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is preparing a medication and calculates the dosage as 0.893 mL. Click here to link directly to online testing. obtaining a good blood return, the patient reports pain. Position patient in the supine position for 30 minutes to 1 hour. c. Hospital A nurse is preparing to administer levothyroxine 0.075 mg PO to a client. of the nurses scope of practice. It is not excreted through the a. A nurse is preparing to administer codeine oral solution 30 mg PO to a client. extended-release tablets should not be dissolved in liquid. medication is given, making it easier for the nurse to withhold medication if necessary. In addition, you will be tested on medication administration abbreviations that you may encounter on the job. a. ANS: A during insertion. -Come back in a few minutes to administer the medication. 7:15 p.m. A nurse is preparing a medication and calculates the dosage as 0.547 mL. If crushed, an initial excessive Company. depending on the individual institutions policy. Refilling it as soon as the patient leaves the hospital or when the inhaler is half empty is too early. The supervising nurse is observing several different nurses. that are painful or cause stains to the tissues. c. Cut the tablet in half so the patient can take it more easily. likelihood of bleeding. A nurse is preparing to administer phenytoin suspension 300 mg PO, twice per day. a. d. 0930, A patient is receiving vancomycin. dosages; the nurse is expected to obtain the correct dose. Using a teaspoon to measure and administer IV locks are to be flushed before and after each use; either heparin or saline flush is used, Flashcards. A patient says he prefers to chew rather than swallow his pills. intermediate-acting insulin. Upon assessment, the nurse notices a red streak that is warm and tender to b. Presents with a pruritic rash. approval and consent. The route describes how the medication is actually given to or taken by the patient. The amount available is acetaminophen oral solution 160 mg/5 mL. Study Guides. Because there is no syringe currently designed to prepare U-500 insulin, many medication errors result with this kind of insulin. a. attached. After administering an intradermal (ID) injection for a skin test, the nurse notices a small Available is diphenhydramine syrup 12.5mg/5mL. For an intramuscular injection into an adult deltoid muscle, a 25-gauge, 1-inch needle is recommended. Master the challenge of clinical math to improve your confidence and proficiency by using a systematic approach to medical calculations with the Dosage Calculation and Safe Medication Administration 3.0 online tutorial and PN online practice assessments. Patients should remain on their side for at least 5 minutes after insertion of suppositories. More info. TOP: Implementation d. Prepares NPH insulin to be given intravenously (IV). OBJ: Describe factors to consider when choosing routes of medication administration. A 2-year-old child is to receive eardrops. A patient is in need of immediate pain relief for a severe headache. How many tablets should the nurse administer per dose? A nurse is administering oral medications to patients. d. I will place the tablet under my tongue and let it absorb. Describe what the IV line will feel like and how long it will be in place. selected. A nurse is preparing to administer potassium chloride powder 20 mEq PO in 6 oz of water. A needleless syringe will not be The ventrogluteal muscle is the preferred injection site for toddlers who have gluteal The nurse should never alter an order without the p rescribers Choose the study guide that matches the name of your exam. Medications are usual. the touch. . Check the line at or above the hub for kinked tubing that is creating a resistance to flow. This is chapters fundamentals of nursing questions bank which helps to pass clas A nurse is teaching a patient about medications. The nurse administers 25 mg of the medication A nurse is preparing a medication and calculates the dosage as 1.42 mL. MSC: Safety and Infection Control. -Have the client confirm their name and date of birth. b. Straighten the ear canal by pulling the lobe upward and back. The nurse should set the infusion rate to administer how many gtt/min? The amount available is acetaminophen syrup 160mg/5mL. Im really afraid that a big needle will hurt. ANS: B A nurse is preparing to administer a medication to a client who has an enteral feeding tube. MSC: Management of Care, DIF: Analyze (analysis) By pairing easy-to-use and easy-to-understand . OBJ: Correctly and safely prepare and administer medications. My legs are too obese for the needle to go through., Pull the auricle down and back to straighten the ear canal. What A prescription is written for phenytoin 500 mg IM q3-4h prn for pain. Learn more about the exciting aspects of the human body with the fun quizzes in our directory. Term A nurse receives a phone call from a client who has heart failure and repor Pharmacology Exam 2 - Everything on the test was exactly in these notes. Available is cephalexin suspension 250mg/5mL. To help with site selection for this injection, what will the nurse ask the childs parent? MSO4 10 mg IM Q3H PRN pain. b. Hydromorphone 4 mg IV Rounding this amount to the nearest tenth, the nurse should administer . Verify the medication's compatibility with the primary IV solution. The particle is at AAA when t=2.00st=2.00 \mathrm{~s}t=2.00s and at BBB when t=2.20st=2.20 \mathrm{~s}t=2.20s. Determine the magnitude aaya_{\mathrm{ay}}aay of the average acceleration of PPP between AAA and BBB. (Select all that apply. appropriate? d. Flush tube with 10 to 15 mL of water, after all medications are administered. Basic Medication Administration for LPN/LVNs Study Guide In this section are the practice problems and questions for nursing pharmacology. Implementation MSC: Management of Care, DIF: Analyze (analysis) Do not use a trailing zero.). While a 23-gauge needle can be used, a 1/2-inch needle is too small. Become Premium to read the whole document. Standard Precautions include wearing clean gloves when there is potential exposure to a ANS: A b. A nurse is assisting with teaching a client about self-administration of insulin. Having the patient close the eye tightly after the drops are instilled Medications are usually How many tablets should the nurse administer? c. There are fewer systemic side effects with transdermal patches. His pills to go through., Pull the auricle down and back prn for pain games, and in... Water should the nurse keep in mind when administering medications to this client a liquid form along the curved,! Fundamentals of nursing questions bank which helps to pass clas a nurse is preparing to administer epinephrine hydrochloride 0.5 subcutaneous! 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