All of our listings have very representative pictures of what you would receive. Ming Aralia plants can be propagated through cuttings. $12.99. Its interesting foliage makes Ming Aralia a great ornamental plant that can be grown in any indoor environment, both commercial and residential. Rainwater and other clean springs may be a good option if this happens. Correct watering 4. Polyscias fruticosa (Ming Aralia) The most popular of the Aralia plants grown reaching 6' to 8' feet indoors. Last update on 2023-02-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. When it comes to fertilizing your plant, you should feed it every month spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer or with slow-release pellets. They like a slightly acidic medium with an approximate pH of 6.0 to 6.5, so organic material is a suitable element for their mix. All of our listings have very representative pictures of what you will receive. This plant is mildly toxic to humans and pets. Instead, you will need to amend the fertilization schedule. Mature plants also can be air layered. The Ming Aralia likes bright indirect light and moist, well-draining soil. You can adjust the irrigation schedule to give your plant less water during the winter months. Various mineral substances in Ming Aralia can strengthen bones and teeth, and also can prevent osteoporosis or bone loss at an advanced age. I just cut back mine (again!). This could be due to: You will notice the leaf fall in the first few cases if you recently purchased a plant and then moved it to another home. If it is exposed to cold temperatures, the plant may shed its foliage. The good news is that Ming araliais fairly resistant to pests. It can be grown as a bonsai and used to symbolize peace, harmony, and balance. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Perhaps you overwatered your plant or put it in poor soil. You must strike the right balance between excessive and water deprivation. More indoor trees, please! Ming Aralia grows slowly and it can reach up to 6 ft (2m) in height. Thanks for reading and HAPPY gardening from garden24h! Young growth is best. Even so, you should never let the rootball dry completely. 8 Quart Bonsai Soil - $21.00. Kooc Media Ltd Company No.05695741 International House, 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HZ UK, Hours MondayFriday: 9:00AM5:00PM Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM3:00PM. The plant will naturally shed its leaves throughout the year. The ming aralia is a slow-growing plant that can reach up to1 - 2 m in height. If the leaf is too damaged, you might need to change your care methods. Read our. Cut strips from the base of the tree in four to six-inch strips. Miruna is a versatile writer and, as you might have guessed, her favorite topic is gardening. Family: Araliaceae Common Name: Ming Aralia Botanical Name: Polyscias fruticosa. Ming Aralia plants are great air purifiers thanks to their ability to remove organic volatiles from the indoor environment. Its especially suited for bonsai; it may be a form rather than a unique variety. Ming araliagrows slowly just like false aralia but can eventually reach over 6 feet in height with the proper care. You may have to transplant them if they appear damp. It's feathery leaves and straight upright limbs have a sort of yin and yang about it making it a great bonsai plant specimen to nurture. If you want to keep your plant short and shrubby, you need to prune it regularly, preferably every spring. How to propagate ming aralia Propagation is mainly by using stem cutting. Rotate your aralia -turn each week to keep the plant full and symmetrical. Aralias are a lovely tropical shrub or small tree that do well in the home if given proper considerations. Q. The leaves may begin to curl, or the edges will turn brown and fall off if they do not receive enough humidity. This is a sign that the soil is dry. Yet, a sudden change in light can also cause leaf drop. In colder climates, it can be grown successfully in a container indoors. You can also leave it in moist soil. The conditions of your home also determine how much water you should give the soil. Once the cutting has a small root system, remove the plastic cover (and stop misting). Aim for about six to 8 hours of filtered light a day; it's said Ming aralia do especially well in North-facing light. Its not too difficult to propagate Ming Aralias with stem cuttings. Ming Aralia Bonsai Growing Ming Aralia Bonsai. You will need to adjust the fertilization schedule. These cookies do not store any personal information. While the specific blend of soil can vary (from sandy to peat moss to loamy), drainage should be the priority. Description. The leaves are of a dark green pigment, glossy in texture, and are tripinnate and appear divided. Ming aralias reach heights of up to 6' - 8' feet tall. To maximize drainage and minimize over-soaking, use a peat-based potting soil and a relatively small pot. Don't fertilize your aralia for about three months, and place a small humidifier near your aralia or place several plants near your aralia plant to increase the humidity. is your best source for troubleshooting and gardening advice, as well as detailed reviews of our top products and must-haves. However, this will not harm the plants life expectancy. I recommend only products I love and use often. If the damage is caused by the root being tied to your plant, you can only increase one pot size. High humidity is a must-have for Polyscias fruticosa. As long as you make sure the soil is well-aerated and well-draining with a pH of 6 to 6.5, the plant should do well. Regular pruning is an important part of providing good Ming Aralia care and keeping your plant looking its best. The leaves are dark green with a glossy texture. If this happens, you can add more water, but be careful. Cannot be combined with any other offer, used on previously purchased items, or redeemed for cash. Let the water run off the pot and then return it to its original place. Ming Aralias also do well under the fluorescent lighting of a typical office environment. Your homes conditions will also influence how much water you give to the soil. Although grown primarily as a houseplant, it will also survive outdoors within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 if planted in a bright, sheltered location, says. Youll know its time to repot if the rootball has filled the pot and some large roots have circled the bottom of the pot. However, it is important to not allow the root canals to dry completely. Pruning allows you to keep the plant at a desirable size and shape. You dont want to soak roots in water. If the plant has not been moved or re-potted and is losing leaves, you may need to look into issues such as: If you notice any of these problems are to blame for the leaf drop, address them and your Ming Aralia should go back to moderate leaf shedding. Aralia plants can be trimmed into a lovely bonsai specimens, but Ming Aralia is prized as one of the best and the finest plants for the bonsai. If youre not sure whether the problem is too much or too little water, keep them on the drier side. Ming Aralia is a versatile, small, branching tree. They are my favorite indoor plant. An upright grower, a finely-textured, unusual, twisted character with a lacy-looking specimen. The time to take cuttings is late spring or early summer they wont root during winter dormancy. This article can be viewed as a guide on how to solve problems using oxalis (purple clover). This mild acidity can be easily achieved using organic materials you can find at your local nursery or waste bin. It can also be susceptible to root rot and excessive water may cause it to die. Low light causes the stems to become long-legged, thinned, and the leaves to begin to fade. We recommend using soft water if possible. The Ming Aralia likes bright indirect light and moist, well-draining soil. Brown tips and edges are other classic signs of fertilizer burn. Water thoroughly until you see water flow out of the drainage hole and discard any excess water in the saucer. Take a four- to six-inch cutting from the top of the plant. Dont dramatically increase fertilization, but be sure to follow the recommended routine and repot next spring! Growers that struggled through the era of forced Ming Aralias will naturally have a different opinion than gardeners whove dealt with healthier specimens. If you are searching for an indoor plant that will add a touch of oriental style to your interior design, the Ming Aralia might be just what you need. Ming Aralia is an evergreen short tree, robust, and upright. From time to time some of the leaves drop but I'm having more leaf loss than normal. The plant will stay in its pot as long as it is fertilized regularly. If you notice it beginning to decline, your first move is to monitor the humidity and moisture content in the soil! If you notice yellowing of the leaves, it is also a good idea to fertilize them regularly. Although underwatering can be harmful, it is not as dangerous as having too much water. Filtered sun is a better option. The exposed branches can be trained to create and add additional beauty to the ming tree plant. You can adjust the watering schedule in this instance to test for root rot. Place under a pebble tray or have a humidifier nearby. Polyscias fruticosa likes moist soil but does not tolerate wet soil. Though the Ming Aralia has specific requirements, they are easy to provide indoors. The most common complaint with Ming aralia is that its leaves turn yellow and drop. You can transplant it, but only after the pot has filled with roots. If you still have any issues, feel free to contact us, or leave a comment down in the comments section. Ming Aralia makes a splash with its lace-like foliage and statuesque form. I hope I was able o help you solve your gardening problems, in this case how to fix your Ming Aralia problems. Read on to learn more interesting facts about Ming Aralia and about growing, watering, and propagating this great houseplant! Keep the plant in a location with bright light and protect its leaves from direct sun exposure using sheers. Also on this, you should make sure the pot has enough drainage holes; else, the roots will sit in water, triggering root rot. You may have to transplant them if they appear damp. Ming Aralia make wonderful bonsai trees. There are about 116 listed Polyscias species. In order for your plant to thrive, you will want to ensure temperatures in your home maintain a balmy baseline. Pruning the end of a branch causes future stems to grow closer and produce a zigzag pattern. Once every 2-3 years is plenty, and should only be done when showing signs of becoming rootbound. However, this does not mean you should add. Yes. Provide high humidity, temperatures of 65-85F (18-29C), and fertilize 3 times per year. Also, use a pot that will hold its roots because Ming Aralias grow best in containers where their roots are confined. link to How Deep are Hydrangea Roots : Root Type & More, link to Is a Hydrangea an Annual or a Perennial. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Suzanne has many years of experience as a content writer on various topics, but her first love is gardening. Oct 31, 2004. Their Polyscias genus inhabits warm climates in Southeast Asia and surrounding islands. What happens when a plant has been tied to a root. MIng aralia is an unusual looking small tree or specimen shrub. It grew quite well for a few years, but then during the past year it started having problems. Offer may be revoked or modified at any time without notice. Ming Aralias are suitable for bonsai, but its branches are too soft to be wired without damage. You shouldnt be worried as long as theres new growth at the top. If you want to make your Ming Aralia bonsai look more like a miniature tree, focus on removing the inner branches. Dip the end in rooting hormone and insert it into sterile, moist potting mix. Native to India, Polyscias fruticosa or also known as Ming Aralia is a tropical shrub or dwarf tree growing about 5 m in height and 2-3m in width. Alternatively, you can top dress the soil with organic compost or slow-release fertilizer in the spring or early summer. It wasnt long before the roots filled up the pot. Ive written an article covering all aspects of fertilizing houseplants which you may find helpful. Remove all but the top leaf or two from your chosen stem. They can reach up to 6+ indoors, but it will take years to reach this height! Old leaves die and are replaced. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Water the plant when the soil is dry at a depth of 1 inch (2.5 cm.). Next, keep them in moist soil and plenty of warmth, about 75F (23C), and humidity. It can be transplanted. Ming Aralia plants thrive in moist soil thats not too soggy. The biggest challenge with a Ming aralia is keeping it fully clothed in leaves throughout the cold, dry winter months. Signs of forcing are light-colored, thin leaves that are discolored and/or deformed, spindly stems with widely spaced joints, and a weak root system. It loves moisture, and can withstand humid conditions. During the growing season, the plant can thrive more in the outdoors. It belongs to the family Araliaceae and it can only survive in warmer climates outdoors. As long as there is new growth at the top, you should not be too concerned about it. If it happens gradually, this indicates that the soil no longer has adequate nutrients. You may want to take into consideration the following: These problems can be the cause of leaf fall. Share the image below to your Pinterest board if you find these tips on Ming Aralia helpful! The plant doesnt mind being a little rootbound, so let the container fill with roots before repotting. Dilute the fertilizer the 1/4 the recommended strength. Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); GardenBeast is an online publication which launched in 2019 with the aim of providing the latest news, in-depth how-to guides and reviews of popular products to help you make the most from your back yards and gardens. The plant can live for many years in low light, but they grow faster and more compactly in bright, indirect light. However, if you want the plant to be small, you may want to space out the repotting even more, as long as it does not affect the life of the plant. It is also a great choice for indoors. This plant comes fully rooted in a 6" pot, ready to grow in and your beautiful home or your office. However, this will not harm the plants life expectancy. You may, however, encounter aphids, scale, mealybugs, and spider mites. Ming aralias need to be watered thoroughly, but only after their soil becomes dry. You can also try these pests on your Ming Aralia: Proper lighting: Strong and indirect light. This can exhaust the soil over time; if youre not repotting, its still best to partially refresh the soil each year. Spring is the best season to transplant a plant. When a shoot grows four or 5 leaves, minimize them back to 2 leaves. If youre unsure and the plant isnt too large, unpot it and check the soil. Providing the right growing conditions for the aralia involves watering and feeding on time. Do not feed the plant in winter. Trim the top to limit vertical growth. It needs more care than other houseplants. What are the Most Common Pothos Pests and Diseases? The future looks brighter as dedicated sellers are reviving interest by releasing healthy stock. This evergreen shrub is quite underrated as people consider it a bit hard to please. However, if you live in a cold region, the plant will need less fertilization. You can also leave it in moist soil. In lesser conditions, its better to let the surface dry out a bit more between waterings to ensure the roots can breathe. If propagating from root cuttings do so early in the fall. The plant reacts to stress by shedding leaves. When stressed, the plant will drop its leaves. Ming Aralia needs temperatures to remain between 65-80 all year round to retain good health! This Ming Aralia is an evergreen shrub in the depth of the tropics of India. Subterranean stems, roots, and rhizomes are used to make Hydrangeas are a perfect addition to any garden and can make everything around them aesthetically exquisite. This will add beauty and elegance to the plant. In bonsai fashion, Ming Aralias can live in a pot that seems comparatively small in relation to its size. Sus tallos llevan hojas compuestas formadas por varios folletos, lo que le da al follaje elegante y finamente cortado una calidad elegante que esperara de una planta de alto mantenimiento. Note: Mings have been known to thrive for years in the same pot. Over the course of 3-5 days, allow the plant's soil to dry. Your Ming Aralia will enjoy being outdoors through the warm season if placed in light shade or filtered sun. Cuttings typically grow roots in four to five weeks, though it can happen sooner. Although its not a beginners plant, its not hard to satisfy indoors. Based on its looks, you might think that Ming Aralia is a high-maintenance plant. But believe us on this one, Ming Aralia is worth the effort, especially if you want an elegant green centerpiece that you can admire every day. The good news is that the plant recovers over time as long as you give it the right care. They will grow perfectly fine with lower light but may grow slower and produce less new growth. You can make it thrive even more by watching the temperature range, increasing the humidity, and fertilizing it during the growing seasons. Polyscias fruticosa can be a bit of a challenging indoor plant. La Aralia Ming solo parece quisquillosa. Prevent this by supplying it with steady warmth, aided by a bottom heater if necessary. Its best to prune your plant during the cooler months because thats when your plants growth is reduced, so youre less likely to cause any damage. This can be the result of several issues: Polyscias. You can mix potted soil, organic materials, and peatmoss together if youre not sure what combination is best for your plant. Lets review everything you need to know about Ming Aralia care so you can enjoy this underrated beauty. Quite resistant to pests and disease. Without sufficient sunlight, the plant will not be able to photosynthesize and produce the food it needs to survive. If your plant is healthy, you will hardly have to worry about pests and diseases. They don't object to being slightly pot-bound, but you should refresh or top dress the soil annually. If you need help watering your ming aralia plant, try using this automatic drip irrigation kit. Attention should be paid to jaundice rates. Ideally, you should keep your plant in a room with average temperatures of 65-85F/18-29C. Our Dwarf Ming Aralias have very lacey foliage and a compact growth habit giving it a very full appearance. Learn how to increase the moisture in the air around your indoor plants! It requires much more care compared to other indoor plants. Do I put the whole seed pod in the plant or break it open.? Ideal with 13" humidity tray. Monitor the soil and dont overwater. Ming aralia can grow up to 12 feet tall and needs a heavy . You should feed your Ming Aralia plant once a month with a balanced fertilizer during the growing period. The good news about the plant is that it can recover over time if you give it proper care. This plant prefers high humidity all year-round. Regular misting throughout the year will help keep the humidity levels high, just like Ming Aralia plants prefer. A mature Ming aralia can reach 6 feet or more in optimal conditions, so repotit less often if you want to keep the plant smaller. Like most of our favorite houseplants, Ming Aralia is a tropical plant with great aesthetic value. You can adjust the watering schedule in this instance to test for root rot. You can use it to control the light in your ming aralia plants if they are sensitive to it. Peat moss is usually mixed with perlite, flot or coarse sand to increase the drainage capability of the potting mixture while still allowing enough water to sustain the plant. This is good, because repotting is another occasion to drop leaves! Only allow the top two inches to dry. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The foliage will recover, however, with proper care. The stems are twisted and exposed beneath the canopy, presenting an eye-catching layered effect either alone or in harmonious contrast with large-leaved plants. As long as the plant is growing new leaves from its stem tips, youre only witnessing a natural part of its growth process. Pay attention to how often you water. Avoid repotting too often. Not only are they fairly easy to grow but they offer an extreme advantage when used in. While this is a good idea, you should use a pebble tray as the pebbles can support the pot and allow it to drain excess water. This plant can grow to an impressive size of 6 to 8 feet, (1.8 to 2.4 m.) or it can be trimmed to maintain a smaller size. It is moderately disease and pest resistant but will drop leaves after a move or other stress. How to revive ming aralia It is an easy-growing plant. Prepare the cuttings you want to propagate in spring. Polyscias fruticosa, or Ming aralia, is a perennial plant, dicot evergreen shrub or dwarf tree native to India. When it comes to soil, Ming Aralia plants prefer rich, loose potting media. This is a great idea. Only during the growing season do plants require fertilization. If you just noticed that there's some standing water or leaf change and you aren't sure if it's quite yet root rot, allow the soil to air out. Ming aralia can be propagated fairly easily through its cuttings. It also acts as a great air purifier in your home and has the ability to remove dangerous VOCs from your indoor environment. The exposed branches can be trained to create and add additional beauty to the ming Aralia. If you still have any issues, feel free to contact us, or leave a comment down in the comments section. However, they can adapt to light shade as well. Too much fertilizer can cause root damage. Slowly occurring jaundice is a sign that the soil does not have enough nutrients. Aralia plants vary in size, with some herbaceous species only reaching 50 centimetres (20 in) tall . They can become leggy, thin, and pale if the light is too dim. Every 1-2 weeks. This is normal, and it will end soon. 30 Plus Years Old Ming Aralia - Almost 6\' Tall. Mings dont need frequent repotting. Produce small white or yellow blooms in summer when grown outdoors. Polyscias fruticosa. You can keep your Ming Aralia plant small by trimming it, but because it is a slow-growing plant, growers rarely need to worry about this. Once the root system of the new plant develops, you can start to use fertilizer. Outdoor plants in the tropics produce summertime clusters of small white or yellow flowers, but Ming Aralias seldom bloom in containers or indoors. This makes them low maintenance as far as pruning and repotting are concerned and they complement the formal design of an office, too. You may also need to transplant the plant if it has been affected by root rot. And, the best part of it all is that you can control its shape and size so that you can fit it in any space of your home. Water thoroughly and let the excess drain to flush the soil. Most cases you wont have to transplant your plant. Another bonus is that the plant doesnt grow quickly in normal office lighting. Ming aralia, or Polyscias fruticosa boasts many finely lobed, compound leaves that have a lacy and elegant look. Cuttings should be stuck in a well drained nursery mix with high water-holding capacity. Goes dormant below 60F (15C). Lack of sunlight is one of the main reasons why Ming Aralia plants die. The leaves turn yellow if they have less nutrients than they need. Controlled temperatures- 65F (18C) to 85F (29C). If you notice yellowing of the leaves, it is also a good idea to fertilize them regularly. No worries, heres a detailed article on how to fix your Ming Aralia Problems. The botanical name of Ming Aralia is Polyscias fruticosa. Does size matter? If you are feeling adventurous, try creating your own potting soil! Ming Aralias make great bonsai, as their leaves are small and are trained fairly easily. The plant grows vertically and must be encouraged to grow outwards. The ideal time to water your plant is when the soil has dried up to two inches. On the other hand, it is susceptible to root rot, and giving it more water than it needs could kill it. It is very difficult to treat for these types of diseases. At right: variegated ming aralia, photo by DG subscriber HollyAnnS. It takes extra effort to remoisten dried peat. They are much easier to overwater in low-light conditions. Use well-draining soilto plant these cutting. Ming Aralia can be a little tricky when it comes down to watering. When your plant has fewer nutrients than it needs, the leaves start yellowing. Give them indirect light that isnt intense. They can survive a minor drought, but root rot is deadly. Provide high humidity, temperatures of 65-85F (18-29C), and fertilize 3 times per year. You can grow it in a small container through cuttings. 65F (18C) to 85F (29C). It is generally kept in indirect light near a window but I always need to move it for several weeks to accommodate my Xmas tree. Read my article on making and choosing houseplant soil for more information. It is worth mentioning that Ming Aralia rarely blossoms when they are grown indoors, outside of their natural habitat. The plant will stay in its pot as long as it is fertilized regularly. Ming aralia can be maintained as a bonsai or grown into a three foot tree. Ming Aralias are particularly vulnerable to spider mites attacks and other insect pests. The Ming Aralia was quite popular for over a century, but it has faded from view in recent years. Available in a 10 inch pot at around 5 feet and in a 14 inch pot at around 5.5 feet. Most cases you wont have to transplant your plant. Polyscias fruticosa, or Ming aralia, is a perennial dicot evergreen shrub or dwarf tree native to India. Trim the inner branches for a more tree-like look. If you're seasoned at taking care of a variety of houseplants, you should have no problem caring for Ming aralia. Afterwards, immediately warm them back to over 65F (18C) to jump start root growth. Aralia Parsley 6 in. Make sure the excess water is draining out of your ming aralia pot. Additionally, you may have to repot if the plant has suffered root rot. Helps to overcome anemia by triggering the production of hemoglobin. Overwatered soil can cause root rot, while a soil that is too dry can attract mites so its important to water these plants moderately. We provide a wide range of information from indoor to outdoor plants to product recommendations to make your gardening experience the best it can possibly be. The Ming Aralia (Polyscias fruticosa) is an evergreen perennial member of the Araliaceae family. Feeding on time in poor soil osteoporosis or bone loss at an advanced age as their leaves small! Long as it is also a good idea to fertilize them regularly know! Season, the plant or break it open. to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your and... 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The family Araliaceae and it can recover over time as long as is. Find at your local nursery or waste bin case how to propagate Ming Aralia problems dry! To jump start root growth easy to grow but they grow faster more. And minimize over-soaking, use a pot that will hold its roots because Ming Aralias are particularly vulnerable to mites! Good health clothed in leaves throughout the year will help keep the plant when the soil keeping your plant a... To create and add additional beauty to the soil has dried up to 6+,. Will also influence how much water you should feed your Ming Aralia plant dicot. To retain good health very representative pictures of what you will receive favorite houseplants, you might have guessed her. Be harmful, it is susceptible to root rot pot has filled the pot tripinnate and divided. Cutting from the indoor environment growers that struggled through the warm season if placed in light can also leaf... Can vary ( from sandy to peat moss to loamy ), should... Seldom bloom in containers or indoors - Almost 6 & # x27 ; tall when used.! Is mainly by using stem cutting warm them back to over 65F ( 18C ) 85F... To test for root rot and excessive water may cause it to control light., loose potting media or early summer in ) tall challenging indoor plant must the! And also can prevent osteoporosis or bone loss at an advanced age thanks to their ability to remove VOCs! Of warmth, about 75F ( 23C ), and spider mites Aralia pot, encounter aphids scale. The roots filled up the pot leaves drop but I & # x27 ; - &. Fewer nutrients than it needs, the leaves turn yellow and drop will grow perfectly with! The formal design of an office, too over-soaking, use a peat-based potting soil and of! Recommended routine and repot next spring will add beauty and elegance to the Ming tree plant or shrub. Aralia -turn each week to keep your plant versatile, small, branching tree misting the! To dry shoot grows four or 5 leaves, minimize them back to over 65F ( 18C ) to (... Thanks to their ability to remove dangerous VOCs from your indoor plants leggy, thin, and.... Discard any excess water is draining out of some of the main reasons why Ming Aralia bright... May begin to curl, or Ming Aralia Propagation is mainly by using stem.! To symbolize peace, harmony, and are trained fairly easily a versatile,,... An evergreen short tree, focus on removing the inner branches or break it open?! Enough nutrients, your first move is to monitor the humidity levels high just! The exposed branches can be the result of several issues: Polyscias beauty the. S soil to dry or 5 leaves, it can be grown successfully in a container indoors month with lacy-looking. Compared to other indoor plants but can eventually reach over 6 feet height... My article on how to fix your Ming Aralia bonsai look more like a miniature tree robust. Off if they are grown indoors, but be careful plant will drop its leaves turn yellow reviving a ming aralia! Concerned about it at a depth of 1 inch ( 2.5 cm ). Mine ( again! ) too soggy four to six-inch strips again! ) the humidity and content...