Have you seen a puma or bobcat in your neighborhood? While Betty had plenty of evidence to support a mountain lion population, the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection still lists the mountain lion as extinct under the Endangered Species Act. TPWD Confirmed Mountain Lions. Its quite an uphill challenge for us to manage that situation right now. Black panthers, which are not found in the U.S., are actually black jaguars or leopards. In 2011, genetic testing confirmed that a mountain lion originated in South Dakota and traveled more than 1,500 miles before being struck by a car on the Merritt Parkway, according to Reuters. Eastern cougars (mountain lions) do not have a native, self sustaining population in New York State. According to the Smithsonians National Zoo, bobcats are part of the lynx genus, which means they are related to other cats like the Canadian lynx, Iberian lynx and Eurasian lynx. Betty, who has had a dozen personal sightings in Rhode Island, studies mountain lion evidence and attends national conventions. Sue Morse, the founder and science director of Keeping Track, a Vermont-based organization dedicated to protecting wildlife habitats, has studied mountain lions over her career as a naturalist, and says the majority of cougar sightings in the Northeast are misidentifications. I always hold out the possibility of a sighting to be genuine, but at the same time, over decades of experience, we know that the vast majority are misidentifications and a small number are actually hoaxes, he says. Native: Yes. Well also go over what types of wild cats can be found in Connecticut. On the idea of bear hunting in Connecticut. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. The current editor of the publication, which is based in New Hampshire, explains why the job is worth sticking around. Okay, if thats what you say, what can I tell you. The map from that publication is shown below, with the current mountain lion range in green and confirmed mountain lion locations as black dots. You really couldnt ask for a better place for mountain lions.. Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Cassano Being Honored For Contributions To Manchester Children, Sandwich Giant Again Pledging Sales Proceeds To Major Charity In March, Snow Day For Schools, Parking Ban Issued In Manchester, Book Release Event: Bad Hair Day on Planet Earth, a memoir by Barbara Ruzansky, Jazz Series: Luke Hendon & Jack Soref - An Evening of Gypsy Jazz, The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time, Brady Sullivan Properties Supports Elliot Emergency Department, Public Access TV Show Focuses On Non-Profits And Community Heroes, Pairings Released For CIAC Boys Basketball State Tournaments, 4 Students Injured In 2 Collisions On UConn's Horsebarn Hill. 2 Last 5 Years. It was a flooded area. ', 'Saturday Night Live' skit with Woody Harrelson takes place at Naval Submarine Base New London, Bo Hickey, former New Canaan hockey, football coach and NFL player, has died. That maybe, just maybe, what my wife and others saw wasnt a bobcat that seemed bigger in the thrill of the moment, but a real, honest-to-goodness mountain lion, a long-lost ghost of the forest. His mentor, Aldo Leopold, a prominent wildlife biologist, also believed this, but felt if people learned about these populations, they would be hunted to extinction. Although common at the time of European settlement, the last known historical specimen in Missouri was killed in the Bootheel area in 1927. Two mountain lion sightings have been confirmed in Tennessee. It is the only confirmed presence of a cougar in recent years. However, because they are capable of traveling great distances, they have turned up in all parts of North Dakota. Possible mountain lion sightings reported in Woodbridge, Mountain lion sightings reported in Woodbridge. This article appeared in theNovember 2019issue ofConnecticut Magazine. 'Bo was a legend', Los Charros Cantina closes in Essex, will relocate to Branford, Elizabeth's Cafe in Madison to be razed for new restaurant, housing, CT fathers coaching daughters in girls basketball navigate life lessons at home and on the court, 5 CT companies hiring for 100 or more positions, The Best Window Replacement Companies in CT, Guide to Legal Cannabis Dispensaries in CT, The Best Kitchen Remodeling Companies in CT, The Best Bathroom Remodeling Companies in CT, recent mountain lion sightings in Connecticut have not been confirmed, Video of fatal police shooting of CT man will not be released yet, Cannabis activists want more CT criminal cases dropped, expunged, CT DOT faces criticism following overnight tree-cutting, Haar: $1M in payouts approved, and CT still has a garbage crisis. Its extremely rare for a person to see a wild animal and to underestimate its size. The gate of a bobcat can often make it look like it has a long tail. 1 Last 365 Days. Mountain lions are also great jumpers and swimmers. Yet we see nothing about what is being planned except how to scare them away if one sees them. A harvest is kind of twofold. Betty recommended that anyone who encounters a cougar should make themselves large, raise their hands and yell. They certainly have, you know, lower levels of conflicts and home entries than we do here in Connecticut. As a
Betty, however, said that the sheer number of sightings and evidence substantiates a native population of cougars. She still produces shows with Colin and the team when her schedule allows. Fight back. Most mountain lion sightings are reported without any evidence other than eyewitness descriptions. And he said, This is where the mountain lion crossed. We walked in and there were fresh bobcat tracks in there. Mountain Lions in the State of Texas In Texas, it's always open season on mountain lions. NHPR is nonprofit and independent. Roadkills can be reported to 860-424-3011. A young male was hit and killed by a car several years ago, but. If you follow local news outlets and local social media pages, youll notice a common theme when it comes to wildlife sightings people often mistake one type of animal for another. The map below includes both confirmed and unverified puma sightings in the larger San Francisco Bay region (and beyond) since 2004. Thats only a fraction of the supposed sightings. Speaker Bill Betty presented evidence and proposed theories that could prove that Connecticut, including, is home to a native population of Eastern mountain lions. Those are the two closest populations that we have here. I couldnt tell you how happy I would be if mountain lions were actually recolonizing the state of Connecticut, Hawley says, but its just not happening., Hawley spoke about bobcats, mountain lions and bears on The Colin McEnroe Show: Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators.. She adds, I think its because a lot of people are fascinated by wild cats; they are the embodiment of the wild.. But Bachelder stresses he knows what he saw. It is also the most common wild cat found in North America. And were one of the most densely populated states as far as humans. According to wildlife biologist Jason Hawley, the lack of evidence of mountain lions in Connecticut is the evidence. In 1991 mountain lion tracks were found . The history of this theory in Connecticut and New England goes back long before our current era of fake news. Bobcats: They are are the only wild cat found in the state and the most common in North America. For mountain lions in Connecticut, a lack of evidence is very good evidence. Arms over your head, with a jacket or sweatshirt. The Division also collects carcasses of road-killed bobcats as part of the study. DEEP says Connecticut does not have a mountain lion population. He published his first book in 1959, 2023 Hearst Media Services Connecticut, LLC, In the 1950s, the 'Mad Dog murders' terrorized Connecticut, Connecticut Magazine: Best restaurants for dessert for 2023, Connecticut Magazine: CT's best brunch spots for 2023, Meet rising hip-hop star and CT native Felly, Connecticut Magazine: Best vegetarian, vegan restaurants for 2023, Save money by electrifying your homes systems, Stratford's Allan Dias and his brush with rock 'n' roll fame, Review: Hachiroku in New Haven is a slice of Japanese heaven, Geno Auriemma gives bleak assessment as UConn womens basketball looks to find footing in March: 'Poorly coached team. Adult males can be around 8 feet in length and weigh between 130 and 150 pounds, while adult females can be 7 feet long and weigh between 65 and 90 pounds. On June 11, 2011, in Milford, CT, a mountain lion was killed by a motor vehicle. To learn more about "lion country" in Colorado check here. In general, the audience members seemed to agree with Bettys views. We know that the closest established breeding population is in either the Everglades of Florida theres a small population down there and then out in South Dakota and Nebraska. A month after the cat was struck and killed, researchers confirmed it had traveled more than 1,500 miles from the Black Hills of South Dakota. Betty later showed maps covered with dots, each of which represented sightings of mountain lions in Connecticut and the rest of New England. The Canada Lynxs geographic territory in New England only extends as far south as northern New Hampshire and parts of Maine, though. Your support makes this news available to everyone. Jan. 6, 2016 Updated: Jan. 6, . My wife is not a wildlife expert, but is not prone to flights of fancy. And Im assuming whatever were doing right now, its not working. What to know about unconfirmed mountain lion sightings in CT. Nicole Funaro was formerly a statewide trending reporter for Hearst Connecticut Media Group, covering everything from the most fascinating properties for sale in the Nutmeg State to the latest movie filming in the state. Give it space to turn around without feeling threatened to get away from you and your family. Hawley says that they would be finding carcasses of mountain lion prey and mountain lion tracks if these animals had recolonized the state, and this simply isnt happening. Watch Live at 7:00 PM: The U.S. and the Holocaust, a film by Ken Burns | Screening & Panel Discussion . It used to be that a bear would go into a house when someone wasnt home. Theres also the lack of visual evidence, more glaring each passing year as so many hikers and hunters now carry phones with cameras. Icould hear the panic in my wifes voice. On another large animal that is most definitely here: bears. A 140-pound male mountain lion was hit by a car and killed in 2011 in Milford, Connecticut. Mountain Lions can be found in Orange County throughout the Santa Ana Mountain Range down to the foothills and canyons directly connected to them. There are no mountain lions in Connecticut, so why do we keep seeing them? Theyll say, Hey, you can see in the picture that it has a long tail, and when I look at the picture, I say, I see how you would see that because they way these cats walk, theyll kind of stand and trail their rear leg. McEnroe: Scientifically, this is a case where absence of evidence is kind of evidence of absence, right? There was a sighting near the Brunswick School on June 5. While other states have their Bigfoot and sea monster sightings, in Connecticut, and throughout much of the Northeast, we see mountain lions even when were told such sightings are unlikely, if not outright impossible. Wait a minute--there was a sighting in New London County a few years back, and my wife read an article about a mountain lion or cougar being struck by a vehicle in Milford a few years back. While he might feel like that well known movie character who was doubted at first, Bachelder is confident it was a cougar. Here are the Winter Storm Anthony snowfall totals so far, Melting Pot restaurant in Darien closes down. Betty displayed several maps of Maine and New Hampshire, demonstrating the trend. of Energy & Environmental Protection. Im watching it, its big, its got the body, and the thing that really gave it away was the tail, had that mountain lion long tail that goes down to the ground and comes up at the end, saw that and was like, thats a freaking mountain lion.. I've damn near run over the things. (UPDATE, JANUARY 19, 2022) The Great Falls Police Department said on Wednesday morning that the mountain lion that has been lurking around town for the last . He also quoted the work of geneticist Melanie Culver, who has proven that all North American puma species are genetically virtually identical. However, that doesnt mean that mountain lion sightings are all false or that there havent been roaming cats sighted. These sightings have not been confirmed as true mountain lion sightings. The sightings havent been confirmed by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), and there are no videos or photos. Posted on Published: November 4, 2022- Last updated: December 28, 2022. Despite frequent claims, there has only been one confirmed mountain lion sighting since the late 1800s here. An adult male bobcat can reach four feet in length and 35 to 40 pounds. In yet another variant, DEEP is said to be helicoptering mountain lions in to help control the deer population. There are an estimated 3,000 - 7,000 Mountain lions in Colorado. A 140-pound male mountain lion was hit by a car and killed in 2011 in Milford, Connecticut. Are There a Lot of Spiders in Connecticut? By, March 2023 Fund Drive Rules and Regulations, Persons with disabilities who need assistance accessing NHPR's FCC public files, please contact us at publicfile@nhpr.org. We even had a sighting someone here at DEEP, in my office, was convinced they saw a mountain lion. Do Not Approach! Hawley, a wildlife biologist with the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, says data dont support a breeding population of mountain lions in Connecticut. He has also reported for the Marketplace Morning Report. I agreeI am a person with very good knowledge of animals and know the distinct differences between closely related species in some cases In cities, smaller towns, and even sparsely inhabited areas, there is simply not enough large prey for mountain lions to survive on. The U.S. Department of Agricultures Forest Service reports that mountain lions typical habitat is steep, rocky canyons or mountainous terrain, but they generally can be found wherever deer are present. They reside in all eight counties, however, they exist in greatest number in the northwestern corner of the state. Patrick's reporting has appeared on NPR's Morning Edition, Here & Now, and All Things Considered. Copyright 2023 The Connecticut Explorer | Wisteria on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, Connecticut Explorer Home Find Things to do in CT. Initially, officials believed it had been released from a private handler. By, Corporate Support: Advertising & Sponsorship, Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators., Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators, New Haven's mayor lays out new budget proposal, Hartford Public Library expands services at branches while downtown location remains closed, Connecticut COVID data: Your town's infection rate, hospitalizations & vaccinations, Israeli army kills Palestinian in West Bank; 3 arrested following shooting of CT man, Democrats hold three CT House seats in special elections, As new research suggests COVID-19 is now endemic, physicians push back, Long COVID rates fall by half nationwide, New England rates among lowest, Long COVID researchers in CT to get part of $10 million in federal funding, For the first time in decades, The Old Farmer's Almanac is looking for a new editor, NSC-131 members say they can't find a NH defense lawyer for pending civil rights case, Proposal to rename the Thames River sparks debate among Connecticut tribes. Sometimes referred to as the ghosts of the forest, mountain lions or cougars are stealthy hunters that are hard to spot, even in areas they are known to inhabit. Working in the 1980s in southern California, where there are cougars, biologist Paul Beier said that 95 percent of cougar sightings they investigated turned out to be misidentifications. Then in June 2011, there were reports of a mountain lion in Greenwich and, for the first time, a photo. But it also sort of instills that fear, a healthy fear of humans and bears. to scare it off. Police have a warning after there were multiple mountain lion sightings reported in Woodbridge. Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators., Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators, For the first time in decades, The Old Farmer's Almanac is looking for a new editor, NSC-131 members say they can't find a NH defense lawyer for pending civil rights case, Cautiously optimistic: Maple syrup producers expect a good season this year, In Spokane, Washington, officials test a housing strategy rejected by NH lawmakers. A threat to livestock, they were hunted out of the state and driven to parts more wild. One on Salem Rd and another in the area of Pease Rd in our town. These tips include carrying safety equipment and walking . Im no wilderness expert, but it sure looked like a mountain lion to me, he said. You know, weve had so many home entries this year. Not long after, what was believed to be the same mountain lion was struck and killed on Route 15 in Milford. I have a fence in the backyard, it was above the bottom rail, so its back was probably this big, this long, the tail, said John Bachelder. Females are typically smaller. When it comes out that there are mountain lions in Connecticut where all these people who denied them apologize to the people who know they saw them? About 80 people gathered at Tolland High School Thursday night to take in a mountain lion lecture sponsored byConserving Tolland. Another important difference: bobcats are found in Connecticut while mountain lions are not. Over a period of a year and a half, this mountain lion left DNA evidence in at least four states. The journey is chronicled in the 2016 book, Abbott, of the Housatonic Valley Association, is equally skeptical of the vast majority of mountain lion sightings. Following the recent death of a mountain lion in Milford, and several reported. She didnt claim to see the mountain lions long tail, but optical illusions can lead people to think theyve seen a tail. However, the captive lion theory was also wrong. If a young male Cougar disperses East, instead of West, they're going to keep walking because they're going tokeep looking for an area where they can find a mate, he said. Live Now All times eastern. Uscinski, a Connecticut native, adds that the theory that the government is covering up the existence of mountain lions is likely motivated by a distrust of authority. And the last confirmed sighting prior to the 2011 instance would be a couple hundred years ago, according to Hawley. We know that the closest established breeding population is in either the Everglades of Florida theres a small population down there and then out in South Dakota and Nebraska. Mountain lions, however, arent seen much in the Nutmeg State, even though several have reportedly been spotted around the Woodbridge area this month. Inevitably, the New England states will acknowledge that they have some mountain lions.. Mountain lions also have tails that can grow up to 3 feet. 4. The mountain lion is believed to have had an encounter with a family on their lawn. It also doesnt mean there wont be more sightings in the future, as these animals have been known to reclaim areas their species once roamed. Since cougars are the second largest cat in North America and a natural predator, they can pose a threat. Jason Hawley says his office gets lots of calls about mountain lions each year. It lowers the population in a way thats not going to affect the long-term population. Mountain Lions: cougars, pumas, panthers and catamounts. In 2011, in the affluent suburbs of Connecticut, there were several reported sightings of a mountain lion, and much pooh-poohing from authorities, until a sport utility vehicle struck and killed . A fourth cougar sighting in recent days was reported near the New Canaan border Thursday, according to Animal Control officer Allyson Halm. A mountain lion is a wild cat ranging from two to three feet tall, with females weighing up to 120lbs and males up to 200lbs, making it the fourth largest cat in the world. So is the second largest extant cat in North America still managing to eke out a living in the . The state says no, theyre extinct, that cant be. WOODBRIDGE Police are offering tips after they said there have been several mountain lion sightings in town. You know, weve had so many home entries this year. 'Bo was a legend', Los Charros Cantina closes in Essex, will relocate to Branford, Elizabeth's Cafe in Madison to be razed for new restaurant, housing, CT fathers coaching daughters in girls basketball navigate life lessons at home and on the court, 5 CT companies hiring for 100 or more positions, Celebrity gossip and sightings in and around CT, February 2023, John Mayer to appear on Impractical Jokers Thursday, Stamford's Alive At Five concert series announces 2023 dates, Dionne Warwick, '80 for Brady producer bring music review to CT. Habitat. There is a big difference between Tuesday when none of us saw a moose in our region and then Thursday we did, Morse says. This is the mountain lion that was hit by a car in Milford after several sightings in the Greenwich area. Once at dusk driving in the Berkshires, he saw what he initially thought was a cat-like creature that was far bigger than a bobcat leap across the road. 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